Optics and Photonics Research Group
NameTelephoneJob DescriptionContact
Hayes-Gill, Barrie0115 951 5547Professor of Electronic Systems and Medical DevicesEnvelope Icon
Korposh, Serhiy01157484701Professor in Photonics InstrumentationEnvelope Icon
Larkins, Eric0115 951 5534Head of the Photonic and Radio Frequency Engineering LaboratoryEnvelope Icon
Mather, Melissa01157487210Professor in Quantum Sensing and EngineeringEnvelope Icon
Morgan, Stephen0115 951 5570Professor of Biomedical EngineeringEnvelope Icon
Wright, Amanda01159515337ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Associate Professors
Gordon, George0115 74 87425Associate Professor and UKRI Future Leaders FellowEnvelope Icon
Smith, Richard(0115 84) 66708Associate Professor in Optical and Electronic EngineeringEnvelope Icon
Webb, Kevin0115 951 3233Associate Professor in Applied Optics and ElectrophysiologyEnvelope Icon
Assistant Professors
Abayzeed, Sidahmedn/aAssistant ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Christopher, Petern/aAssistant ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Correia, Ricardo+44 (0) 115 84 66654Assistant Professor in Optical Fibre SensingEnvelope Icon
Gomez, Davidn/aAssistant Professor in Optical Fibre Sensing for Healthcare and Medical DevicesEnvelope Icon
He, Chenyangn/aAssistant Professor in optical and photonic sensingEnvelope Icon
Kenney, Mitchell+44 115 74 86737Metasurfaces and Ultrathin OpticsEnvelope Icon
Other Academic
Somekh, Michaeln/aProfessor of PhotonicsEnvelope Icon
Wadsworth, Georgen/aPhD student in Optics and Photonics GroupEnvelope Icon
NameTelephoneJob DescriptionContact
Flinn, Bradleyn/aEnvelope Icon
Fuentes Dominguez, Rafael01159515605Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Hernandez Ledezma, Francisco Ulisesn/aResearch and Engagement Fellow. Quantum Sensing and EngineeringEnvelope Icon
La Cavera III, Saln/aNottingham Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Liu, Chongn/aResearch AssociateEnvelope Icon
Li, Wenqin/aSenior Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Perez-Cota, Fernando01159513971RAEng Research FellowEnvelope Icon
NameTelephoneJob DescriptionContact
Administrative Staff
Betts, Charlotten/aResearch AdministratorEnvelope Icon
Brookes, Claudian/aResearch AdministratorEnvelope Icon
Kingsley, Rachael0115 7484712AdministratorEnvelope Icon
NameTelephoneJob DescriptionContact
Technical Staff
Setchfield, Kerryext 13244Cell Culture TechnicianEnvelope Icon
NameTelephoneJob DescriptionContact
Postgraduate Students
Hardiman, Williamn/aPhD student in Optics and Photonics groupEnvelope Icon
Marrow, Paul0115 846 7892PhD StudentEnvelope Icon
Mustapha, Aishahn/aPhD studentEnvelope Icon
Regules Medel, Karenn/aPhD studentEnvelope Icon
Saoud, Yasminen/aPostgraduate StudentEnvelope Icon
NameTelephoneJob DescriptionContact


Abayzeed, Sidahmedn/aAssistant ProfessorEnvelope Icon


Betts, Charlotten/aResearch AdministratorEnvelope Icon
Brookes, Claudian/aResearch AdministratorEnvelope Icon


Christopher, Petern/aAssistant ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Correia, Ricardo+44 (0) 115 84 66654Assistant Professor in Optical Fibre SensingEnvelope Icon


Flinn, Bradleyn/aEnvelope Icon
Fuentes Dominguez, Rafael01159515605Research FellowEnvelope Icon


Gomez, Davidn/aAssistant Professor in Optical Fibre Sensing for Healthcare and Medical DevicesEnvelope Icon
Gordon, George0115 74 87425Associate Professor and UKRI Future Leaders FellowEnvelope Icon


Hardiman, Williamn/aPhD student in Optics and Photonics groupEnvelope Icon
Hayes-Gill, Barrie0115 951 5547Professor of Electronic Systems and Medical DevicesEnvelope Icon
He, Chenyangn/aAssistant Professor in optical and photonic sensingEnvelope Icon
Hernandez Ledezma, Francisco Ulisesn/aResearch and Engagement Fellow. Quantum Sensing and EngineeringEnvelope Icon


Kenney, Mitchell+44 115 74 86737Metasurfaces and Ultrathin OpticsEnvelope Icon
Kingsley, Rachael0115 7484712AdministratorEnvelope Icon
Korposh, Serhiy01157484701Professor in Photonics InstrumentationEnvelope Icon


La Cavera III, Saln/aNottingham Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Larkins, Eric0115 951 5534Head of the Photonic and Radio Frequency Engineering LaboratoryEnvelope Icon
Liu, Chongn/aResearch AssociateEnvelope Icon
Li, Wenqin/aSenior Research FellowEnvelope Icon


Marrow, Paul0115 846 7892PhD StudentEnvelope Icon
Mather, Melissa01157487210Professor in Quantum Sensing and EngineeringEnvelope Icon
Morgan, Stephen0115 951 5570Professor of Biomedical EngineeringEnvelope Icon
Mustapha, Aishahn/aPhD studentEnvelope Icon


Perez-Cota, Fernando01159513971RAEng Research FellowEnvelope Icon


Regules Medel, Karenn/aPhD studentEnvelope Icon


Saoud, Yasminen/aPostgraduate StudentEnvelope Icon
Setchfield, Kerryext 13244Cell Culture TechnicianEnvelope Icon
Smith, Richard(0115 84) 66708Associate Professor in Optical and Electronic EngineeringEnvelope Icon
Somekh, Michaeln/aProfessor of PhotonicsEnvelope Icon


Wadsworth, Georgen/aPhD student in Optics and Photonics GroupEnvelope Icon
Webb, Kevin0115 951 3233Associate Professor in Applied Optics and ElectrophysiologyEnvelope Icon
Wright, Amanda01159515337ProfessorEnvelope Icon

Optics and Photonics Research Group

Faculty of Engineering
The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0)115 95 15536
email: optics@nottingham.ac.uk