Complete and sign your code of conduct agreement.You must sign this agreement before starting the course.
Veterinary School code of conduct
Your answers will provide your personal tutor with background information and we will also use some of the information for your student yearbook.
Complete the questionnaire
Email a photo of yourself for the yearbook to our Student Experience Team.
Send my photo
Instructions on how to order your clothing and other required items can be found in the Clothing Brochure.
Veterinary clothing brochure
Online store
Start my digital learning journey
If you would like to bring your horse or pony to Nottingham Veterinary School and wish to reserve a stable, please complete the form on our Livery page below.
Please remember stable reservations are on a first-come first-served basis.
For more information, please visit our Livery page.
Veterinary School livery information
Veterinary Medicine and Science
Visit our contact us page to find the most relevant contact details for your query