University of Nottingham

Horizon DTC (Doctoral Training Centre), based at the University of Nottingham are in the process of organising internship placements over the summer of 2010 for its first cohort of Doctoral Training Centre students. The students all with excellent academic backgrounds and many have prior industrial experience.

Brief profiles of the students can be seen at: and you can find out more about Horizon at

Companies can take on a student for between 10-14 weeks, over the summer, during which time the student would either work on a self-directed project of relevance to your organisation's needs or they would work on a pre-defined project that you had specified or worked-up with them prior to the internship. Understanding that companies often need to make such staffing decisions well in advance we are trying to arrange internships with participating organisations as early as possible. Please send any specific internship project ideas you might currently have or details of internship opportunities that might be relevant

or contact:

Dr David Kirk (Horizon DTC Internship Coordinator)
Lecturer of Human Computer Interaction
Mixed Reality Lab
School of Computer Science
University of Nottingham, UK


Email: Contact us