Dr. James Goulding

Research Fellow

Tel: 0115 84 66058
Fax: 0115 95 15249

James has a BA Economics (hons.), MSc IT (dist.) and PhD in Computer Science. He has worked as a lecturer and graduate trainer, directed an IT and Multimedia company, and is currently a Research Fellow at the University of Nottingham, Centre for Geospatial Science.

Current Project:
The D-Scent project is jointly funded by EPSRC and the Home Office, and will provide a proof of concept and system capability to show how deceptions can be identified and investigated in public settings using ’scent trails’ gathered from diverse data sources. A key element of this study is an exploration, within a location-based gaming context, of new ways of integrating geospatial, communications and behavioural data.

Research Interests:
Location Based Services, Data Theory, Information Retrieval, AI.

University Scholarship, School of CS&IT, University of Nottingham Office address.

Office Address:
C25, Sir Clive Granger Building,
University Park, University of Nottingham,
Nottingham NG7 2RD.

Academic Staff:
Prof. Mike Jackson
Dr. Suchith Anand
Dr. James Goulding
Dr. Gobe Hobona
Dr. Didier Leibovici
Dr. Lin Nan
Dr. Amir Pourabdollah
Dr. Kristin Stock
Dr. Jerry Swan

Dr. Bob Abrahart
Dr. Roy Bradshaw
Dr. Xiaolin Meng
Dr. Gary Priestnall
Dr. Sarah Sharples
Dr. Martin Smith
Dr. Tim Brailsford

Postgraduate Students:
Zaifa Ab Ghani
Saad Al Shehri
Shah Amerudin
Leo Borrett
Věra de Ligt
Jim Nixon
Hawani Idris
Brian Painter
Mathilde Pizzuto
Sergiusz Pawlowicz

Administrative Staff:
Mrs. Stella Fuller