Orthopaedics and Trauma Group

Kim Edwards and Tim Coughlin win Lord Dearing Awards


We are pleased to announce that Dr Kim Edwards, course director of the MSc Applied Sport and Exercise Medicine and MSc Sport and Exercise Medicine, and Tim Coughlin, PhD student and Teaching Fellow in the Division of Rheumatology, Orthopaedics and Dermatology, have won Lord Dearing Awards for their contributions in creating a learning environment which is nurturing as well as challenging, creative and innovative.

"Leading by example, delivering, and encouraging others to deliver, creative and innovative teaching to maximise student learning and motivation is central to my Teaching and Learning ethos," Kim said. "I want my students to look back on their time with us and say 'I learnt a lot, I’m glad I did it.'"

Tim has enhanced the experience of medical students studying orthopaedics by implementing a variety of innovative teaching sessions and integrating digital tools. Feedback on his teaching is consistently excellent. He has also shared his teaching online and through an app, which is subscribed to by 22,500 students worldwide. For the digital course in feedback, 90% of students have rated it as 5/5 in terms of quality. It is consistently in the top 10 most subscribed online courses on the Apple iTunes U platform for ‘Health and Medicine’. Tim has also contributed to both admissions and examinations by sitting on the relevant committees.

The Lord Dearing Awards celebrate the world-class contribution made by a wide range of University staff who have enhanced the student learning experience. The Dearing Award has been running since 1999 and is overseen by the Teaching and Learning Board.


Posted on Thursday 22nd February 2018

Orthopaedics and Trauma Group

School of Medicine
The University of Nottingham
C Floor, West Block, Queen's Medical Centre
Nottingham, NG7 2UH

telephone: +44 (0) 115 823 1115