School of Chemistry - Business Partnership Unit

Facilitating Impact and Knowledge Exchange 

Technician operating the X-Ray Diffraction machine

Mission Statement

The BPU provides innovation and impact support to the School of Chemistry. We strive to:

  • Identify and nurture impact opportunities from cutting edge research teams. 
  • Expand our engagement with local and regional companies to support the high growth cluster of chemistry using businesses.
  • Build on our expertise in public engagement and our Centre for Sustainable Chemistry.
  • Increase our interaction with policy makers to influence Government/Industrial strategy.
Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Caron Neutral Laboratory

Innovation Training

Business, knowledge transfer and entrepreneurial skills

Staff discussing research support

RKE Support

Support for research and knowledge exchange

Professor at a chemical plant for nanoparticle synthesis

Spin-out Companies

Companies formed by the School & the BPU


Find out more about our current and past Innovation Projects

Facilitating Impact

The flow diagram below outlines how BPU facilitates impact:Facilitating Impact


RKE support for the School of Chemistry Research Themes

A key objective of the BPU is to provide dedicated support to the Research Themes identifying funding opportunities and industry links, establishing a healthy pipeline of impact activity at various stages of maturity and delivering impacts at local, regional, national and international scale.

The School of Chemistry Research Themes are supported by the following BPU team members:

  • Chemical Biology: TBC

  • Materials: TBC

  • Molecular Bonding and Spectroscopy:  TBC

  • Synthesis and Catalysis: TBC 

Impact Audits

Our regular impact audits of research conducted in the School has, to-date, identified >60 impact opportunities in varying stages of development.

Leveraging input from industrial stakeholders, we ensure our research outputs are aligned to key societal and industry challenges.

Staff member in the lab


Contact the BPU

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Access a full Privacy Statement.

Business Partnership Unit

School of Chemistry
University Park Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 74 86268