Exploring University Together is a collaborative event between the University of Nottingham and Nottingham Trent University.
Tailored to Year 10 pupils and their parents/carers, families are invited to join us to explore university facilities, learn more about the benefits of higher education and dispel the myths associated with student finance. These events offer information and advice, to ease concerns and increase support for young people considering their options. Parents and carers who have previously attended, said they felt more confident in supporting their young person in making future decisions about higher education.
The event will include a ‘student life’ session, where pupils and their parents/carers will be able to ask current students questions about their experiences of higher education, as well as an opportunity for families to discover more about university themselves during a tour of the campus. All visitors are invited to stay after the event to enjoy a free selection of buffet-style food. More information about the event can be found on Nottingham Trent University's website.
To register your interest for Exploring University Together 2025, please complete this form.
Please note that places are limited and will be prioritised across all schools to those who meet certain Widening Participation criteria. Further information regarding these criteria is detailed in the booking form.
In the meantime, to find out more, please email WPoutreach@Nottingham.ac.uk