School of Life Sciences

Image of Jonathan Ball

Jonathan Ball

Professor of Molecular Virology, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences



I have temporarily replaced my biography with a request for research help.

We are currently recruiting healthy volunteers who have fully recovered from a laboratory confirmed diagnosis of COVID19 (novel coronavirus) infection to donate a small sample of blood for ongoing antibody studies. If you would like to take part in this study then please email me ( ensuring that the subject line contains the following phrase "COVID Antibody Study".

Expertise Summary

Our interests focus on antibody-based vaccine and/or therapeutic monoclonal antibody discovery for emerging virus infections such as Ebola, Lassa Fever, Nipah, SARS-related coronaviruses to name a few. Antibody discovery platforms being utilised include direct single cell cloning of human and/or bovine antibody repertoires. As part of this work, we also investigate the role of virus evolution in antibody escape and also its influence on cell and host tropism. Finally, we are applying high throughput DNA sequencing (metagenomics) for virus discovery, then using surrogate cell infection assays (especially lentivirus and retrovirus-based pseudovirus assays) to determine the host-range, and therefore zoonotic and epizootic potential (ie. species-jumps) of newly discovered viruses. IN collaboration with colleagues in the School fo Veterinary Medicine and Science, we apply this knowledge to animal viruses, such as Bluetongue virus.

Research Summary

We are particularly interested in understanding how genetic variability influences envelope glycoprotein structure and function, and defining the host antibody response to these proteins. Ultimately… read more

Selected Publications

Following my British Science Association media fellowship at the BBC, I have become an avid science communicator. Here are some of my online and radio pieces, and I am always looking for opportunities for more, so please get in touch!

Broadcast radio packages

1. Report on global warming and increased risk of exotic viral infections. BBC World Service Health Check. First broadcast on 19th September 2012 and repeated on 20th and 23rd September 2012.

2. Report on the science of viral zoonoses. BBC World Service Science in Action. First broadcast on 4th October 2012 and repeated on the 5th October 2012.

Published articles since fellowship

1. Expert opinion: Schmallenberg virus is here to stay

2. Viewpoint: Farm virus spreads to deer

3. What Ebola virus means for primate populations

4. Winter bugs: A yearly battle for dominance

Published articles

1. English language 'originated in Turkey'

2. More planets could harbour life

3. Fish oils 'help slow age decline'

4. Goby fish 6,000km apart share eyeless common ancestor

5. Nanoparticle 'risk' to food crops

6. Neanderthal breeding idea doubted

7. Fruit flies learn to spot eligible females by smell

8. Lethal snake viruses identified

9. System could warn of solar storms

10. Triassic amber yields 'ancient mites'

11. Karate punching power 'all in the brain'

12. Chimpanzee grooming is a 'postcode lottery'

13. 'Super soup' test in asthma trial

14. Brian Cox: Science cash hike 'a wise gamble'

15. Antarctica warmth 'unusual, but not unique'

16. Small dinosaur 'hunted like cat'

17. Nudge tactics 'no magic bullet'

18. Stereotypes 'evolve like language', say researchers

Radio production and research

1. Identified and researched item on potential use of bateriophage for the treatment of acne. BBC World Service Health Check. First broadcast on 26th September and repeated on 27th September 2012.

2. Researched and prepared briefing notes for items on Integrated Assessment Models and on bumblebee navigation and helped with production. BBC Radio 4 Material World. First broadcast on 20th September and repeated on 24th September 2012.

3. Researched and prepared briefing notes for an item celebrating the anniversary of the publication of the book Silent Spring and helped with production. BBC Radio 4 Material World. First broadcast on 27th September 2012.

Current Research

We are particularly interested in understanding how genetic variability influences envelope glycoprotein structure and function, and defining the host antibody response to these proteins. Ultimately we aim to use this knowledge to design new antibody-based vaccines and treatments. Current research is focussed on the emerging viruses SARS-CoV-2 (the cause of COVID19), Lassa Fever, Nipah and Rabies, as well as blood borne viruses like HCV.

Following a British Science Association Media Fellowship, I have become a science communicator convert and continue to be involved with broadcast media and write scientific articles for outlets such as BBC News.

Future Research

Clinical trials of antibody-based vaccines and treatments.

School of Life Sciences

University of Nottingham
Medical School
Queen's Medical Centre
Nottingham NG7 2UH

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