Respiratory Research

Serious asthma attacks reduced by temporary quadrupling of steroid inhaler, study finds


Serious asthma attacks in adults can be reduced by a temporary but significant increase in the dose of inhaled steroids during severe episodes of asthma, according to a new UK-wide study led by experts at the University of Nottingham. 

Previous research at the University has found that doubling the dose of inhaled steroids during worsening asthma did not prevent the frequency of serious attacks, so this new NIHR-funded clinical trial was set up to see if quadrupling the dose had a more beneficial effect. 

Asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases and affects around 300 million people worldwide. Acute episodes are frightening for patients, cause significant ill health, unnecessary deaths and also account for a large proportion of the overall costs of asthma to health services.

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Posted on Thursday 8th March 2018

Division of Respiratory Medicine, The School of Medicine

The University of Nottingham
Clinical Sciences Building
Nottingham City Hospital
Hucknall Road
Nottingham, NG7 2UH

telephone: +44 (0) 115 82 31317