Rolls-Royce University Technology Centre (UTC) in Gas Turbine Transmission Systems

Welcome to the UTC in Gas Turbine Transmission Systems at the University of Nottingham.
Transmission components are key aspects of current and future aeroengine and distributed propulsion system designs, allowing power to be transferred from the location of generation to the point of use for propulsion.
The UTC works to develop new technologies and understanding to enable new designs, improve the efficiency and reduce the overall weight of aeroengine transmission systems.
Our work includes the study of key aeroengine components such as gears and gearboxes, bearings and bearing chambers, seals, shafts, and support structures.
While we continue to work on our website, please contact the following members of staff for queries and information who will be more than willing to help and assist you.
“In partnership with Rolls-Royce plc, the work we do at the UTC in understanding the fundamental behaviours of oil and air flow, materials and structures, and the dynamics of rotating components and systems allows us to develop modelling tools and approaches that enable the design and development of more efficient power transmission in propulsion systems for current and future aerospace platforms.”
Prof. Chris Bennett
Director of the UTC in Gas Turbine Transmission Systems
Project Manager - Dr Rebecca Shaw :
Research Adminstrator - Mr Adam Morgan :