Social Network Sync

We love to keep you informed about events and opportunities that are relevant to the current stage of your career and interests. But we understand it can be a hard to let us know every time you change your role or start at a new workplace.
By downloading our Social Network Sync (SNS) app for LinkedIn or Facebook, we'll receive your details automatically whenever you update your profile with new information.
How does it work?
Just click on the links below and agree to connect your social media profiles to the University. The app will send us some extra details — such as your date of birth and email address — so that we can identify you correctly, and stay in touch.
This means you only have to update your information in one place, and we can continue to provide you with the best possible career support and alumni services.
All information is held securely on the University’s central database and will be treated confidentially and with respect in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Unless you tell us otherwise the data may be used for events programmes, alumni activities involving academic and administrative departments, fundraising programmes and for the promotion of benefits and services, which may involve an element of direct marketing. The data will not be disclosed to any external organisations, other than those acting as agents of the university. This may include organisations such as the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA).
If you do not wish you information to be used in this way please write to the Campaign Office or email