School of Medicine
Medical tablets, capsules and caplets flying out of a bottle against a light blue background


Debbie Bush

GI Clinical Physiologist, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences


Research Summary

Treatment of faecal incontinence.

Gut motility.

Recent Publications

  • SIMPSON, J. A. D., BUSH, D., GRUSS, H. J., JACOBS, A., PEDICONI, C. and SCHOLEFIELD, J. H., 2014. A randomised, controlled, crossover study to investigate the safety and response of 1R,2S-methoxamine hydrochloride (NRL001) on anal function in healthy volunteers COLORECTAL DISEASE. 16, 5-15
  • HUMES, D.J., SIMPSON, J., SMITH, J., SUTTON, P., ZAITOUN, A., BUSH, D., BENNETT, A., SCHOLEFIELD, J.H. and SPILLER, R.C., 2012. Visceral hypersensitivity in symptomatic diverticular disease and the role of neuropeptides and low grade inflammation Neurogastroenterology & Motility. 24(4), e163
  • SMITH, JK, HUMES, DJ, HEAD, KE, BUSH, D, WHITE, TP, STEVENSON, CM, BROOKES, MJ, MARCIANI, L, SPILLER, RC, GOWLAND, PA and FRANCIS, ST, 2011. Fmri And Meg Analysis Of Visceral Pain In Healthy Volunteers Neurogastroenterology And Motility. 23(7), 648-E260
  • SIMPSON, JAD, BUSH, D, PEDICONI, C, GRUSS, H and SCHOLEFIELD, JH, 2011. Dose range study of l-erythromethoxamine as a treatment for faecal incontinence In: International Surgical Congress of the Association-of-Surgeons-of-Great-Britain-and-Ireland. 30-31
  • SIMPSON, JAD, BUSH, D, PEDICONI, C, GRUSS, H and SCHOLEFIELD, JH, 2011. Rectal versus anal application of l-erythromethoxamine to improve symptoms of faecal incontinence In: International Surgical Congress of the Association-of-Surgeons-of-Great-Britain-and-Ireland. 142-142
  • MARCIANI, L., WRIGHT, J., FOLEY, S., HOAD, C.L., TOTMAN, J.J., BUSH, D., HARTLEY, C., ARMSTRONG A., MANBY, P., BLACKSHAW, E., PERKINS, A.C., GOWLAND, P.A. and SPILLER, R.C., 2010. Effects of a 5-HT3 antagonist, ondansetron, on fasting and postprandial small water content assessed by magnetic resonance imaging Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 32(5), 655-663
  • MARCIANI, L., FAULKS, R., WICKHAM, M.S.J., BUSH, D., PICK, B., WRIGHT, J., COX, E.F., FILLERY-TRAVIS A., , GOWLAND, P.A. and SPILLER, R.C., 2009. Effect of intragastric acid stability of fat emulsions on gastric emptying, plasma lipid profile and postprandial satiety British Journal of Nutrition. 101, 919-928
  • MARCIANI, LUCA, FAULKS, RICHARD, WICKHAM, MARTIN S J, BUSH, DEBBIE, PICK, BARBARA, WRIGHT, JEFF, COX, ELEANOR F, FILLERY-TRAVIS, ANNETTE, GOWLAND, PENNY A and SPILLER, ROBIN C, 2009. Effect of intragastric acid stability of fat emulsions on gastric emptying, plasma lipid profile and postprandial satiety. The British journal of nutrition. 101(6), 919-28
  • HOAD, C L, MARCIANI, L, FOLEY, S, TOTMAN, J J, WRIGHT, J, BUSH, D, COX, E F, CAMPBELL, E, SPILLER, R C and GOWLAND, P A, 2007. Non-invasive quantification of small bowel water content by MRI: a validation study. Physics In Medicine And Biology. 52(23), 6909-22
  • MARCIANI, L., WICKHAM, M., SINGH, G., BUSH, D., PICK, B., COX, E., FILLERY-TRAVIS, A., FAULKS, R., MARSDEN, C., GOWLAND, P.A. and SPILLER, R.C, 2007. Enhancement of intragastric acid stability of a fat emulsion meal delays gastric emptying and increases cholecystokinin release and gallbladder contraction. American Journal of Physiology: Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology. 292(6), G1607-G1613
  • NISAR PJ, GRUSS H, BUSH D, ACHESON AG and SCHOLEFIELD JH, 2007. Intra-Anal Application Of L-Erythro Methoxamine Gel Increases Anal Resting Pressure In Patients With Incontinence. The British Journal Of Surgery. 94(9), 1155-61
  • MARCIANI L, WICKHAM M, SINGH G, BUSH D, PICK B, COX E, FILLERY-TRAVIS A, FAULKS R, MARSDEN C, GOWLAND PA AND SPILLER RC, 2007., 2007. Enhancement Of Intragastric Acid Stability Of A Fat Emulsion Meal Delays Gastric Emptying And Increases Cholecystokinin Release And Gallbladder Contraction American Journal of Physiology: Gastrointestinal And Liver Physiology. G1607-13, 292(6)
  • MARCIANI, L., WICKHAM, M.S.J., BUSH, D., FAULKS, R., WRIGHT, J., FILLERY-TRAVIS, A.J., SPILLER, R.C. and GOWLAND, P.A., 2006. Magnetic resonance imaging of the behaviour of oil-in-water emulsions in the gastric lumen of man British Journal of Nutrition. 95(2), 331-339
  • MARCIANI, L., PFEIFFER, J.C., HORT, J., HEAD, K., BUSH, D., TAYLOR, A.J., SPILLER, R.C., FRANCIS, S. and GOWLAND, P.A., 2006. Improved methods for fMRI studies of combined taste and aroma stimuli. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 158(2), 186-94
  • MARCIANI L, WICKHAM MSJ, BUSH D, FAULKS R, WRIGHT J, FILLERY-TRAVIS AJ, SPILLER RC and GOWLAND PA, 2006. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Of The Behaviour Of Oil-In-Water Emulsions In The Gastric Lumen Of Man. The British Journal Of Nutrition. 95(2), 331-9
  • MARCIANI L, WICKHAM M, SINGH G, BUSH D, PICK B, COX E, FILLERY-TRAVIS A, FAULKS R, MARSDEN C, GOWLAND P A, SPILLER R C, 2006. Enhancement of intragastric acid stability of a fat emulsion meal delays gastric emptying, increases cholecystokinin release and gallbladder contraction: Submitted to the AJP: GI and Liver Physiology GI and Liver Physiology.
  • MARCIANI, L., BUSH, D., WRIGHT, P., WICKHAM, M., PICK, B., WRIGHT, J., FAULKS, R., FILLERY-TRAVIS, A., SPILLER, R.C. and GOWLAND, P.A., 2005. Monitoring of gallbladder and gastric coordination by EPI Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 21(1), 82-85
  • NISAR, P.J., GRUSS, H.J., BUSH, D., BARRAS, N., ACHESON, A.G. and SCHOLEFIELD, J.H., 2005. Intra-anal and rectal application of L-erythro methoxamine gel increases anal resting pressure in healthy volunteers British Journal of Surgery. 92(12), 1539-1545
  • MARCIANI L, JOHANN C, FEIFFER P, HORT J, HEAD K, BUSH D, ANDY J, TAYLOR C, SPILLER R C, FRANCIS S, GOWLAND P A, 2005. Improved methods for the assessment of the cortical representation of taste and aroma combinations using fMRI: fMRI paper for submission Journal of Neuroscience Methods: Version 6.
  • NISAR P J, GRUSS H-J, BUSH D, THOMPSON J, SCHOLEFIELD J H, 2005. Application of L-erythro methoxamine gel increases anal resting pressure in patients with passive faecal incontinence: Abstract - oral presentation Digestive Diseases Week 16th May 2005 In: Digestive Diseases Week 16th May 2005.
  • CONWAY S J, BUSH D, CURWOOD V, VINCENT M, SINGH S J, 2005. Anorectal myectomy in Chronic Constipation Based on Anorectal Manometry: Poster presented at Pacific Association of Paediatric Surgeons International Meeting in Vancouver Canada 22-26 May 2005 In: Pacific Association of Paediatric Surgeons Intenational Meeting in Vancover Canada 22-26 May 2005.
  • MARCIANI, L., WICKHAM, M., HILLS, B. P., WRIGHT, J., BUSH, D., FAULKS, R., FILLERY-TRAVIS, A., SPILLER, R. C. and GOWLAND, P. A., 2004. Intragastric oil-in-water emulsion fat fraction measured using inversion recovery echo-planar magnetic resonance imaging Journal of Food Science. 69(6), E290-E296
  • MARCIANI L, BUSH D, WRIGHT P, WICKHAM M, WRIGHT J, FAULKS R, FILLERY-TRAVIS A, SPILLER R C, GOWLAND P A, 2004. Simultaneous monitoring of gallbladder and gastric emptying by EPI: Proceedings 12th ISMRM Kyoto 2004 In: 12th ISMRM Kyoto 2004. 865
  • MARCIANI L, WICKHAM M, BUSH D, WRIGHT J, FAULKS R, FILLERY-TRAVIS A, GOWLAND P A, SPILLER R C, 2004. Impact of acid-stability on satiety and gastric emptying of fat emulsions: Proceedings 12 ESNGM Cambridge 2004 In: 12th ESNGM Cambridge 2004. 69
  • MARCIANI L, BUSH D, WRIGHT P, WICKHAM M, PICK B, WRIGHT J, FAULKS R, FILLERY-TRAVIS A, SPILLER R C, GOWLAND PA, 2004. Simultaneous and non-invasive monitoring of gallbladder and gastric emptying by echo-planar imaging: 10th British Chapter of ISMRM, Edinburgh 2004 In: 10th British Chapter of ISMRM Edinburgh 2004. 40
  • NISAR P J, GRUSS H-J, THOMPSON J, BARRAS N, BUSH D, ACHESON A G, SCHOLEFIELD J H, 2004. L-erythro methoxamine increases resting anal pressure in healthy volunteers: Oral presentation at ASGBI May 2004 British Journal of Surgery. 91(Supplement 1), 59
  • MARCIANI, L., WICKHAM, M., WRIGHT, J., BUSH, D., FAULKS, R., FILLERY-TRAVIS, A., GOWLAND, P. and SPILLER, R.C., 2003. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) insights into how fat emulsion stability alters gastric emptying Gastroenterology. 124(4), A581-A581
  • MARCIANI L, WICKHAM M, B DE CELIS ALONSO, BUSH D, WRIGHT J, FAULKS R, FILLERY-TRAVIS A, SPILLER RC, GOWLAND PA, 2003. Intra-gastric fat spatial distribution affects gastric emptying: an EPI study: Proceedings 11th ISMRM Toronto 2003 In: 11th ISMRM Toronto 2003. 348
  • MARCIANI L, WICKHAM M, WRIGHT J, BUSH D, FAULKS R, FILLERY-TRAVIS A, GOWLAND P A, SPILLER R C, 2003. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) insights into how fat emulsion stability alters gastric emptying Gastroenterology. 124(4), A581
  • MARCIANI L, BUSH D, WICKHAM M, PICK B, WRIGHT J, FAULKS R, FILLERY-TRAVIS A, SPILLER R C, GOWLAND P A, 2003. Impact of intragastric acid stability of fat emulsions on satiety and gastric emptying: Proceedings 9th British Chapter of ISMRM London: British Chapter of ISMRM London British Chapter of ISMRM London. September 2003(36),
  • MARCIANI L, WICKHAM M, WRIGHT J, BUSH D, FAULKS R, FILLERY-TRAVIS A, GOWLAND P A, SPILLER R C, 2003. Impact of acid-stability on satiety and gastric emptying of fat emulsions GUT XXX_UEGW-in press 2003.
  • LOBO, D.N., BOSTOCK, K.A., BUSH, D., MACDONALD, I.A., PERKINS, A.C., NEAL, K.R., ROWLANDS, B.J. and ALLISON, S.P., 2002. Reproducibility and normal ranges for gastric emptying in normal volunteers using a test meal designed for post-operative patients Nuclear Medicine Communications. 23(1), 97-101
  • MARCIANI L, WICKHAM M, WRIGHT J, BUSH D, FAULKS R, FILLERY-TRAVIS A, SPILLER R, GOWLAND P, 2002. Intragastric processing of fat emulsions investigated by EPI: Proceedings of ISMRM, Sheffield 2002 In: ISMRM Sheffield 2002.
  • MARCIANI L, WICKHAM M, WRIGHT J, BUSH D, FAULKS R, FILLERY-TRAVIS A, SPILLER R, GOWLAND P, 2002. EPI investigation of intragastric processing of fat emulsions: Proceedings International Society Magnetic Reson Med 10 Honolulu 2002 p1923 In: 1923
  • JACKSON, S J, BUSH, D and PERKINS, A C, 2001. Comparative scintigraphic assessment of the intragastric distribution and residence of cholestyramine, Carbopol 934P and sucralfate. International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 212(1), 55-62
  • MARCIANI, L., GOWLAND, P. A., SPILLER, R. C., MANOJ, P., MOORE, R. J., YOUNG, P., AL-SAHAB, S., BUSH, D., WRIGHT, J. and FILLERY-TRAVIS, A. J., 2000. Gastric response to increased meal viscosity assessed by echo-planar magnetic resonance imaging in humans Journal of Nutrition. 130(1), 122-127
  • JACKSON, S J, BUSH, D, WASHINGTON, N and PERKINS, A C, 2000. Effect of resin surface charge on gastric mucoadhesion and residence of cholestyramine. International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 205(1-2), 173-81
  • WASHINGTON N, MCGLASHAN JA, JACKSON SJ, BUSH D, PITT KG, RAWLINS DA and GILL DA, 2000. The Effect Of Nasal Patency On The Clearance Of Radiolabeled Saline In Healthy Volunteers. Pharmaceutical Research. 17(6), 733-6
  • WASHINGTON N, STEELE RJ, JACKSON SJ, BUSH D, MASON J, GILL DA, PITT K and RAWLINS DA, 2000. Determination Of Baseline Human Nasal Ph And The Effect Of Intranasally Administered Buffers. International Journal Of Pharmaceutics. 198(2), 139-46
  • BRYAN J, WASHINGTON N, PARKER M, JACKSON S, BUSH D, WRIGHT J, LITTLE S, 2000. The relationship between symptoms and reflux episodes following treatment with sodium alginate, ranitidine, omeprazole and water In: Biopolymer Research Conference, Dundee. 21
  • LOBO DN, BOSTOCK KA, BUSH D, PERKINS AC, ROWLANDS BJ, ALLISON SP, 2000. Reproducibility and normal ranges for gastric emptying in volunteers using a test meal designed for postoperative patients: Abstract Clinical Nutrition. 19(51), 39-40
  • JACKSON SJ, BUSH D, PERKINS A, 2000. Comparative scintigraphic assessment of the intragastric distribution and residence of cholestyramine, Carbopol 934P and sucralfate Pharmaceutical Research. 17(6), 733-6
  • WASHINGTON N, PARKER M, JACKSON S, BUSH D, WRIGHT J, BRYAN J, DETTMAR P, LITTLE S, TURNER J, 2000. The relationship between symptoms and reflux episodes following treatment with sodium alginate, ranitidine, omeprazole and water Gastroenterology. 118, A1320
  • WASHINGTON N, SPENSLEY PJ, SMITH CA, PARKER M, BUSH D, JACKSON SJ, KAPILA L, STEPHENSON T and WASHINGTON C, 1999. Dual Ph Probe Monitoring Versus Single Ph Probe Monitoring In Infants On Milk Feeds: The Impact On Diagnosis. Archives Of Disease In Childhood. 81(4), 309-12
  • HEHAR SS, MASON JD, STEPHEN AB, WASHINGTON N, JONES NS, JACKSON SJ and BUSH D, 1999. Twenty-Four Hour Ambulatory Nasal Ph Monitoring. Clinical Otolaryngology And Allied Sciences. 24(1), 24-5
  • WASHINGTON N, STEELE RJ, JACKSON SJ, WASHINGTON C and BUSH D, 1998. Patterns Of Food And Acid Reflux In Patients With Low-Grade Oesophagitis--The Role Of An Anti-Reflux Agent. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics. 12(1), 53-8
  • MARCIANI L, WRIGHT J, MANOJ P, MOORE R, YOUNG P, BUSH D, AL-SAHAB S, FILLERY-TRAVIS A, GOWLAND P, SPILLER R, 1998. Monitoring the intragastric processing of viscous meals by echo-planar imaging GUT. 42(S1), A7
  • MARCIANI L, WRIGHT J, MANOJ P, MOORE R, YOUNG P, BUSH D, AL-SAHAB S, FILLERY-TRAVIS A, GOWLAND P, SPILLER R, 1998. Monitoring the viscosity, dilution and emptying of viscous meals in man by echo-planar imaging (EPI) GUT. 42((Suppl 1)), A7
  • MARCIANI L, MANOJ P, YOUNG P, WRIGHT J, MOORE R, BUSH D, AL-SAHAB S, FILLERY-TRAVIS A, SPILLER R, GOWLAND P, 1998. Intragastric echo-planar imaging measurements of meal viscosity in-vivo Proceedings 6th ISMRM, Sydney. 1018
  • MARCIANI L, WRIGHT J, MANOJ P, MOORE R, YOUNG P, BUSH D, AL-SAHAB S, FILLERY-TRAVIS A, GOWLAND P, SPILLER R, 1998. Non invasive echo-planar imaging (EPI) monitoring of intragastric viscosity, dilution and emptying of viscous meals in normal subjects Gastroenterology. 114, A798
  • WASHINGTON N, STEELE RJ, WRIGHT JW, BUSH D, MCINTOSH SL, WILKINSON S and WASHINGTON C, 1997. An Investigation Of Lower Oesophageal Redox Potentials In Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Patients And Healthy Volunteers. Physiological Measurement. 18(4), 363-71
  • MARCIANI L, WRIGHT J, MANOJ P, MOORE R, YOUNG P, BUSH D, AL-SAHAB S, FILLERY-TRAVIS A, SPILLER R, GOWLAND P, 1997. EPI monitoring of the viscosity and emptying of a meal in man: Proceedings 3rd British Chapter of ISMRM, Manchester British Chapter of ISMRM. 33
  • LAMONT GL, WRIGHT JW, BUSH D, LEDINGHAM S, EVANS DF, KAPILA L, 1990. Gastric emptying in children with gastro-oesophagel reflux (GOR): Journal Paediatric Surgery In: BAPS. A24
  • LAMONT GL, WRIGHT JW, EVANS DF, BUSH D, KAPILA L, 1987. Applied potential tomography in the evaluation of congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis British Journal of Surgery. 74, 1159
  • CHERIAN A, BUSH, D, CROAKER GDH, Ano-rectal manometry in paediatric surgery: interpretation and results: Abstract submitted to XXXII In: International Symposium of Paediatric Surgery.
  • J. A. D. SIMPSON1, D. BUSH2, H. J. GRUSS3, A. JACOBS4, C. PEDICONI5,* AND J. H. SCHOLEFIELD6, A randomised, controlled, crossover study to investigate the safety and response of 1R,2S-methoxamine hydrochloride (NRL001) on anal function in healthy volunteers Colorectal Disease. 16 Suppl 1:5-15.,

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