Centre for Cancer Sciences

Hannah Noke

Associate Professor in Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Director of MSc Cross Disciplinary Entrepreneurship Programme, Staff Development Officer, Faculty of Social Sciences


Recent Publications

  • HOYTE, C, NOKE, H, MOSEY, S and MARLOW, S, 2019. From Venture idea to Venture Formation: The Role of Sensemaking, sensegiving and Sense Receiving International Small Business Journal. (In Press.)
  • MOSEY, S, NOKE, H and KIRKHAM, P, 2017. Building an Entrepreneurial Organisation Routledge.
  • NOKE, H and CHESNEY, T, 2014. Prior knowledge: the role of virtual worlds in venture creation Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development. 21(3), pp. 403-413
  • RADNOR, Z.J. and NOKE, H., 2013. Conceptualising and contextualising public sector operations management Production Planning & Control: The Management of Operations. 24(10-11), 867-876
  • HOYTE, C, NOKE, H, MOSEY, S and MARLOW, S, 2019. From Venture idea to Venture Formation: The Role of Sensemaking, sensegiving and Sense Receiving International Small Business Journal. (In Press.)
  • MOSEY, S, NOKE, H and KIRKHAM, P, 2017. Building an Entrepreneurial Organisation Routledge.
  • NOKE, H and CHESNEY, T, 2014. Prior knowledge: the role of virtual worlds in venture creation Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development. 21(3), pp. 403-413
  • RADNOR, Z.J. and NOKE, H., 2013. Conceptualising and contextualising public sector operations management Production Planning & Control: The Management of Operations. 24(10-11), 867-876
  • WRIGHT, M., MOSEY, S. and NOKE, H., 2012. Academic entrepreneurship and economic competitiveness: rethinking the role of entrepreneur Economics of Innovation and New Technology. 21(5-6), 429-444
  • MOSEY, S, NOKE, H and BINKS, M, 2012. The Development of Human and Social Capital by Nascent Academic Entrpreneurs Technology Analysis and Strategic Management. (In Press.)
  • MOSEY, S., NOKE, H. and BINKS, M., 2012. The influence of human and social capital upon the entrepreneurial intentions and destinations of academics Technology Analysis and Strategic Management. 24(9), 893-910
  • NOKE, H. and HUGHES, M., 2010. Climbing the value chain: strategies to create a new product development capability in mature SMEs International Journal of Operations and Production Management. 30(2), 132-154
  • NOKE, H. and RADNOR, Z., 2009. Creating a new product development capability: the organisational enablers for moving up the value chain International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management. 16(4), 319-342
  • NOKE, H., PERRONS, R. and HUGHES, M., 2008. Strategic Dalliances as an Enabler for Discontinuous Innovation in Slow Clockspeed Industries: Evidence from the Oil & Gas Industry R & D Management. 38(2), 129-139
  • NOKE, H and PERRON, R, 2008. Strategic Dalliances as an Enabler for Discontinuous Innovation in Slow Clock Speed Industries: Evidence from the Oil & Gas Industry R and D Management. 38(2), pp. 129-139
  • MOSEY, S., UCBASARAN, D., LOCKETT, A., NOKE, H. and VANAELST, I., 2007. The development of human and social capital by nascent academic entrepreneurs In: Babson College Entrepreneurship Conference, IESE Business School, University of Navarra, Madrid, 7-9 June.
  • NOKE, H., 2007. The role of the corporate entrepreneur in creating a product innovation capability within SMEs In: British Academy of Management Annual Conference, Warwick, 11-13 September.
  • JOHNSTON, A. and NOKE, H., 2007. Entrepreneurship: Applicability, Feasibility and Appropriateness in a Public Sector Context In: WUN (World University Network), Chicago, 4 October.
  • PHILLIPS, W., LAMMING, R., BESSANT, J. and NOKE, H., 2006. Discontinuous innovation and supply relationships: strategic dalliances R & D Management. 36(4), 451-461
  • NOKE, H., RADNOR, Z. and BESSANT, J., 2006. The Creation of a New Product Development Capability in Manufacturing Small and Medium Sized Enterprises In: British Academy of Management Annual Conference.
  • NOKE, H., RADNOR, Z. and BESSANT, J., 2006. Moving up hte Value Chain: Creating a New Product Development Capability in Small and Medium Sized Firms In: 13th European Operations Management Association (EUROMA) Conference.
  • PHILLIPS, W., NOKE, H., BESSANT, J. and LAMMING, R., 2006. Beyond the Steady State: Managing Discontinuous Product and Process Innovation INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATION MANAGEMENT. VOL 10(NUMB 2), 175-196
  • RADNOR, Z. J. and NOKE, H., 2006. Development of an Audit Tool for Product Innovation: The Innovation Compass INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATION MANAGEMENT. VOL 10(NUMB 1), 1-18
  • NOKE, H., BESSENT, J. and RADNOR, Z., 2005. Moving Up the Value Chain: The Transition Process for Manufacturing SME's to Create a NCP Capability In: CINET (Continuous Innovation Network).
  • NOKE, H., BESSANT, J. and RADNOR, Z., 2005. Moving Up the Value Chain: The Transition Process for Manufacturing SME's to Create a NPD Capability In: 12th European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Conference.
  • BESSANT, J., LAMMING, R., NOKE, H. and PHILLIPS, W., 2005. Managing innovation beyond the steady state TECHNOVATION. VOL 25(NUMBER 12), 1366-1376
  • LAMMING, R., PHILIPS, W., BESSANT, J. and NOKE, H., 2005. Flirting with New Partners CPO Agenda. Summer 2005, 23-26
  • BESSANT, J., NOKE, H. and LAMMING, H., 2005. Search Routines for Discontinuous Innovation In: 12th European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Conference.
  • RADNOR, Z., RICKARDS, T. and NOKE, H., 2004. Developing a Compass to Navigate the Innovation Journey. In: GHOBADIAN, A., O'REAGAN, N., GALLEAR, D. and VINEY, H., eds., Strategy and Performance: Achieving Competitive Advantage in the Global Market Place Palgrave Macmillan. 251-267
  • NOKE, H. and RADNOR, Z. J., 2004. Navigating innovation: a diagnostic tool supporting the process JOURNAL OF MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT. VOL 15(NUMBER 2), 172-183
  • PHILIPS, W., LAMMING, R,, BESSANT, J. and NOKE, H., 2004. Promiscuous Relationships: Discontinuous Innovation and the Role of Supply Networks In: 13th International Purchasing and Supply Education and Research Association Conference.
  • NOKE, H., 2003. The Relationship Between New Product Development and Organisational Survival In: Euroma PhD Seminar.
  • NOKE, H. and RADNOR, Z., 2003. New Product Development During Times of Survival: Innovative or Conservative Characteristics In: R & D Managment Conference.
  • NOKE, H. and RADNOR, Z.., 2003. New Product Development During Times of Survival:Characterising Organisational Behaviour In: 10th International Product Development Management Conference.
  • RADNOR, Z. and NOKE, H., 2003. Further Understanding of the New Product Development Process: Findings from the Innovation Management Programme (IMP) In: 10th International Product Development Management Conference.
  • NOKE, H., 2002. The Relationship between New Product Development and Organisational Survival In: Euroma PhD Seminar.
  • RADNOR, Z., RICKARDS, T. and NOKE, H., 2002. Assessing and Enhancing Innovative Design Using the Stage Gate Model
  • RADNOR, Z. J. and NOKE, H., 2002. Innovation Compass: A Self-audit Tool for the New Product Development Process CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION MANAGEMENT. VOL 11(PART 2), 122-132
  • RADNOR, Z., RICKARDS, T. and NOKE, H., 2002. Developing a Compass to Navigate the Innovation Journey In: British Academy of Management Conference.
  • NOKE, H., RADNOR, Z., RICKARDS, T and XU, Q., 2002. Finding the Right Direction: A Diagnostic Tool for use in NPD In: 9th International Product Development Management Conference (9th IPDMC).
  • NOKE, H., RADNOR, Z. RICKARDS, T. and XU, Q., 2001. Developing a Diagnostic Tool for the Innovation Process: Application of Case Results In: British Academy of Mangement Conference.
  • RICKARDS, T., RADNOR, Z., XU, Q. and NOKE, H., 2001. Assessing and Enhancing Innovative Design using the Stage Gate Model In: 8th International Product Developement Management Conference (8th IPDMC).

Centre for Cancer Sciences

The University of Nottingham
Centre for Biomolecular Sciences
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 823 1546
email: MS-CCS@nottingham.ac.uk