Following a degree, PhD and post-doctoral lab-based research, I had a career change and started working in Clinical Trials management in 2005 (to present day). My research is mainly in Clinical Trials in Neurology, Elderly Care, complex Interventions and some work in Test Evaluation Trials. I am also the Nottingham Clinical Trials Unit (NCTU) lead for Patient and Public involvement and Engagement (PPIE) in Clinical Trials
I moved to the University of Nottingham to an Associate Professor in Clinical Trials in 2019.
Expertise Summary
I have been involved in the design, day to day management, analysis and dissemination of trials for over 18 years. I have worked on Trials in a wide range of neurological and non-neurological conditions and am particularly interested in complex intervention trials involving Allied Health Professions. I have also been involved in Test Evaluation Trials and trials of Medical and surgical interventions,
I sit on the UK CRC Task and Finish group for PPIE and the University of Nottingham, School of Medicine PPIE group lead PPIE at NCTU.
Research Summary
I am currently working on Clinical Trials including:
1. Methotrexate Oral Or SubcutanEous for RA (The MOOSE study)
Source: NIHR HTA
Chief Investigator: Prof A. Abhishek
2. Randomised controlled trial of a new relief inhaler in mild asthma (The Relief Trial)
Chief Investigator: Prof T. Harrison
3. Follow-up and structured monitoring for adults offered a NHS hearing aid for the first time (FAMOUS): a cluster randomised controlled trial
Source: NIHR HTA
Chief Investigator: Prof K. Munro
4. Prophylactic therapy in Care Homes Trial: PROTECT-CH.
Source: NIHR
Chief Investigator: Prof P. Bath
5. The COACH trial. A randomised controlled trial of cochlear implantation versus hearing aids in adults with severe hearing loss
Source: Cochlear Inc
Chief Investigator: Prof P. Kitterick & Doug Hartley
6. Tranexamic acid for hyper acute spontaneous intracerebral haemorrhage TICH-3
Source: NIHR HTA
Chief Investigator: Prof N. Sprigg
7. In vivo serial neuromelanin MRI to assess depigmentation rates in the substantia nigra of early Parkinson's disease
Source: Weston Brain Institute (From Feb 2020)
Chief Investigator: Prof D Auer
8. Developing an Artificial Intelligence augmented diagnostic imaging strategy for patients with occult scaphoid fractures of the wrist (AI-MRI)
Source: University of Nottingham
A. Karantana, various
9. PD MED: A large randomised assessment of the relative cost-effectiveness of different classes of drugs for Parkinson's disease (Extension)
Source: NIHR HTA
Gray R, various
Recent Publications
SACKLEY CM, SMITH CH, RICK CE, BRADY MC, IVES N, PATEL S, WOOLLEY R, DOWLING F, PATEL R, ROBERTS H, JOWETT S, WHEATLEY K, KELLY D, SANDS G, CLARKE CE and , 2018. Lee Silverman Voice Treatment versus standard speech and language therapy versus control in Parkinson's disease: a pilot randomised controlled trial (PD COMM pilot). Pilot and feasibility studies. 4, 30 HERD CP, TOMLINSON CL, RICK C, SCOTTON WJ, EDWARDS J, IVES N, CLARKE CE and SINCLAIR A, 2018. Botulinum toxins for the prevention of migraine in adults. The Cochrane database of systematic reviews. 6, CD011616 OTTRIDGE R, MOLLAN SP, BOTFIELD H, FREW E, IVES NJ, MATTHEWS T, MITCHELL J, RICK C, SINGHAL R, WOOLLEY R and SINCLAIR AJ, 2017. Randomised controlled trial of bariatric surgery versus a community weight loss programme for the sustained treatment of idiopathic intracranial hypertension: the Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension Weight Trial (IIH:WT) protocol. BMJ open. 7(9), e017426