
Inspiring Nottingham Research Fellows

Karen Robertson, Nottingham Research Fellow, Faculty of Engineering

Why a Nottingham Fellowship? 

I applied for a Fellowship as I wanted to be able to take the opportunity to establish myself as a research leader by dedicating time to build my research group and vision. 

Nottingham has a great reputation for research and teaching both in the UK and worldwide. My research is very cross-disciplinary, taking in aspects of engineering, chemistry, pharmacy and computer and social sciences. The structure at Nottingham removes the boundaries between different disciplines and actively brings together academics who are interested in broad ranging topics, making it easier to find and work with new cross-disciplinary partners.

What has the experience been like? 

So far, I have found the University to be a very open and supportive place. The community is very welcoming and there is plenty opportunity to get involved in discussions which are important right across the whole University.

The international view of the University is particularly important for me as I work with a range of collaborators across the globe and the University is very encouraging of this, including providing funding to support me in these collaborations.

 I have found the University to be a very open and supportive place

What challenges are you hoping to tackle? 

I am fascinated in how everything works. My ultimate aim is to deliver a platform which will be able to provide materials for any application, be it more efficient batteries, sustainable home or remote climate control or soundless and supportive ballet shoes.

I design and build equipment which can simultaneously make new materials and analyse how they are forming so that we can discover how to make the exact materials we want.

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