Ruth Goodridge graduated from the University of Birmingham in 1999 with a BMedSc(Hons) degree in Biomaterials. After a year out to work at Biomaterials companies and research institutes in the UK, Australia and the US, she returned to the UK to pursue a PhD at the University of Leeds looking at the laser sintering of bioceramics. Upon completion of her PhD in 2004, she was awarded a JSPS Fellowship to investigate new materials for laser sintering at NAIST, Japan. She joined the Additive Manufacturing Research Group at Loughborough University in 2006, where she continued her research into new materials for Additive Manufacturing/3D-Printing, predominantly focusing on laser sintering of polymers and the use of AM for biomaterials/bioengineering. In April 2012, she moved to the University of Nottingham as part of the EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Additive Manufacturing. She is currently on secondment to the NHS (Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust), funded by an EPSRC discipine hop award, exploring clinical need for Additive Manufacturing (inc.3D-Printing) and looking at ways to bridge the gap between current technical capabilities and use in clinical practice.
Other current projects include:
* Understanding processing of new materials by laser sintering, in particular polymer nanocomposites, thermoplastic elastomers, biomaterials, polyethylene.
* Additive Manufacturing of continuous flow reactors.
* Additive Manufacturing of Glass (in collaboration with Glass Technology Services, Sheffield)
* Surface modification of AM parts for medical applications.
* Production of medical implants and assistive devices (including prosthetics) using AM.
Previous grants
* Wearable Soft Robotics for Independent Living (EPSRC Grant - EP/M026388/1)
* ADAM: Anthropomorphic Design for Advanced Manufacture (EPSRC Grant - EP/N010280/1)
Ruth Goodridge is part of the Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing Research Group.
Current PhD Students
Mr Yazid Lakhdar (Year 3) - Processing of Advanced Ceramics by Additive Manufacturing
Ms Yee Chirattikan Srisook (Year 3) - Additive Manufacturing of Cardiovascular Devices
Ms Binsha Ollekkatt Sivadas (Year 3) - 3D-Printing with 1D Functional Nanomaterials
Mr Samuel Connor (Year 2) - Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Polymer Nanocomposites
Past PhD Students
Dr Marina-Eirini Mitrousi (Awarded 2022) - Investigation of Laser Sintering of Pharmaceutical Excipients for Oral Solid Dosage Forms
Dr Fiona Spirrett (Awarded 2021) - Investigations into Glass Additive Manufacturing by Selective Laser Melting and Directed Energy Deposition
Dr Chung Han (Awarded 2021) - Investigation of Upper Limb Prosthesis Functionality using Quantitative Design Tools
Dr Katie Blake (Awarded 2021) - Additive Manufacturing of Cardiovascular Devices
Dr Nicholas Southon (Awarded 2020) - In-process monitoring of powder bed fusion with fringe projection
Dr Obinna Okafor (Awarded 2019) - Mesoscale Additively Manufactured Flow reactors for Synthetic, Crystallisation and Biocatalytic applications
Dr Dominic Hui (Awarded 2018) - Cytocompatibility of Nanostructured Degradable Materials for Additive Manufacturing
Dr Stefan Ziegelmeier (Awarded 2015) - Laser Sintering of Thermoplastic Elastomers
Dr Andrew Capel - (Awarded 2015) - Production of Flow Chemistry Reactors by Additive Manufacturing
Dr Sam Kilsby (Awarded 2015) - Design of biodegradable polymers for Jetting.
Dr Jayasheelan Vaithilingham (Awarded 2015) - Surface Modification of Metal Additive Manufacturing Parts for Medical Applications
Dr Jiaming Bai - (Awarded 2013) - Laser Sintering of Polymer Nanocomposites