KENDRICK, D., KELLLEZI, B., COUPLAND, C., MAULA, A., BECKETT, K., MORRISS, R., JOSEPH, S., BARNES, J., SLENEY, J. and CHRISTIE, N., 2017. Psychological morbidity and health-related quality of life after injury: multicentre cohort study Quality of Life Research. 26(5), 1233-1250 TYRER P, TYRER H, MORRISS R, CRAWFORD M, COOPER S, YANG M, GUO B, MULDER RT, KEMP S and BARRETT B, 2017. Clinical and cost-effectiveness of adapted cognitive behaviour therapy for non-cardiac chest pain: a multicentre, randomised controlled trial. Open heart. 4(1), e000582 GUO B, KAYLOR-HUGHES C, GARLAND A, NIXON N, SWEENEY T, SIMPSON S, DALGLEISH T, RAMANA R, YANG M and MORRISS R, 2017. Factor structure and longitudinal measurement invariance of PHQ-9 for specialist mental health care patients with persistent major depressive disorder: Exploratory Structural Equation Modelling. Journal of affective disorders. 219, 1-8 LOBBAN F, DODD AL, SAWCZUK AP, ASAR O, DAGNAN D, DIGGLE PJ, GRIFFITHS M, HONARY M, KNOWLES D, LONG R, MORRISS R, PARKER R and JONES S, 2017. Assessing Feasibility and Acceptability of Web-Based Enhanced Relapse Prevention for Bipolar Disorder (ERPonline): A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of medical Internet research. 19(3), e85 KENDALL T, MORRISS R, MAYO-WILSON E, MEYER TD, JONES SH, OUD M and BAKER MR, 2016. NICE guidance on psychological treatments for bipolar disorder. The lancet. Psychiatry. 3(4), 317-20 OUD M, MAYO-WILSON E, BRAIDWOOD R, SCHULTE P, JONES SH, MORRISS R, KUPKA R, CUIJPERS P and KENDALL T, 2016. Psychological interventions for adults with bipolar disorder: systematic review and meta-analysis. The British journal of psychiatry : the journal of mental science. 208(3), 213-22 COUPLAND C, HILL T, MORRISS R, MOORE M, ARTHUR A and HIPPISLEY-COX J, 2016. Antidepressant use and risk of cardiovascular outcomes in people aged 20 to 64: cohort study using primary care database. BMJ (Clinical research ed.). 352, i1350
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KELLEZI, B., COUPLAND, C., MORRISS, R., BECKETT, K., JOSEPH, S., BARNES, J., CHRISTIE, N., SLENEY, J. and KENDRICK, D., 2016. The impact of psychological factors on recovery from injury: a multicentre cohort study. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology. Published Online First: 1 November 2016, doi:10.1007/s00127-016-1299-z HASTINGS A, FOWLER J, MORRISS R, SCANLAN M, SMART D, VALAND R and WASEEM SHAHZAD M, 2016. The development of a short course for general practitioners in the management of patients with medically unexplained symptoms (MUS). Education for primary care : an official publication of the Association of Course Organisers, National Association of GP Tutors, World Organisation of Family Doctors. 27(1), 53-6 HOLLIS,C., MORRISS, R., MARTIN, J., AMANI, S., COTTON, R., DENIS, M. and LEWIS, S., 2015. Technological Innovations in Mental Healthcare: Harnessing the Digital Revolution. British Journal of Psychiatry. 206(3), 263-5 CLEMENTS, C., JONES, S., MORRISS, R., PETERS, S., COOPER, J., WHILE, D. and KAPUR, N., 2015. Self-harm in bipolar disorder: Findings from a prospective clinical database Journal of Affective Disorders. 173, 113-119 COUPLAND, C., HILL, T., MORRISS, R., ARTHUR, A., MOORE, M. and HIPPISLEY-COX, J., 2015. Antidepressant use and risk of suicide and attempted suicide/self-harm in people aged 20 to 64: cohort study using a primary care database. BMJ. 350:h517, LOBBAN, F., DODD, A.L., DAGNAN, D., DIGGLE, P.J., GRIFFITHS, M., HOLLINGSWORTH, B., KNOWLES, D., LONG, R., MALLINSON, S., MORRISS, R., PARKER, R., SAWCZUK, A. and JONES, S., 2015. Feasibility and Acceptability of Web-based Enhanced Relapse Prevention for Bipolar Disorder (ERPonline): Trial Protocol. Contemporary Clinical Trials. Contemporary Clinical Trials. 17;41C, 100-110 PATEL, S., KAI, J., ATHA, C., AVERY, A., GUO, B., JAMES, M., MALINS, S., SAMPSON, C., STUBLEY, M. and MORRISS, R., 2015. Clinical characteristics of persistent frequent attenders in primary care: case–control study Family Practice. 32(6), 624-30 SOLOMON, C., VALSTAR, M.F., MORRISS, R. and CROWE, J., 2015. Objective Methods for Reliable Detection of Concealed Depression Frontiers in ICT, section Human-Media Interaction. 2, 5 FOWLER, J., HASTINGS, A., SCANLAN, M., SMART, D., SHAHZAD, M.W., VALAND, R. and MORRISS, R., 2015. Assessing the Impact of a Learning Programme for General Practitioners in Management of Patients with Medically Unexplained Symptoms (MUS) Education in Primary Care. RAWLINGS, J., SHEVLIN, M., CORCORAN, R., MORRISS, R. and TAYLOR, P.J., 2015. Out of the blue: Untangling the association between impulsivity and planning in self-harm. Journal of Affective Disorders. 184, 29-35 CRAWFORD, M.J., SANATINIA, R., BARRETT, B., BYFORD, S., CUNNINGHAM, G., GAKHAL, K., LAWRENCE-SMITH, G., LEESON, V., LEMONSKY, F., LYKOMITROU, G., MONTGOMERY, A., MORRISS, R., PATON, C., TAN, W., TYRER, P. and REILLY, J.G., 2015. Lamotrigine versus inert placebo in the treatment of borderline personality disorder: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial and economic evaluation. Trials. 16(1), 308
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CLEMENTS, C., MORRISS, R., JONES, S., PETERS, S., ROBERTS, C. and KAPUR, N., 2013. Suicide in bipolar disorder in a national English sample, 1996-2009:frequency, trends and characteristics Psychological Medicine. n/a(n/a), n/a HEALEY, C., MORRISS, R., HENSHAW, C., WADOO, O., SAJJAD, A., SCHOLEFIELD, H. and KINDERMAN, P., 2013. Self-harm in postpartum depression and referrals to a perinatal mental health team: an audit study Arch Womens Ment Health. 16(3), 237-245 COUPLAND, C., MORRISS, R., ARTHUR, A., MOORE, M., HILL, T. and HIPPISLEY-COX, J., 2013. Safety of antidepressants in adults aged under 65: protocol for a cohort study using a large primary care database BMC Psychiatry. 13(135),
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KENDRICK, D., O'BRIEN, C., CHRISTIE, N., COUPLAND, C., QUINN, C., AVIS, M., BARKER, M., BARNES, J., COFFEY, F., JOSEPH, S., MORRIS, A., MORRISS, R., ROWLEY, E., SLENEY, J. and TOWNER, E., 2011. The impact of injuries study. Multicentre study assessing physical, psychological, social and occupational functioning post injury - a protocol. BMC Public Health. 11(1), 963
WEARDEN, A.J., DOWRICK, C., CHEW-GRAHAM, C., BENTALL, R.P., MORRISS, R.K., PETERS, S., RISTE, L., RICHARDSON, G., LOVELL, K. and DUNN, G., 2010. Nurse led, home based self help treatment for patients in primary care with chronic fatigue syndrome: randomised controlled trial BMJ. 340, c1777 GEDDES, J.R., GOODWIN, G.M., RENDELL, J., AZORIN, J.M., CIPRIANI, A., OSTACHER, M.J., MORRISS, R., ALDER, N. and JUSZCZAK, E., 2010. Lithium plus valproate combination therapy versus monotherapy for relapse prevention in bipolar I disorder (BALANCE):a randomised open-label trial Lancet. 375(9712), 385-395 MORRISS, R, GASK, L, DOWRICK, C, DUNN, G, PETERS, S, RING, A, DAVIES, J and SALMON, P, 2010. Randomized trial of reattribution on psychosocial talk between doctors and patients with medically unexplained symptoms. Psychological medicine. 40(2), 325-33
LOBBAN, F, TAYLOR, L, CHANDLER, C, TYLER, E, KINDERMAN, P, KOLAMUNNAGE-DONA, R, GAMBLE, C, PETERS, S, PONTIN, E, SELLWOOD, W. and MORRISS, R.K., 2010. Enhanced relapse prevention for bipolar disorder by community mental health teams: cluster feasibility randomised trial. The British Journal of Psychiatry. 196(1), 59-63 BENNEWITH, O., AMOS, T., LEWIS, G., KATSAKOU, C., WYKES, T., MORRISS, R. and PRIEBE, S., 2010. Ethnicity and coercion among involuntarily detained psychiatric in-patients Br J Psychiatry. 196, 75-76 KATSAKOU C, BOWERS L, AMOS T, MORRISS R, ROSE D, WYKES T and PRIEBE S, 2010. Coercion And Treatment Satisfaction Among Involuntary Patients. Psychiatric Services (Washington, D.C.). 61(3), 286-92 NYAKYOMA, K and MORRISS, R, 2010. Effectiveness Of Clozapine Use In Delaying Hospitalization In Routine Clinical Practice: A 2 Year Observational Study Psychopharmacology Bulletin. 43(2), 67-81
MORRISS, R., MARTTUNNEN, S., GARLAND, A., NIXON, N., MCDONALD, R., SWEENEY, T., FLAMBERT, H., FOX, R., TAYLOR-HUGHES, C., JAMES, M. and YANG, M., 2010. Randomised controlled trial of the clinical and cost effectiveness of a specialist team for managing refractory unipolar depressive disorder BMC Psychiatry. 10, 100 VAN DER GUCHT, E, MORRISS, R, LANCASTER, G, KINDERMAN, P. and BENTALL, R.P., 2009. Psychological processes in bipolar affective disorder: negative cognitive style and reward processing. British Journal of Psychiatry. 194(2), 146-51
KENDRICK, T., CHATWIN, J., DOWRICK, C., TYLEE, A., MORRISS, R., PEVELER, R., LEESE, M., MCCRONE, P., HARRIS, T., MOORE, M., BYNG, R., BROWN, G., BARTHEL, S., MANDER, H., RING, A., KELLY, V., WALLACE, V., GABBAY, M., CRAIG, T. and MANN, A., 2009. Randomised controlled trial to determine the clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors plus supportive care, versus supportive care alone, for mild to moderate depression with somatic symptoms in primary care: the THREAD (THREshold for AntiDepressant response) study Health Technology Assessment. 13(22), 1-182 NICHOLL, B I, MACFARLANE, G J, DAVIES, K A, MORRISS, R, DICKENS, C and MCBETH, J, 2009. Premorbid psychosocial factors are associated with poor health-related quality of life in subjects with new onset of chronic widespread pain - results from the EPIFUND study. Pain. 141(1-2), 119-26
HEALEY, C, PETERS, P, KINDERMAN, C, MCCRACKEN, C. and MORRISS, R., 2009. Reasons for substance use in dual diagnosis bipolar disorder and substance use disorders: A qualitative study. Journal of Affective Disorders. 113, 118-126
DAVIES, K A, MACFARLANE, G J, MCBETH, J, MORRISS, R and DICKENS, C, 2009. Insecure attachment style is associated with chronic widespread pain. Pain. 143(3), 200-5
JONES, E.A., MCBETH, J., NICHOLL, B., MORRISS, R.K., DICKENS, C., JONES, G.T. and MACFARLANE, G.J., 2009. What characterizes persons who do not report musculoskeletal pain? Results from a 4-year Population-based longitudinal study (the Epifund study) Journal of Rheumatology. 36(5), 1071-1077 MORRISS, R.K, VAN DER GUCHT, E, LANCASTER, G. and BENTALL, R.P., 2009. Adult attachment in bipolar 1 disorder. Psychology and Psychotherapy : Theory, Research and Practice. 82(Pt 3), 267-77 DAVIES, K.A, SILMAN, A.J, MACFARLAND, G.J, NICHOLL, B.I, DICKENS, C, MORRISS, R, RAY, D. and MCBETH, J., 2009. The association between neighbourhood socioeconomic status and the onset of chronic widespread pain: results from the EPIFUND study. European Journal of Pain. 13(6), 635-640 G.M.GOODWIN FOR CONSENSUS GROUP OF BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY (R MORRISS AND OTHERS)., 2009. Evidence-based guidelines for treating bipolar disorder: revised second-edition recommendations from the British Association of Psychopharmacology Journal of Psychopharmacology. 23(4), 346-388 LOBBAN, F, TAYLOR, L, CHANDLER, C, SELLWOOD, W, GAMBLE, C, TYLER, E, KINDERMAN, P. and MORRISS, R., 2009. Training staff in enhanced relapse prevention for bipolar disorder: rates of uptake and measures of skill and confidence. Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.). 60(5), 702-706
PONTIN, E, PETERS, S, LOBBAN, F, ROGERS, A. and MORRISS, R., 2009. Enhanced relapse prevention for bipolar disorder: a qualitative investigation of value perceived for service users and care coordinators. Implementation Science. 4, 4 PRIEBE, S, KATSAKOU, C, AMOS, T, LEESE, M, MORRISS, R, ROSE, D, WYKES, T. and YEELES, K., 2009. Patients' views and readmissions one year after involuntary hospitalization British Journal of Psychiatry. 194(1), 49-54 PETERS, S., ROGERS, A., SALMON, P., GASK, L., DOWRICK, C., TOWEY, M., CLIFFORD, R. and MORRISS, R., 2009. What do patients choose to tell their doctors? Qualitative analysis of potential barriers to reattributing medically unexplained symptoms: (Epub 2008 Dec 17) Journal of General Internal Medicine. 24(4), 443-9 DOWRICK, C, GASK, L, HUGHES, J.G, CHARLES-JONES, H, HOGG, J.A, PETERS, S, SALMON, P, ROGERS, A.R. and MORRISS, R.K., 2008. General Practitioners' views on reattribution for patients with medically unexplained symptoms: a questionnaire and qualitative study. BMC Family Practice. 9, 46 MORRISS, R, LEESE, M, CHATWIN, J, BALDWIN, D. and THREAD STUDY GROUP, 2008. Inter-rater reliability of the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale as a diagnostic and outcome measure of depression in primary care. Journal of Affective Disorders. 111, 204-213 (In Press.)
DAVIES, K.A, MACFARLANE, G.J, NICHOLL, B.I, DICKENS, C, MORRISS, R, RAY, D. and MCBETH, J., 2008. Restorative sleep predicts the resolution of chronic widespread pain: results from the EPIFUND study Rheumatology. 47(12), 1809-1813 MORRISS, R., 2008. Implementing clinical guidelines for bipolar disorder. Psychology and Psychotherapy : Theory, Research and Practice. 81, 437-458
MORRISS, R.K., SCOTT, J., PAYKEL, E., BENTALL, R., HAYHURST, H. and JOHNSON, T., 2007. Social adjustment based on reported behaviour in bipolar affective disorder. Bipolar Disorders. 9(1-2), 53-62 MCBETH, J, SILMAN, A J, GUPTA, A, CHIU, Y H, RAY, D, MORRISS, R, DICKENS, C, KING, Y and MACFARLANE, G J, 2007. Moderation of psychosocial risk factors through dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal stress axis in the onset of chronic widespread musculoskeletal pain: findings of a population-based prospective cohort study. Arthritis and rheumatism. 56(1), 360-71 SALMON, PETER, PETERS, SARAH, CLIFFORD, REBECCA, IREDALE, WENDY, GASK, LINDA, ROGERS, ANNE, DOWRICK, CHRISTOPHER, HUGHES, JOHN and MORRISS, RICHARD, 2007. Why do general practitioners decline training to improve management of medically unexplained symptoms? Journal of general internal medicine : official journal of the Society for Research and Education in Primary Care Internal Medicine. 22(5), 565-71
MORRISS, R., FAIZAL, M., JONES, A., WILLIAMSON, P., BOLTON, C. and MCCARTHY, J., 2007. Interventions for helping people recognise early signs of recurrence in bipolar disorder. Cochrane database of systematic reviews (Online). CD004854 LOBBAN,, GAMBLE,, KINDERMAN,, TAYLOR,, CHANDLER,, TYLER,, PETERS,, PONTIN,, SELLWOOD, and MORRISS,, 2007. Enhanced Relapse Prevention for bipolar disorder - ERP trial. A cluster randomised controlled trial to assess the feasibility of training care coordinators to offer enhanced relapse prevention for bipolar disorder. BMC Psychiatry. 7(1), 6 KNOWLES, REBECCA, TAI, SARA, JONES, STEVEN H, HIGHFIELD, JULIE, MORRISS, RICHARD and BENTALL, RICHARD P, 2007. Stability of self-esteem in bipolar disorder: comparisons among remitted bipolar patients, remitted unipolar patients and healthy controls. Bipolar Disorders. 9(5), 490-5 SALMON, PETER, PETERS, SARAH, ROGERS, ANNE, GASK, LINDA, CLIFFORD, REBECCA, IREDALE, WENDY, DOWRICK, CHRISTOPHER and MORRISS, RICHARD, 2007. Peering through the barriers in GPs' explanations for declining to participate in research: the role of professional autonomy and the economy of time. Family Practice. 24(3), 269-75 GUPTA A., SILMAN, A.J., RAY, D., MORRISS, R., DICKENS, C., MACFARLANE, G.J., CHIU, Y.H. NICHOLL, B. and MCBETH, J., 2007. The role of psychosocial factors in predicting the onset of chronic widespread pain: results from a prospective population-based study. Rheumatology. 46(4), 666-671 MORRISS, RICHARD, DOWRICK, CHRISTOPHER, SALMON, PETER, PETERS, SARAH, DUNN, GRAHAM, ROGERS, ANNE, LEWIS, BARRY, CHARLES-JONES, HUW, HOGG, JUDITH, CLIFFORD, REBECCA, RIGBY, CHRISTINE and GASK, LINDA, 2007. Cluster randomised controlled trial of training practices in reattribution for medically unexplained symptoms. British Journal of Psychiatry. 191, 536-42 GUPTA, A., MCBETH, J., MACFARLANE, G.J., MORRISS, R., DICKENS, C., RAY, D., CHIU, Y.H. and SILMAN, A.J., 2007. Pain thresholds and tender point counts as predictors of new chronic widespread pain in psychologically distressed subjects. Annals of Rheumatic Disease. 66, 517-521 SCOTT,J., PAYKEL,E., MORRISS,R., BENTALL,R., KINDERMAN,P., JOHNSON,T., ABBOTT,R. and HAYHURST,H, 2006. Cognitive-behavioural therapy for severe and recurrent bipolar disorders.: randomised controlled trial British Journal of Psychiatry. 188(4), 313-320 PAYKEL, E.S., ABBOTT, R., MORRISS, R., HAYHURST, H. and SCOTT, J., 2006. Sub-syndromal and syndromal symptoms in the longitudinal course of bipolar disorder British Journal of Psychiatry. 189(2), 118-123
MORRISS, RICHARD, DOWRICK, CHRISTOPHER, SALMON, PETER, PETERS, SARAH, ROGERS, ANNE, DUNN, GRAHAM, LEWIS, BARRY, CHARLES-JONES, HUW, HOGG, JUDITH, CLIFFORDA, REBECCA, IREDALE, WENDY, TOWEY, MARIA and GASK, LINDA, 2006. Turning theory into practice: rationale, feasibility and external validity of an exploratory randomized controlled trial of training family practitioners in reattribution to manage patients with medically unexplained symptoms (the MUST). General Hospital Psychiatry. 28(4), 343-51 WEARDEN,A.J., RISTE,L., DOWRICK,C., CHEW-GRAHAM,C., BENTALL,R.P., MORRISS,R.K., PETERS,S., DUNN,G., RICHARDSON,G., LOVELL,K. and POWELL,P., 2006. Fatigue Intervention by Nurses Trial- the FINE Trial. A randomised controlled trial of nurse led self-help treatment for patients in primary care with chronic fatigue syndrome; study protocol [ISRCTN 74156610]. BMC Medicine. 4, 9 GASK, L., DIXON, C., MORRISS, R.K., APPLEBY, L. and GREEN, G., 2006. Disseminating skills for managing people at risk of suicide Journal of Advanced Nursing. 54(6), 739-750 MORRISS, R., GASK, L., WEBB, R., DIXON, C. and APPLEBY, L., 2005. The effects on suicide rates of an educational intervention for front-line health professionals with suicidal patients (the STORM Project) Psychological Medicine. 35(7), 957-960 MCBETH,J., CHIU,Y.H., SILMAN,A.J., RAY,D., MORRISS,R., DICKENS,C., GUPTA,A. and MCFARLANE,G.J, 2005. Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal stress axis function and the relationship with chronic widespread pain and its antecedents Arthritis Research & Therapy. 7(5), R992-R1000 CHIU, Y H, SILMAN, A J, MACFARLANE, G J, RAY, D, GUPTA, A, DICKENS, C, MORRISS, R and MCBETH, J, 2005. Poor sleep and depression are independently associated with a reduced pain threshold. Results of a population based study. Pain. 115(3), 316-21 MORRISS, RICHARD and MOHAMMED, FAIZAL AMIR, 2005. Metabolism, lifestyle and bipolar affective disorder. Journal of Psychopharmacology. 19(6 Suppl), 94-101 MORRISS,R.K., BOLTON,C.A, MCCARTHY,J., MARSHALL,M., WILLIAMSON,P. and JONES,A.J, 2004. Interventions for helping people recognise early signs of recurrence in depression (Protocol) Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. VANDERGUCHT,E., GEDDES,J.R. and MORRISS,R, 2004. Cognitive behavioural therapy for bipolar disorder. (Protocol) Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. MORRISS, R. K., 2004. S.01.01 Early warning signs in bipolar disorder European Neuropsychopharmacology. VOL 14(SUPP/3), 511 MORRISS,R., BOLTON,C.A., FAIZAL,M.A.M.I.R., MCCARTHY,J.P. and MARSHALL,M, 2004. Training to recognise the early signs of recurrence in schizophrenia (Protocol) Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Art. no. CD005147
MORRISS,R.M., BOLTON,C.A., MCCARTHY,J.P., MARSHALL,M., WILLIAMSON,P.R. and JONES,A.P, 2004. Interventions for helping people recognise early signs of recurrence in bipolar disorder.(Protocol) Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. RENDELL, J. M., JUSZCZAK, E., HAINSWORTH, J., GUCHT, E. V., HEALEY, C., MORRISS, R., FERRIER, N., YOUNG, A. H., YOUNG, H. and GOODWIN, G. M., 2004. Developing the BALANCE trial - the role of the pilot study and start-up phase Bipolar Disorders. VOL 6(NUMBER 1), 26-31 MORRISS,R.K., 2004. Does the assessment of inter-episode symptoms matter in stable bipolar disorder patients? Bipolar Disorders. 6(Suppl 1), 21
MORRISS, R., BOLTON, C., MOHAMMED AMIR, F., MCCARTHY, J. and MARSHALL, M., 2004. Interventions to aid recognition of early signs of recurrence in schizophrenia. Published protocol. (Issue 4). Cochrane Collaboration.
MORRISS, R., 2003. Psychological Models of Mood Disorders Psychiatry. VOL 2(PART 5), 32-35
GASK, L. and MORRISS, R., 2003. Assessment and Immediate Management of People at Risk of Harming Themselves Psychiatry. VOL 2(PART 7), 8-12
MORRISS, R.K., ed., 2003. Managing Acute Mania Science Press Internet Services, London.
GOODWIN GM, CONSENSUS GROUP OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY and (R MORRISS AND OTHERS), 2003. Evidence-Based Guidelines For Treating Bipolar Disorder: Recommendations From The British Association For Psychopharmacology. Journal Of Psychopharmacology (Oxford, England). 17(2), 149-73; discussion 147 MORRISS, R., 2002. Commentary: Clinical guidelines have their limitations BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL. VOL 324(ISSU 7348), 1254-1257
MORRISS, RICHARD, MARSHALL, MAX and HARRIS, AMANDA, 2002. Bipolar affective disorder-left out in the cold. Too late for the national service framework but local initiatives may be possible. British Medical Journal. 324(7329), 61-2
MORRISS, R., 2001. Bipolar disorder - ignored by the NSF In: Annual Residential Conference, Faculty of General Adult and Community Psychiatry.
MORRISS, R., 2001. Inter-episode symptoms and function in bipolar disorder In: European Expert Conference on Bipolar Disorder.
MORRISS, R., 2001. A randomised controlled trial of teaching bipolar disorder patients to identify early symptoms of relapse and obtain early treatment. In: Pakistan Psychiatric Society.
MORRISS,R.K., 2001. Book review of "Seasonal affective disorder: practice and research" by T Partonen and A Magnusson, OUP, ISBN 0192632256 British Medical Journal. 323, 1074
MORRISS, R., 2001. Training general practitioners to deliver reattribution to patients with somatised mental disorder In: Pakistan Psychiatric Society.
MORRISS, R., Training general practitioners to deliver reattribution to patients with somatised mental disorder In: 17th World Congress on Psychosomatic Medicine.
MORRISS, R., Reattribution training in primary care In: Annual Residential Conference, Section of Liaison Psychiatry.
MORRISS, R., Systematic review of early warning symptom interventions in serious mental illness In: European Stanley Foundation Conference.
MORRISS, R., Services for the delivery of psychological treatments for bipolar disorder In: 6th European Expert Conference on Bipolar Disorder.
MORRISS, R., Psychological treatments for bipolar disorder In: Annual Residential Conference, Faculty of General Adult and Community Psychiatry.
SALMON, P., PETERS, S., ROGERS, A., GASK, L., CLIFFORD, R., IREDALE, W., DOWRICK, C.F. and MORRISS, R., The contradictory attitudes of family practitioners towards patients with medically unexplained symptoms: implications for improving practice. Journal of General Internal Medicine. (In Press.)
MORRISS, R., Reattribution treatment for somatized mental disorder In: Royal College of Psychiatrists, European Regional Conference of World Health Organisation.
MORRISS, R., Psychological treatments for bipolar disorder In: 4th European Expert Conference on Bipolar Disorder.
MORRISS, R., Hidden psychopathology in bipolar disorder In: 3rd European Expert Conference on Bipolar Disorder.
MORRISS, R., Noradrenaline function in chronic fatigue syndrome In: European Conference of Liaison Psychiatry.
MORRISS, R., What should the therapeutic target be pain or psychological status? In: Annual European Congress of Rheumatology EULAR 2006.
MORRISS, R., Psychological treatments for bipolar disorder In: International Conference on Long-term Affective Disorders.
MORRISS, R., Trial of early assessment and psychological treatment of bipolar disorder In: British Association of Behavioural and Cognitive Therapists Annual Conference.
MORRISS, R., Functional deficits in bipolar disorder In:
MORRISS, R., Exploratory RCT of training practices to manage medically unexplained symptoms in primary care (MUST) In: International Conference of Communication in Healthcare.
MORRISS, R., Reattribution for persistent medically unexplained symptoms in primary care In: International Federation of Psychiatric Epidemiology Conference.
MORRISS, R., Clinical Importance of inter-episode symptoms in bipolar disorder In: 3rd International Bipolar Disorder Society Conference.
SALMON, P., PETERS, S., ROGERS, A., GASK, L., CLIFFORD, R., IREDALE, W., DOWRICK, C.F. and MORRISS, R., The value of primary care research: qualitative analysis of barriers to general practitioners' involvement in the MUS trial Family Practice.
MORRISS, R., Inter-episode symptoms in bipolar disorder In: 2nd European Expert Conference on Bipolar Disorder.
MORRISS, R., Long-term issues in management of bipolar disorder In:
MORRISS, R., The MUST RCT. Exploratory RCT of managing medically unexplained symptoms in primary care In: European Conference of Psychosomatic Medicine.
MORRISS, R., Hypothalamic pituitary axis and chronic fatigue syndrome In: Annual Residential Conference, Section Liaison Psychiatry.
MORRISS, R., Psychological treatments for bipolar disorder In: Annual Residential Conference, Royal College of Psychiatrists.
MORRISS, R., Reattribution treatment for somatized mental disorder In: European Conference of Liaison Psychiatry.
JONES, K.A, SILMAN, A.J, MACFARLANE, G.J, NICHOLL, B.I, DICKENS, C, MORRISS, R, RAY, D. and MCBETH, J., The relationship between socioeconomic status and the onset of chronic widespread pain is explained by psychological factors. Rheumatology. (In Press.)
MORRISS, R., Psychological treatments for bipolar disorder In: 6th European Expert Conference on Bipolar Disorder.
MORRISS, R., Psychological management of bipolar disorder and recurrent depression: service delivery and integration with psychiatric care In: