Centre for Evidence Based Hand Surgery

Patient Outcomes for Finger Fractures and Joint Injuries (OFFJI)

Study title

Cohort Study for Patient Outcomes in the Management of Finger Fractures and Joint Injuries (OFFJI), with a Nested Qualitative Study


The primary objective of this research is to document patient recovery over six months for a number of finger fractures and joint injuries.

A cohort of patients will be monitored to:

(1) describe the range of treatments received by injury type
(2) characterise response in patient reported outcome measures, which will help facilitate sample size calculations for future trials
(3) investigate losses to follow up over time. 

A small number of participants will be interviewed to generate complementary, person-centred data about individuals' experience of their injury and its treatment.

Insight gained in the cohort study and interviews should inform clinical practice and future research.

hand joints (resized)

Key facts

This study is ongoing and recruiting.

This is a cohort study (with a nested qualitative study), and is currently recruiting patients with finger fractures and joint injuries at Queen's Medical Centre, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust.

Contact details

Dr Christos Mousoulis
Centre for Evidence Based Hand Surgery
Academic Orthopaedics, Trauma and Sports Medicine
School of Medicine
Room WC1373, C Floor, West Block
Queen’s Medical Centre
Nottingham, NG7 2UH

Tel: +44 (0) 115 82 31113
Email: christos.mousoulis@nottingham.ac.uk


Information for patients

This research is about fractures of the three bones of each of the fingers or the finger joint on either end. The purpose of the study is to learn more about how patients with finger fractures recover from their injury after receiving different types of treatment. Also, to find out how patients feel about being in a research study, which will help to inform the development of future hand fracture studies.

If you have such an injury and are interested to take part, please contact us via the address given on this web page. If you agree to take part in the study, you will be asked to complete questionnaires about your recovery from the injury. If you are willing to talk to us about your injury and about taking part in this research, we may invite you for an interview and/or focus group. The questionnaires are short and easy to complete, and ask about how your hand is functioning and how your health is in general.

Patient information leaflet PDF




Centre for Evidence Based Hand Surgery

The University of Nottingham
C Floor, West Block, QMC
Nottingham, NG7 2UH
