Centre for Finance, Credit and Macroeconomics (CFCM)

Welcome to CFCM

The Centre for Finance, Credit and Macroeconomics (CFCM) is a research centre focusing on financial markets, macro-economic cycles, consumer and corporate credit, based in the School of Economics at The University of Nottingham.

CFCM receives external funding from the UK government (BERR), research councils (ESRC), the private sector (Experian, Fitch Ratings) and charities (Nuffield Foundation, the British Academy).

Centre for Finance, Credit and Macroeconomics

CFCM research focuses on the operation of financial markets, monetary policy, household and corporate finance and macro-economic dynamics. The centre specialises in the analysis of high frequency data from markets, households and firms to understand indebtedness and financial distress.

The centre also investigates the transmission mechanisms of monetary policy through credit channels, exploring the behaviour of corporations and households when credit is constrained, and the effect of credit on house prices and business cycles.

CFCM has formed close research links with a number of similar research institutions (Institute for Fiscal Studies, EUI Finance and Consumption) and central banks (Bank of England, European Central Bank, Federal Reserve).

Latest news

ESRC research grant success

Professor Paul Mizen from the School of Economics has been awarded £1.1million from the ESRC to look into the quality of management practices across UK businesses.
18 January 2019


CFCM Seminar: Christian Probsting (KU Leuven)

14 November 2024 (14:00-15:15)
C43 Sir Clive Granger
The role of risk sharing in attenuating business cycles within currency unions (C43, SCGB)

CFCM Internal Seminar: Miquel Olivert

21 November 2024 (14:00-15:15)
C43 Sir Clive Granger
Customer base and the advertising sector (C43, SCGB)

View a full list of our seminars

Discussion papers

CFCM 24/03: Hetereogeneous firms, growth and the long shadows of business cycles

Cristiana Bendetti-Fasil, Giammario Impullitti, Omar Licandro, Petr Sedlácek and Adam Hal Spencer

CFCM 24/02: Systemic risk in banking, fire sales, and macroeconomic disasters

Spiros Bougheas, David I. Harvey, Alan Kirman and Douglas Nelson

 View a full list of our discussion papers



Centre for Finance, Credit and Macroeconomics

Sir Clive Granger Building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

Enquiries: hilary.hughes@nottingham.ac.uk