Rolls-Royce University Technology Centre in Gas Turbine Transmission Systems
University of Nottingham
University of Nottingham

About us

The Rolls-Royce UTC in Gas Turbine Transmission Systems was established in 1997 and has a long and sustained relationship with Rolls-Royce. 

Our Transmissions UTC researchers work closely with senior engineers in Rolls-Royce on projects that impact directly on the development of new aeroengine technologies. Transmissions UTC projects extend across the range of TRL levels from fundamental research at TRL 1-3 through to engine representative component testing at TRL 5+.

Our Transmissions UTC is located primarily within the Mechanical and Aerospace Systems research group in the Faculty of Engineering, but has links with other research groups in the faculty. 

The Transmissions UTC is a multi-disciplinary group with world-leading expertise and facilities in:


A open plated rig

Machine Vibrations and Rotordynamics

A seal showing fluids under test

Experimental Investigations in Bearings, Seals, and Gear Windage

Fluid modelled in a drum

Multi-Phase Fluid Modelling

A graphic showing wear on materials

Experimental Characterisation and Modelling of Material Behaviour, Fatigue, and Wear

Electronic equipment and wiring

Electro-Mechanical Interactions

A series of cast iron weights

Aeroengine Structures and Components



University Technology Centre in Gas Turbine Transmission Systems

B14, Energy Technologies Building
Jubilee Campus
