Centre for Evidence Based Hand Surgery

Clinical Research Fellow in Hand Surgery (fixed term)


Applications are invited for a one year full-time academic research post as Clinical Research Fellow in Hand Surgery in the Centre of Evidence Based Hand Surgery.

Candidates should be committed to a career in academic hand surgery and are expected to register for a higher degree. Candidates may be from a trauma and orthopaedic or a plastic and reconstructive surgery background. The successful candidate will be nurtured in an exciting environment surrounded by motivated colleagues at various stages of their academic career, demonstrating our long term commitment to our clinical academic trainees.

This one year post is intended to give an excellent opportunity to undertake background work to strengthen the successful candidate’s Research Council or NIHR clinical research fellowship application for follow-on funding of a PhD. A suggested route would be to register for an MPhil at the start of the fellowship, with the aim of transferring to a PhD following a successful first year review.

For further details and a list of potential research topics, please see the job advertisement (closing date Thursday 20 June 2019).

Posted on Monday 3rd June 2019

Centre for Evidence Based Hand Surgery

The University of Nottingham
C Floor, West Block, QMC
Nottingham, NG7 2UH
