Mental Health

EQUIP: Enhancing the quality of user involved care planning in mental health services

Project Duration

2012 - 2017                 





Project Staff

  • K. Lovell (Chief Investigator) 1
  • P. Callaghan (Principle Investigator) 2
  • O. Meade 2
  • A. Grundy 2

Staff Institutions

  1. The University of Manchester
  2. The University of Nottingham


The main purpose of this research is to develop a user/carer-led training package for mental health professionals to enhance user/carer involvement in their care planning. We will also develop a measure of user/carer involvement in care planning. We will then test the resulting training package, and explore how it affects service users and professionals in everyday practice.


Focus Groups with stakeholders (service-users, carers and mental health professionals) to identify what the training should consist of and how it should be delivered (Study 1).

Qualitative Interviews with stakeholders to determine the priorities and key components of 'quality' user/carer engagement and 'involvement' in care planning (Study 2).

Development and validation of a patient reported outcome measure (PROM) of user/carer involved care planning (Studies 3/4).

Evaluation of the efficacy and cost effectiveness of user/carer involved care planning through a cluster Randomised Controlled Trial and cross-sectional survey (Study 5).

Identifying the current organisational context of care planning within the Trusts through a mapping exercise and qualitative interviews (Study 6).

Qualitative evaluation nested within the trial, including interviews, observations and diary work (Study 7).

Stage of Development

We are now 22 months into the research programme and have completed studies 1, 2, 3 and 6.

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Contact for further information

Andrew Grundy




World-class research at the University of Nottingham

University Park
+44 (0) 115 951 5151

Athena Swan Silver Award