At university, you are expected to be in control of how and when you do your work. In order that you are able to complete your course to the best of your ability and have a social life as well you need to be organised. You need to control your work rather than have it come to control you. Using some straight-forward techniques will allow you to manage yourself, manage your work and manage the way you work with other people.
People find many different ways to manage their own time. Here are some strategies you might like to experiment with as you develop your own approach.
It is important to follow plans once you have made them. Keep an eye on your milestones to check progress. If you know how well your work is going this will make you more confident.
We are all distracted by some things but using some simple techniques can help reduce the difficulties caused by distractions.
It is important to be honest with yourself about your progress. When things are going well you can be pleased. When things go less well avoid dwelling on the problem and revise your plans to take into account the difficulty.
Where possible be pro-active. When things are going well continue with the plan. When difficulties arise take action to mitigate their effects and revise your plans.
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