CGS Initiative:
The Geospatial Learning Initiative (GLI)

This project will create a ubiquitous, open source, cross-platform framework for geospatially-based educational experiences, while building a network of end-users across across departments at the University of Nottingham. The GLI will develop digital field trips and enquiry-based learning in the field, through delivery of learning content and services (e.g. learning objects, field data collection and visualisation).

The GLI Platform
GLI’s delivery framework, the gWeb, is a platform independent system that works with any internet-enabled GPS device (such as most modern mobile phones). Sensor data is packaged to the phone’s web browser, where this information can then be sent to a central server.

This server can then coordinate the learniing experience, with context-based multimedia content being returned to the device via AJAX. In this way, any browser-enabled platform will be able to receive applicable interactive content for an area.

Content Generation
But where does this content come from? The GLI will also develop authoring tools for the system, allowing any department to fire up the GLI website and overlay field trips and educational experiences online, using a CGS/google maps mash up. Vitally, no special software is required.

The GLI will turn the University of Nottingham campus into an interactive educational experience - whatever the subject one is interested in.

Augmented Reality Learning Environment
The GLI is aiming to push forward Augmented Reality educational technologies, and uses technology developed in both the Persistent Test Bed (PTB) and Reality Markup Platform (RAMP) projects.

GLI Members
Currently, members of the GLI include:
Centre for Geospatial Science (CGS)
Mixed Reality Laboratory (MRL)
Learning Sciences Research Institute (LSRI)

To learn more about the GLI please contact Dr. James Goulding.

Research Areas:
Geoinformatics & Data Modelling
Geospatial Intelligence
Interoperability & Standards
Location Based Services
Semantics & Reasoning

CGS Initiatives:
The Persistent Test Bed
Geospatial Learning Initiative
Reality Markup Project

Funded Projects:
Map Schematization
OS "Future Data"
Disaster Management
GIGAS Interoperability
The e-soter Platform
Eye Tracking