What you need to do before you arrive


Complete and sign your code of conduct agreement

Complete and sign your code of conduct agreement.
You must sign this agreement before starting the course.

  • This document acts as a formal agreement on your behalf to demonstrate that you are aware of School of Veterinary Medicine and Science's protocol.
  • This should be signed no later than 31 August 2024

Complete the Welcome questionnaire

Your answers will provide your personal tutor with background information and we will also use some of the information for your student yearbook.

Complete the questionnaire



Submit your photo

Email a photo of yourself for the yearbook to our Student Experience Team.


Order your clothing

Instructions on how to order your clothing and other required items can be found in the Clothing Brochure.

  • A number of these are required to be bought from the Veterinary School for example, branded boiler suit, small animal tunic, dissection kit etc.
  • You can source other items elsewhere if you prefer, although we require you to refer to the Student Handbook for guidelines on colour and style.

Veterinary clothing brochure

Online store


Review the pre-arrival digital learning guide

Understand what we mean by digital learning and find out how you will be engaging with online learning activities during your studies.


Start my digital learning journey


Bringing your horse or pony?

If you would like to bring your horse or pony to Nottingham Veterinary School and wish to reserve a stable, please complete the form on our Livery page below.

Please remember stable reservations are on a first-come first-served basis.

For more information, please visit our Livery page.

Veterinary School livery information

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

Veterinary Medicine and Science

Visit our contact us page to find the most relevant contact details for your query