Asia Research Institute

The Domestic Roots of Cross-Strait Relations: China and Taiwan in the Evolving Asian Context - Professor Joseph Fewsmith (Boston)

A48 Clive Granger, University Park
Thursday 14th March 2019 (17:00-19:00)
Free to attend but please register


We are delighted to introduce our 2018/19 Tomlinson lecture speaker, Professor Joseph Fewsmith, from Boston University, who will be discussing The Domestic Roots of Cross-Strait Relations: China and Taiwan in the evolving Asian context. This Tomlinson Lecture is jointly organised by the Nottingham Asia Research Institute and the Taiwan Studies Programme.


Joseph Fewsmith is Professor of Political Science and International Relations at Boston University's Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies. He is the author or editor of eight books, including most recently The Logic and Limits of Political Reform in China (Cambridge University Press, 2013) and China since Tiananmen (2nd edition, Cambridge University Press, 2008). From 2001-2015 he was one of seven regular contributors to China Leadership Monitor, a quarterly web publication analyzing current developments in China. He has written over 100 scholarly articles and book chapters, with articles appearing in such leading journals as The China Quarterly and Asian Studies.


President Xi Jinping says that the issue of Taiwan cannot be passed from “generation to generation” and that “reunification” with the mainland is “inevitable.” At the same time, President Ts’ai Ying-wen insists that the mainland “must” recognize the existence of the Republic of China. This “clarification” of the positions of the two governments makes it much more difficult to maintain the existence of the so-called “’92 consensus,” which maintains ambiguity about the status of the respective sides. All this is happening at a time when Sino-U.S. relations are at their lowest level since Nixon went to China in 1972.

Joseph Fewsmith lecture Joseph Fewsmith lecture Joseph Fewsmith lecture

Joseph Fewsmith lecture Joseph Fewsmith lecture Joseph Fewsmith lecture





Asia Research Institute

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University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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