School of Chemistry - Business Partnership Unit

Research, Business Development and Knowledge Exchange (KE) Support in Chemistry

For research development and KE support, School of Chemistry staff should initially contact the member of the Business Partnership Unit assigned to their research theme (or any member of the BPU staff) to discuss their needs:

Chemical Biology: TBC

Materials: TBC

Molecular Bonding and Spectroscopy: TBC

Synthesis and Catalysis: TBC

Meet the BPU Team


Research Costings

Research costings will be supported by the RKE Team.

The RKE Physical Sciences Operations Hub is led by Linsea Duffy and can be contacted on

Industry, School and Institutional Letters of Support

Please contact either your BPU theme lead (see above) or George Marshall to discuss sourcing Industry Letters of Support. The BPU team will advise on next steps to secure your letter. The BPU and RKE teams can both support arranging appropriate School/Institutional letters. 

Contact the RKE Hub

Physical Sciences Hub



Business Partnership Unit

School of Chemistry
University Park Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 74 86268