Careers and Employability Service
Services for staff

What do we do?

An adviser showing a student a booklet


We provide comprehensive support to students, graduates and early career researchers at the university to enhance their employability, and provide the best opportunities to develop a rewarding and fulfilling career for the future.

Our dedicated faculty teams are available to help, and each area has a careers consultant who can be your first point of contact for questions about how we can help.


Expert careers advice for students

We offer a wide range of support, including:

  • careers advice, including helping students to identify what they want to do and the career options for all degree disciplines. Students book appointments through MyCareer
  • advertising graduate jobs and internships through MyCareer and advertising part-time and temporary work on and off campus
  • specialist advice for international students
  • a wide range of events, including recruitment fairs and graduate fairs bringing employers onto campus

We will work with you to ensure that all students and graduates within your faculty and school can access these services as required, and are provided with the best opportunities to progress in their career after university.

You can also view the students' section of our website to view the full range of our support.

Information on graduate outcomes is provided below.


Introducing students to careers with begin!

Our Guide to Your Career gives students a glimpse into many aspects of their career journey. Whether they are a first year or master’s student, there's something for everyone. 

  • Getting involved in university activities 
  • Finding work experience 
  • Securing part-time work, an internship or a graduate job 
  • Navigating the UK job market 
  • Gaining support with CVs, cover letters and applications 

They navigate four simple sections and dip into short articles plus they can explore real-life student and alumni case studies.

Go to begin!

Bacl background with pink splashes of colour with text: begin! Our Guide to Your Career

Supporting PGRs, engaging with employers and lifelong access for alumni

Postgraduate researchers

We are committed to supporting the career development of our postgraduate researchers. They are given tailored support whether they are continuing an academic career, or are considering a career outside of academia. 

Visit our PGR website

Employer engagement

We actively engage with a wide range of employers, from large multinationals to local SMEs to create internship and graduate opportunities for your students. Students can talk to employers on campus or online.

Visit our information for employers


Graduate outcomes

The Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) have responsibility for undertaking and publishing annual data for graduate outcomes

If you have an query regarding the outcomes for University of Nottingham graduates, please email  our Business Information Team.

Go to our Use my subject pages

Working with alumni

We offer lifelong access to alumni to support their career development.

They can access one-to-one advice to help them clarify their career goals if they are undecided, making a great first impression at work, consider other career options if unsettled, and hone their job-search skills.

Visit our alumni website


Careers and Employability Service

University of Nottingham
Portland Building, Level D
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 3680
fax: +44 (0) 115 951 3679