
The call for papers is now closed


Call for papers: The Society of Legal Scholars PhD Conference

 'Judging in the 21st Century'

8th September 2014

Hosted By: The School of Law, The University of Nottingham

The Society of Legal Scholars is pleased to announce its second PhD Student Conference, to run alongside the Society’s Annual Conference (9th-12th September 2014). The PhD Conference will be held at the University of Nottingham on 8th-9th September 2014. The student conference aims to allow PhD students a greater level of participation within the Society of Legal Scholars.

This PhD conference aims to provide a distinguished opportunity for researchers to present their work and receive feedback from academics and the audience participating in the Society’s Annual Conference.

Complementing the Society’s Annual Conference, the theme for this year’s PhD Conference is 'Judging in the 21st Century'.

Fourteen years into the 21st century, what does it mean to ‘judge’? What does it mean to be judged? And who is doing the judging?

Judges – whether in the international, regional or domestic sphere - are being asked to pronounce upon an ever-widening sphere of social activity and social actors. How do new technologies and new platforms for social interaction affect the processes of judging and the identity and contribution of participants therein?

How are our enduring images of the ‘the judge’ being shaped and reshaped by current shifts in how, why, and to what effect, the judicial forum is turned to? What are the challenges to judging presented by the exigencies of the 21st Century? And what are the opportunities? How do we (and should we) judge the judges?

This brief consideration of but a few issues is intended to inspire new and build upon existing scholarship. We are therefore inviting PhD students, from all disciplines of law (and justice) to submit papers that reflect a fresh engagement with the enterprise of judging. Research areas related to the theme of this conference could, for example, include (but are not limited to):

  • Intellectual Property Law
  • Human Rights Law
  • Public Procurement Law
  • Treaty Law, and
  • International Law and Security.

Abstracts of no more than 300 words should be submitted, alongside a brief resume, by call of business on the 28th of February 2014 using the online submission form. Successful applicants will be contacted at the beginning of April and will be required to submit their paper by the 30th June 2014.

Please note the call for papers is now closed.

The organisers will be pleased to answer any further queries. All emails should be directed to

We look forward to hearing from you,

The 2014 SLS PhD Conference Committee.

SLS PhD Conference

C/O School of Law, The University of Nottingham
University Park

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 5151