Fluids and Thermal Engineering Research Group


LI, ZHAOZONG, XU, ZEYUAN, ZHANG, FENGYU, GERADA, DAVID, GUO, RONG, ZHANG, HENGLIANG, CORFIELD, MARTIN, GERADA, CHRIS and ZHANG, CHENGNING, 2023. Analytical Calculation and Experimental Validation of Litz Wires Axial Thermal Conductivity IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification. 1-1

DENG, L., LI, Y., XIN, Z., CHEN, Z., ZHOU, W., MAMUN, A. A. and LI, B., 2023. Thermal study of the natural air cooling using roll bond flat heat pipe as plate fin under multi-heat source condition: International Journal of Thermal Sciences International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 183,

LAYTON, J., ROTHWELL, B. C., AMBROSE, S., EASTWICK, C., MEDINA, H. and REBELO, N., 2023. A New Thermal Elasto-Hydrodynamic Lubrication Solver Implementation in OpenFOAM: Lubricants Lubricants. 11(7),

OZTURK, S., BOWLER, A., RADY, A. and WATSON, N. J., 2023. Near-infrared spectroscopy and machine learning for classification of food powders during a continuous process: Journal of Food Engineering Journal of Food Engineering. 341,

BOWLER, A., OZTURK, S., DI BARI, V., GLOVER, Z. J. and WATSON, N. J., 2023. Machine learning and domain adaptation to monitor yoghurt fermentation using ultrasonic measurements: Food Control Food Control. 147,

BISTEROV, I., ABAYZEED, S., SPEIDEL, A., MAGNINI, M., ZUBAYR, M. and CLARE, A. T., 2023. Adapting ‘tool’ size using flow focusing: A new technique for electrochemical jet machining: Journal of Materials Processing Technology Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 311,

EL MELLAS, I., MUNICCHI, F., ICARDI, M. and MAGNINI, M., 2023. Dynamics of long bubbles propagating through cylindrical micro-pin fin arrays: International Journal of Multiphase Flow International Journal of Multiphase Flow. 163,

DE CARVALHO, T. P., HARGREAVES, D. M., MORVAN, H. P. and KLINGSPORN, M., 2023. Modelling of Droplet Capture in an Open-Cell Metal Foam at the Pore and Macroscopic Scales: Transport in Porous Media Transport in Porous Media.

LI, L., WU, J., THOM, N., HARGREAVES, D., AIREY, G., ZHU, J., ABED, A., RAHMAN, M. and ZHANG, Z., 2023. 2D Mesoscale cracking simulation of partially saturated asphalt based on moisture diffusion and a cohesive zone model: International Journal of Pavement Engineering International Journal of Pavement Engineering. 24(1),

KIM, J., CHOI, K., LACAGNINA, G., PARUCHURI, C., JOSEPH, P., HASHEMINEJAD, S. M.,, CHOI, K.-S., LACAGNINA, G., PARUCHURI, C., JOSEPH, P., HASHEMINEJAD, S. M., CHONG, T. P., SHAHAB, M. F., OMIDYEGANEH. M. and PINELLI, A., 2022. Aerodynamic and aeroacoustic optimisation of leading- edge undulation of a NACA 65(12)-10 aerofoil AIAA J. 60(4), 2342-2353

ZHANG, WENQIANG, SHAHMARDI, ARMIN, CHOI, KWING-SO, TAMMISOLA, OUTI, BRANDT, LUCA and MAO, XUERUI, 2022. A phase-field method for three-phase flows with icing JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS. 458, 111104

YANG, DEYU, BAO, RUI, CLARE, ADAM T., CHOI, KWING-SO and HOU, XIANGHUI, 2022. Hydrophobically/oleophilically guarded powder metallurgical structures and liquid impregnation for ice mitigation CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL. 446, 137115

LEI DONG, KWING-SO CHOI, XUERUI MAO and YAXING WANG, 2022. Development and interaction of vortices over a very low aspect-ratio wing under pitch-up motion Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 943, A42
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Fluids and Thermal Engineering Research Group

Faculty of Engineering
The University of Nottingham
Nottingham, NG7 2RD
