School of Veterinary Medicine and Science
Microtome machine to take thin sections of tissue and stain it

Veterinary pathology service

We offer a range of pathology and biopsy services for companion, equine and production animals

Choose a service...

Female postgraduate student checking a dog's heartrate with supervisor

Companion animal and equine

Cows in the Dairy Centre, School of Biosciences, Sutton Bonington

Farm animal and poultry


Our team

Pathology Team Manager

  • Peter Graham, BVMS PhD CertVR SFHEA DipECVCP MRCVS

Veterinary Pathologists

  • Sai Fingerhood, DVM, DACVP, MRCVS
  • Marta Pereira, DVM, MSc WAH, MRCVS
  • Dr Carlo Bianco, DVM, PhD, MRCVS
  • Dr Samuel Hailes BA, VetMB, MRCVS
  • Michael Clark, MA, VetMB, MBA, FHEA, MRCVS

Veterinary Clinical Pathology

  • Lisa Morrow DipAppChemBiol, BMLSc, DVM, MSc (VetEpi), DLSHTM, MRCVS, FHEA
  • Marta Gruarin DVM, PhD, MRCVS

Veterinary Pathology Residents

  • Catherine Ennett, BVM, BVS, BVMedSci, MRCVS
  • Dr Shauna Hilton, BVetMed, MRCVS
  • Charlotte Cox BSc, MPhil, BVetMed MRCVS

Pathology Technicians

  • Beth Gascoyne BSc (Hons), MSc
  • Georgia Pickering, RVN, FdSc, BSc (Hons), AFHEA

Histology Technician

  • Emma Prichard, BSc


Get in touch

Please contact the relevant team to make your enquiry.

Pathology enquiries for companion animal and equine.

Email the companion and equine team

Pathology enquiries for farm animal and poultry.

Email the farm and poultry team


Veterinary pathology service

University of Nottingham
Sutton Bonington Campus
College Road
Sutton Bonington
Leicestershire LE12 5RA