The Byron Study Centre - Events
Archive of Centre's Events
The last Annual Byron Foundation Lecture was “The Age of Wonder and Beyond” by Richard Holmes OBE. It was delivered on Thursday 15th of May 2014 in the Senate Chamber
of the Trent Building, University Park.
There is an Archive of Foundation Lecture Series
Other Local Events
Byron at the Theatre (May 2007)
A one-and-a-half day conference was held by the English Department, Nottingham Trent University, the Newstead Byron Society, and the Midlands Romantic Seminar.
For details contact
Dr. Keri Davies
Dr. Peter Cochran
The Newstead Abbey regularly organises Byron-related events in the region, including the Annual Byron Festival in Hucknall. Information on this and other events can be found on the Events page of the International Byron Society.