Health Economics Research at Nottingham (HER@N)

Health Economics and Economic Evaluation: What, why, and how?

Floor 2, Room 2203, Tower Building, University Park Campus
Wednesday 18th October 2017 (13:30-14:30)
If you would like to attend this seminar, please contact April McCambridge to book a place.

Please note the room change: This seminar will now take place in room 2203, Floor 2, Tower Building (it was originally advertised as room 1115, Floor 11).

Dr Matthew Jones, Assistant Professor in Health Economics (Division of Primary Care), is giving a talk on Wednesday 18th October called “Health Economics and Economic Evaluation: What, why, and how?"

Presentation Overview:
No doubt you have been reading an interesting paper and come across the terms “cost-effective”, “QALY”, and “CEAC”. But what do they all mean? Health economics, and more specifically economic evaluation, have become vital cogs in the decision making process across the world, and since 2004 the Department of Health has judged cost-effectiveness to be as important as effectiveness alone. In this seminar, Matthew will give a summary of what health economics and economic evaluation is, why it is so important for healthcare, and the common approaches and pitfalls.

This seminar is part of the joint seminar/skills programme organised by the Divisions of Primary Care and Epidemiology & Public Health.

Health Economics Research at Nottingham (HER@N)

School of Medicine
Division of Rehabilitation and Ageing
The University of Nottingham
Medical School, QMC
Nottingham, Ng7 2UH

telephone: +44 (0) 115 82 30240