CGS Research:
The SWIMA Project

SWIMA is a 2 year Project, started in September 2008 aimed at monitoring water quality in river catchment, and will lead to test bed sensor web development and field trials. CGS is taking a prominent role due to its expertise in associated geospatial theory and technologies.

What is an SWE node?
The project is built upon the OGC's Sensor Web Enablement framework (SWE). An SWE Node is a computing element with an IP address connected to the internet which understands the SWE protocols. This could be be a desktop PC, Laptop or portable computing device running appropriate software that allows to convert its internal sensor interface into the interoperable language of the sensor web.

• QinetiQ - Lead & System Integrators
• Comsine – small software development company
• Nottingham University – Centre for Geospatial Science
• YSI Hydrodata – water quality sensor vendor
• South West Water – Regional Water Company
• Environment Agency – Government organisation

The SWIMA Project aims to test the use of SWE Standards via a real application, i.e. monitoring water quality. Emphasis is on the management and control of a range of different types of sensor through a common user interface with the concepts and strategies developed being applicable to other types of environmental sensing, such as flooding.

For more details on this project, or CGS role in it, please contact Dr. Gobe Hobona or Prof. Mike Jackson.

Research Areas:
Geoinformatics & Data Modelling
Geospatial Intelligence
Interoperability & Standards
Location Based Services
Semantics & Reasoning

CGS Initiatives:
The Persistent Test Bed
Geospatial Learning Initiative
Reality Markup Project

Funded Projects:
Map Schematization
OS "Future Data"
Disaster Management
GIGAS Interoperability
The e-soter Platform
Eye Tracking