Daniel H. Mutibwa is Associate Professor of Creative Industries and Digital Culture in the Department of Cultural, Media and Visual Studies (CMVS). Daniel joined the University of Nottingham in 2016 from the University of Leeds where he received his PhD qualification. Daniel holds a Postgraduate Certificate in the Political Economy of Information and Communication Technologies from Aarlborg University (Denmark), an MPhil from Saarland University (Germany) and a BA (Hons) from Makerere University (Uganda).
During the Academic Year 2023/2024, Daniel is on sabbatical.
Daniel has held a number of leadership roles across departmental, School, Faculty, and sectoral levels. Daniel has served as Exams and Assessment Officer in CMVS - overseeing and coordinating all matters relating to student assessment and the review of the department's programmes of study at undergraduate level.
At School and Faculty levels, Daniel has served as School Digital Research Lead - a role that has involved coordinating and promoting (new) digital opportunities for research and teaching as relevant to the Arts and Humanities. He has served as a member of the Faculty of Arts Digital Board and as a member of the Steering Committee of the Faculty's Digital Transformations Hub. Furthermore, Daniel has served as School Director of Global Engagement. In this role, he has developed and supported the School's plans to engage with relevant international institutions and global partners to produce world-leading research, to collaborate on knowledge exchange and impact activities, to initiate and maintain teaching partnerships, and to facilitate international mobility of students and staff - in alignment with the University of Nottingham's Global Engagement (GE) Strategic Delivery Plan.
Daniel has also co-facilitated the Creative Digital Practice Skills Project (CDPSP) - a student-staff partnership that supports the development of key creative digital practice skills in the wider student body at School, Faculty and University levels through extracurricular project activities.
At sectoral level, Daniel is Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA) - now called Advance HE.
Expertise Summary
Daniel's expertise and research interests are highly interdisciplinary and span the following areas:
- Organisational Structures, Cultures of Production, Work, Productivity, Policy, and Social Justice Interventions in the Media, Cultural, Creative, Heritage, and Digital Economy Industries;
- Community-led, Creative, and Innovative Approaches to Place-making and Place-based Meaning-making, Preservation, and Regeneration;
- Co-Production and Ethnographic Approaches to Interdisciplinary, Applied, Community-based Participatory Practice;
- Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICT4D);
- Critical Digital Media Studies;
- Science and Technology Studies;
- Academic-Policy Engagement at the Intersection of Digital Technologies, Culture, Creativity, Innovation, Place-based Communities and Local Government Cultural Partnerships, Social Justice, Productivity, Enterprise, and Green, Inclusive Growth.
Teaching Summary
Current Teaching / 2023-2024
Daniel is on sabbatical during the Academic Year 2023/2024.
Past Teaching / 2010-2023:
- Investigating Cultural Industries (MA Level);
- Critical Issues in Media and Communication (MA Level);
- New Media Cultures (MA Level);
- New Media Practices (MA Level);
- Media, Culture and Globalization (MA Level);
- Understanding the Audience (MA Level);
- Research Skills & the Dissertation (MA Level);
- Cultural Industries (MA Level);
- Dissertation (UG Year 3);
- International Communication(s) (UG Year 3);
- New Media and Digital Culture (UG Year 2);
- Researching Media and Culture (UG Year 2);
- Digital Communication and Media (UG Year 2);
- Communications Research Methods (UG Year 2);
- Researching Culture, Film and Media (UG Year 2);
- Academic Skills and Contemporary Issues (UG Year 1);
- Introduction to Communications Theory (UG Year 1);
- Media and Society (UG Year 1);
- Academic Development (UG Year 1);
- Communication and Technology (UG Year 1).
Research Summary
Selected Current Research Projects
Improving Public Funding Allocations to Reduce Geographical Inequalities
This project seeks to improve the current UK government funding allocation system to help reduce geographical inequalities. High value and targeted funding provided to local authorities can unlock the potential of local economies, creating visible improvements within places and communities. However, like any complex system, it has its limitations. This project will provide a preliminary assessment of the pros and cons of existing funding allocation models and mechanisms and suggest recommendations for radical, moderate and incremental improvement to current processes. Working in co-production with the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG), this project intends to secure high policy impact.
Visioning a Creative and Cultural County - Developing Leicestershire County Council's Cultural Strategy
Visioning a Creative and Cultural County (VCCC) is a collaborative, academic-policy research impact project between the University of Nottingham (UoN) and Leicestershire County Council (LCC). Guided by a strong co-production ethos, VCCC is identifying LCC's policy needs in relation to joining up cultural provision, heritage service delivery, and the creative industries under a Cultural Strategy. To this end, VCCC is developing a programme of research activities, consultation exercises and knowledge exchange events to inform evidence-based policymaking at local and regional levels and to articulate how the process of Cultural Strategy development will support sustainable policy development and related impact going forward. To deliver this vital work meaningfully and effectively, VCCC is working in close collaboration with a range of regional and national policy partners, statutory and non-statutory bodies, and diverse local communities.
Digital Fabrication and Internet of Things (IoT) Infrastructures in the Greater China Region
This project is exploring the application of the latest digital technologies and associated Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructures in the generation and delivery of creative and innovative outputs. At the centre of this exploration is a quest for understanding what these developments mean for work patterns, production processes, organisational forms, and business models among other things. Of interest as well is what such developments might reveal about the future of the fast-paced and multifaceted activity at the intersection of the creative and technology industries, the global digital economy, evolving political agendas, competing economic ideologies, and transnational policy interventions.
Selected Publications
Title of Conference: Visioning a Cultural/Audience Data Strategy: A Symposium of Creative Approaches - Co-organised with Amanda Hanton, Brian Kennedy, Suzie Parr, Louise Sharples and Mandeep Kaur (Leicestershire County Council) and Jack Roscoe (Digital Culture Network, Arts Council England). Virtual Event. 6th March 2024.
Title of Conference: Cultural Policy and Cultural Democracy: A Global Dialogue - Co-delivered Panel Session with Dr Sophie Frost (University for the Creative Arts, UK) and Dr Paulina Faba (University of Chile, Santiago de Chile). Panel Title: Academic-Policy Engagement, Local Communities and the Democratisation of Culture-based Work. Centro Cultural Gabriela Mistral, GAM, Santiago, Chile. 28th - 30th November 2023.
Title of Conference: Methods in Cultural Production and Media Industries Research - Presentation: 'Academic-Policy Culture-Based Work: Approaches and Processes as Method'. European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA): Media Industries and Cultural Production Section 2023. Virtual Conference. 12th October 2023.
Title of Conference: Visioning a Creative and Cultural County Summer Project Day - Co-organised with Amanda Hanton (Cultural Participation Team Manager, Communities and Wellbeing Service, Directorate of Adults and Communities, Leicestershire County Council (LCC)), Dr Sophie Frost (University for the Creative Arts and University of Leicester), Franne Wills (Head of Libraries and Heritage Service, Communities and Wellbeing Service, Directorate of Adults and Communities, LCC), Helen Harris (Manager, Economic Growth Team, LCC) and Sam Berry (Officer, Creative Leicestershire, LCC). Digital Culture Studio, University of Leicester. 11th July 2023.
Title of Conference: Visioning a Creative and Cultural County Summer Project Day. Presentation with Dr Sophie Frost (University for the Creative Arts and University of Leicester) - 'Visioning a Creative and Cultural County: Early-stage Findings'. Digital Culture Studio, University of Leicester. 11th July 2023.
Title of Event: Cultural Strategy Symposium - Co-convened with Dr Sophie Frost (University for the Creative Arts and University of Leicester) and Cat Rogers, Franne Wills, Amanda Hanton, Sam Berry and Helen Harris (Strategic Policy Leaders, Leicestershire County Council (LCC)). Keynote Speakers: Jaime-Lea Taylor (Creativity and Culture Development Officer, Fenland District Council), Alison Foote (Senior Economic Development Officer, Culture, Heritage and Tourism, Derbyshire County Council) and Lucy Keeley (Principal Project Officer, Cultural and Creative Economy Service, Kent County Council). Virtual Symposium. 25th April 2023.
Title of Conference: Popular Culture / Communication and Digital Culture Track: Digital Culture in Crisis - Presentation: 'Digital Engagement with Arts and Cultural Programming in Crisis and Trying Times'. Popular Culture Association (PCA) 2022, Virtual Conference. 13th - 16th April 2022.
Title of Conference: Science and Popular Culture / Communication and Digital Culture Track - Presentation: 'Digital Fabrication and Critical Pedagogy as Awkward Bedfellows? Learning and Making in China's High-Tech Pearl River Delta'. Popular Culture Association (PCA) 2021, Virtual Conference. 2nd - 5th June 2021.
Title of Conference: Communication Innovation, New Media and Digital Journalism - Presentation: 'Making and New Shanzhai as Forms of Cultural Protest and Communication? Ethnographies of Contemporary, Innovative and Entrepreneurial Digital Fabrication Communities in Shenzhen'. The Shenzhen Forum 2019, Co-sponsored by Shenzhen University (SZU) and the National Communication Association (NCA), Shenzhen, China, 26th - 29th June 2019.
Title of Conference: Indonesian Scholars International Conference: Promoting the Creative Economy - Presentation: 'Making Smart Hardware in the 'Silicon Valley' of China: Reclaiming Digital Technologies for Progressive Social Possibilities or Neoliberal Business as Usual'. University of Nottingham, U.K Campus, 22nd - 23rd June 2019.
Title of Conference: What is Radical Film? - Presentation: 'Cultural Protest in Journalism, Documentary Films and the Arts'. Radical Film Network Meeting Berlin, Silent Green Quarter. Berlin, Germany. 2nd - 5th May 2019.
Title of Research Event: Artists as Workers: Art, Labour and Activism - Presentation: 'Conceptualising Activist Art in Contemporary Commercial and Subsidised Contexts'. Research Institute for Cultural and Media Economies (CAMEo), University of Leicester, U.K / LCB Depot. 3rd April 2019.
Title of Conference: Digital Research in the Humanities and Arts (DRHA 2018) - Creative Legacies: Collaborative Practices for Digital Cultural Heritage. Paper: 'Community-Institutional Partnerships around Digital Heritage Resources: Processes of Memory-making and Meaning Production'. Valletta, Malta. 9th - 12th September 2018.
Title of Research Event: British Council Maker Assembly and Networking Event - Paper: 'New Shanzhai: Ethnographies of Contemporary, Innovative and Entrepreneurial Digital Fabrication Communities in Shenzhen'. Edinburgh, UK. 1st - 3rd March 2017.
Title of Conference: Royal Geographical Society/Institute of British Geographers Conference 2016 - Co-working the City: New Infrastructures of Creative Collaboration in Cities. Paper: 'A Leap into the Unknown'. Nurturing Creativity, Collaboration and Wealth Generation on Shoe-string Budgets'. Royal Geographical Society, London, UK. 30th August - 2nd September 2016.
Title of Conference: Memory, Commemoration and Communication: Looking Forward, Looking Back. Paper: 'The Role of the Canon, Archive & Performance in Revivifying Cultural Memory and Community Identity'. University of Leicester, UK. 27th - 31st July 2016.
Title of Seminar: Communities of Creative and Innovative Practice: Principles and Work at Duke Studios in Leeds. End of Project Seminar. School of Media and Communication, University of Leeds, UK. 24th May 2016. With Laura Wellington and James Abbott-Donnelly (Co-Directors, Duke Studios
Title of Conference: Challenging Media Landscapes: Cultures and Industries of Creativity in Contemporary Media Landscapes. Paper: 'Co-curating Cultural Heritage and Facilitating Creative Practice in the Digital Age'. MediaCityUK, University of Salford, UK. 16th November 2015.
Title of Symposium: Public Humanities: Stories of Collaboration between Citizens and Academics. Paper: 'Harnessing Digital Cultural Heritage Collection Content through Community/Institutional Partnerships'. School of Computer Science, University of Nottingham, UK. 6th November 2015.
Title of Conference: Digital Heritage Meets Interactive Storytelling. Keynote Speaker/Paper: 'First came Pararchive, then came Yarn: Weaving a Connected Tapestry of Tales'. Department of Theatre, Film & Television. University of York, UK. 9th-10th April 2015.
Title of Exhibition: Curious Encounters with Objects from Past, Present and Future. Presentation: 'Pararchive: Personal Storytelling, Community Histories and the Digital Archive'. The Stanley and Audrey Burton Gallery, The University Library, Leeds, UK. 26th February 2015.
Title of Conference: Archives 2.0 - Saving the Past, Anticipating the Future. Paper: 'The Pararchive Project: Open Access Storytelling and the Community Archive'. National Media Museum, Bradford, UK. 25th - 26th November 2014. With Dr Fiona Philip (University of Leeds) and Dr Alison Hess (The Science Museum, London).
Title of Conference: Digital Research in the Humanities and Arts 2014. Paper: 'Building an Open Access Digital Archival Space through Co-curation and Co-design'. University of Greenwich, London, UK, 31st August - 3rd September 2014.
Title of Workshop: Digital Heritage, External Engagement and Conservation. Paper: 'The Pararchive Project: Institutional Authority, Copyright, Community Autonomy, and Concepts of Open Digital Space'. Crawley Hall, Weald & Downland Open Air Museum, Chichester, West Sussex, UK, 26th June 2014.
Title of Conference: Community-University Engagement Conference (CUVIC 2014) - Beyond Engagement: Creating Integration, Innovation and Impact. Paper: 'Pararchive: A Community Digital Space for Collaborative Knowledge Making'. University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 20th - 23rd May 2014.
Title of Conference: Local Journalism around the World: Professional Practices, Economic Foundations and Political Implications. Paper: 'Intent and Practice are Seldom the Same Thing: An Ethnographic Study of Contemporary Third Sector Journalism in British and German Contexts'. Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism (RISJ), University of Oxford, UK, 26th - 28th February 2014.
Title of Conference: Community Filmmaking and Cultural Diversity: Policy, Innovation and Practice. Paper: 'Negotiating Between Culture, Commerce, Art and Etiquette. Contemporary Community Filmmaking in British and German Contexts'. British Film Institute (BFI) Southbank, London, UK, 22nd - 23rd January 2014.
Title of Seminar: CEP Knowledge Exchange Seminar. Paper: 'Mapping Models of Community Engagement Employed by Professional Performing Arts Organisations in and around London and Further Afield'. King's College London (KCL)/London, UK, 24th May 2013.
Title of Conference: Discourse, Communication, Conversation. Paper: 'Behind the Scenes: Analysing Current Changes and Continuities in the Organisational and Production Contexts of Community-based Media in Western Europe'. Communication Research Centre, Loughborough University, UK, 21st - 23rd March 2012.
Title of Conference: Cities, Connectivity and Creativity. International Association of Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) 2011. Paper: 'Creativity and Connectivity in a Bottom-Up Approach to Communication: How Third Sector Media Industries Are Challenging Traditional Mainstream Media as a New Model of Communication for the Future'. Faculty of Communication, Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Turkey, 13th - 17th July 2011.
Title of Conference: Moral Economies of Creative Labour. Paper: 'Examining the Hybrid Practices in Third Sector Media Industries and Assessing their Impact in the Proceses of Cultural Production'. School of Media & Communication (SMC), University of Leeds, UK, 8th - 9th July 2011.
Title of Conference: Transnational Connections: Challenges and Opportunities for Public Opinion (World Association for Public Opinion Research - WAPOR). Paper: 'Romantic, Missionary-like and Oppositional: Gauging the Significance of Third Sector Media as Sites of Grassroots Organising. A Comparative Study of Britain and Germany'. School of Communication, IE University, Madrid/Segovia, Spain, 16th/17th - 18th March 2011.
Title of Conference: Celebrating Excellence in Postgraduate Research. Paper: 'Innovative, Flexible, Cost-effective But Still Marginal: Could Third Sector Media Become Our Primary Sources for Information in Future?' Institute of Communications Studies (ICS), University of Leeds, UK, 14th December 2010.
Title of Conference: 4th Graduate Conference on Social Sciences and Management. Paper: 'Contesting Dominant Media Structures and Beyond: The Significance of Independent and Community-based Media Production in Europe in a Comparative Context'. University of Bradford, UK, 26th - 27th October 2010.
Title of Training Programme in Planning and Development: The Political Economy of Information and Communication Technologies and Services. Paper: 'Examining the Impact of the Social Network Theory on the Production Cultures and Ecology of Independent and Community-based Broadcasting Using Two Comparative Case Studies'. Centre for Communication, Media and Information Technologies (CMI), Aalborg University, Denmark, 22nd - 27th August 2010.
Title of Conference: Connect, Disconnect, Reconnect. Paper: 'A Comparative Analysis of Current Trends and Practices in Independent and Community Media and their Contribution to Social Cohesion and Community Development in Europe: A Case Study of Britain and Germany'. School of Media & Communication (SMC), University of Leeds, UK, 29th June 2010.
Title of Conference: Diverse Engagement: Drawing in the Margins. Poster Presentation: 'Current Trends and Practices in Community Media and their Contribution in Facilitating Social Cohesion and Community Development in Europe'. University of Cambridge, UK, 28th - 29th June 2010.
Past Research
Selected Research Grants
Principal Investigator, "New Shanzhai": Ethnographies of Contemporary, Innovative and Entrepreneurial Digital Fabrication Communities in Shenzhen, China (March 2017 - April 2018). AHRC/British Council Grant. (With Co-Investigators Dr Bingqing Xia (East China Normal University, Shanghai, and formerly of Macau University of Science and Technology) and Dr Anna Greenspan (NYU Shanghai).
Co-Investigator, Archiving the Archive: An Immersive, Located and Publicly Accessible Experience of Blythe House (March - June 2015). Higher Education Innovation Fund (HEIF) Grant. (With Principal Investigator Mr Simon Popple and Co-Investigator Dr Alison Hess, Science Museum London and Tom Jackson, Research Associate, University of Leeds);
Principal Investigator, Communities of Creative and Innovative Practice: Principles and Work at Duke Studios in Leeds (May 2014 - April 2015). Funding from Professional Services Sector Research and Innovation Hub, Leeds University Business School (with Co-Investigator Professor Kate Oakley and Duke Studios Directors, Miss Laura Wellington and Mr James Abbott-Donnelly);
Co-Investigator, Community-in-Residence Pilot: Digital Heritage and Access to Museum Collections: A Collaboration between Stoke-on-Trent's Ceramic City Stories Community Group, Bute Island Heritage and the Science Museum, South Kensington (October - December 2014). RCUK Digital Economy Theme/Sustainable Society Network+ Grant. (With Principal Investigator Dr Alison Hess, Science Museum London, and Ceramic City Stories community facilitator, Danny Callaghan);
Co-Investigator,Pararchive ESRC Festival of Social Science 2014 (November 2014). Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Public Engagement Grant. (With Principal Investigator Mr Simon Popple and Co-Investigator Dr Fiona Philip);
Academic Lead/Principal Investigator, Citizens for Change Development Programme (September 2013 - August 2014). Funding from Leeds City Council (Community Development Charity Seedbed), Leeds ACTS!, Professional Services Sector Research and Innovation Hub, Leeds University Business School, and the School of Media and Communication. (With Miss Sarah Spanton, Director, Waymarking).
Co-Investigator, Pararchive Connected Communities Festival 2014 (June/July 2014). Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC)/Connected Communities Programme Public Engagement Grant. (With Principal Investigator Mr Simon Popple and Co-Investigator Dr Fiona Philip)
Other Selected Research Projects
Research Fellow / Pararchive: Open Access Community Storytelling and the Digital Archive, (SMC, University of Leeds). This project ( co-produced a new 'open access' digital resource called Yarn ( that facilitates engagement with and use of public archival material online for storytelling, creative practice and historical research (October 2013 - August 2015).
Research Associate / STEP-CHANGE Project, Centre for Research on Socio-cultural Change (CRESC). This joint longitudinal project between the Universities of Manchester and Leeds is following households in both cities over a five-year period with a view to exploring how travel choices are influenced by the built environment, by social institutions and by life events (January - September 2013).
AHRC Cultural Engagement Fellowship / Mapping Models of Community Engagement in the Performing Arts. King's Cultural Institute, King's College London. This project mapped current models of community engagement employed by professional performing arts organisations in and around London and beyond with a view to gaining insights into emerging trends in this field (March - June 2013).
Research Assistant / Regional Radio and TV. This project was a collaboration between the School of Media & Communication (SMC), University of Leeds (UK), Leipzig University (Germany) and the University of Athens, Ohio (US) that analysed the application of Web 2.0 platforms and their impact on programming strategies employed by local and commercial radio and TV stations (May - August 2012 - Second Phase of the Project).
Research Associate / Yorkshire Dance and Philanthropy. This collaborative research project between the Leeds Humanities Research Institute (LHRI) at the University of Leeds and the Creative Industries Development Agency (CIDA) explored new business models for Yorkshire Dance (YD) aimed at limiting its reliance on public funding (January - February 2012).
Selected Research Project Reports and Related Outputs
Mutibwa, Daniel H., Rogers, Catherine, Wills, Franne, Hanton, Amanda, Frost, Sophie, Berry, Sam, and Harris, Helen (2024). 'A Blueprint for Developing Leicestershire County Council's Cultural Strategy'. Visioning a Creative and Cultural County (VCCC) Research Policy Impact Project.
Mutibwa, Daniel H., Rogers, Catherine, Wills, Franne, Hanton, Amanda, Frost, Sophie, Berry, Sam, and Harris, Helen (2024). 'Policy Brief - Pathway to the Development of a Cultural Strategy for Leicestershire County Council (LCC)'. A Visioning a Creative and Cultural County (VCCC) Project Output (Spring 2024).
Frost, Sophie, and Mutibwa, Daniel H. (2024). 'Leicestershire's Cultural Assets'. Baseline Asset Mapping Output. Visioning a Creative and Cultural County: Developing Leicestershire County Council's Cultural Strategy (VCCC Project).
Mutibwa, Daniel. H.. Xia, Bingqing and Greenspan, Anna (2018).'"New Shanzhai": Ethnographies of Contemporary, Innovative and Entrepreneurial Digital Fabrication Communities in Shenzhen'. Interim Research Project Report. AHRC/British Council-funded Research.
Popple, Simon E., Hess, Alison, Jackson, Tom, and Mutibwa, Daniel H. (2015). 'Archiving the Archive: An Immersive, Located and Publicly Accessible Experience of Blythe House'. HEIF-Blythe House Project Report. SMC, Leeds.
Hess, Alison, and Mutibwa, Daniel H. (2015). Community-in-Residence: Digital heritage and Access to Museum Collections: A Collaboration between Stoke-on-Trent's Ceramic City Stories Community Group, Bute Island Heritage and the Science Museum, RCUK Digital Economy Theme/Sustainable Society Network+.
Mutibwa, Daniel H., and Spanton, Sarah. (2014). 'Citizens for Change Leeds Development Programme Project'. SMC, Leeds.
Mutibwa, Daniel H. (2013). 'Community Engagement Practice: Mapping Current Trends in Professional Performing Arts Organisations in and around London and Further Afield'. King's Cultural Institute, King's College London.
Daniel, Jenny, Ford, Jo, Mutibwa, Daniel H., Warren, Eleanor, and Wells, Naomi. (2012). 'Yorkshire Dance and Philanthropy: Examining Alternative Income Streams' (Oral Report).
Mutibwa, Daniel H. (2011). 'Development of Chapeltown CAB's Social Policy Plan: Improving the Procedure for Securing Medical Evidence Reports for CCAB Clients at Medical Appeal Tribunals'. CCAB and the University of Leeds).
Selected Non Peer-reviewed Research-related Publications
Mutibwa, Daniel H., Kennedy, Brian, Hanton, Amanda, and Parr, Suzie (2024). 'Culture Leicestershire, Data Insights, and the "Theory of Change"'. Visioning a Creative and Cultural County (VCCC) Project.
Mutibwa, Daniel H., Hanton, Amanda, Kennedy, Brian, Parr, Suzie, Sharples, Louise, and Kaur, Mandeep (2024). 'Visioning an Audience Data Strategy: A Symposium of Creative Approaches'. Visioning a Creative and Cultural County (VCCC) Project.
Mutibwa, Daniel H., Rogers, Catherine, Wills, Franne, Hanton, Amanda, Frost, Sophie, Berry, Sam, and Harris, Helen (2023). 'Cultural Strategy Development: Approaches and Experiences from Three English Local Authorities'. Visioning a Creative and Cultural County (VCCC) Project.
Mutibwa, Daniel H. (2023). Community Engagement in Heritage Work: Spotlighting the Loughborough Local Library Studies Volunteers Group. Lynne About Loughborough. Available online at:
Mutibwa, Daniel H., Hanton, A., Frost, S., Wills, F., Harris, H., Rogers, C., and Berry, S. (2023). Reflections from the Visioning a Creative and Cultural County (VCCC) Project Conference. Library and Heritage Service / Culture Leicestershire Blog. Available online at:
Philip, Fiona, and Mutibwa, Daniel H. (2015) Yarns from the Potteries and Cottonopolis: The Pararchive Project in the Daily Herald Archive. National Media Museum Blog. Available online at:
Mutibwa, Daniel H., and Philip, F. (2015) Reflections from within Pararchive's Engine Room. Connecting Communities: A Pararchive Project Journal, 4.
Mutibwa, Daniel H. (2015) 'From Rusholme With Love!': A Day of Community Storytelling and Mapping. Pararchive Project. Available online at:
Mutibwa, Daniel H. (2015) Pronouncing the Word 'Archivist' Correctly and What Else to Know About Archives and Archivists. Pararchive Project. Available online at:
Mutibwa, Daniel H. (2015) Back to the Future: Following the Trail of A Learning and Research Journey. Pararchive Project. Available online at:
Mutibwa, Daniel H. (2014) Pararchive Participates in the 2014 ESRC Festival of Social Science. Pararchive Project. Available online at:
Mutibwa, Daniel H. (2014) Part IV: Commemorating the First World War and its Legacy: Gateways to the First World War Centre. Pararchive Project. Available online at:
Mutibwa, Daniel H. (2014) Part III: Commemorating the First World War and its Legacy: Voices of War and Peace. Pararchive Project. Available online at:
Mutibwa, Daniel H. (2014) Part II: Commemorating the First World War and its Legacy: Centre for Hidden Histories: Community, Commemoration and the First World War. Pararchive Project. Available online at:
Mutibwa, Daniel H. (2014) Part I: Commemorating the First World War and its Legacy: Everyday Lives in War: Experience and Memory of the FWW. Pararchive Project. Available online at:
Mutibwa, Daniel H. (2014) The Black Health Initiative - Championing Equality to Access to Education, Health and Social Care. Pararchive Project. Available online at:
Mutibwa, Daniel H. (2014) A Backstage Tour of the Science Museum: The Ceramic City Stories Group Experience. Pararchive Project. Available online at:
Mutibwa, Daniel H. (2014) East Street Arts: An Innovative Hub of Activist and Contemporary Arts in Leeds and Further Afield. Pararchive Project. Available online at:
Mutibwa, Daniel H. (2014) Morley Community Archives: A Store of Knowledge about Morley's Heritage. Pararchive Project. Available online at:
Mutibwa, Daniel H. (2014) Back to the Future: When Wearable Technology Meets Archive Content. Pararchive Project. Available online at:
Mutibwa, Daniel H. (2014) Pararchive at the Community-University Engagement Conference in Canada. Pararchive Project. Available online at:
Mutibwa, Daniel H. (2014) Eastside Community Heritage-A Repository of Fascinating Oral Community (Hi)stories. Pararchive Project. Available online at:
Mutibwa, Daniel H. (2014) Investigating the Physical Computing Collections at MOSI. Pararchive Project. Available online at:
Selected Commissioned Research - Academic, Industry, Policy, Practice and Impact Reviews
Sep 2015 - Apr 2016; Academic Output Review and Policy Brief Writing - Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)-funded Digital Economy Community and Culture Network+ (CCN+), (SMC, University of Leeds). This work evaluated how a selected sample of forty-eight research projects funded by the network responded to CCN+'s six themed areas with a view to making recommendations for policy, industry, academia and practice.
May 2011 - Aug 2011; Practice & Policy Impact Review - Development of Chapeltown Citizen Advice Bureau's Social Policy Plan. This joint research project between the Leeds Social Sciences Institute (LSSI) at the University of Leeds and the Chapeltown Citizens' Advice Bureau (CCAB) in Leeds examined and evaluated the procedure for securing medical evidence reports for CCAB clients at medical appeal tribunals and made recommendations for policy, practice and civic engagement.
Spring 2010; Project: Micronomics - This work investigated the impact of small-scale, self-organised initiatives and highlighted their non-monetary contribution to the economy. Case Study: Refugee Youth in London 2010. (Part One); Mutibwa D. H., Saunders, M and Page, K. Available here
Spring 2010; Project: Screening: Outside the Law: Stories from Guantanamo - This work gathered and analysed data on the public reaction to, and perception of, extraordinary rendition and indefinite incarceration of Muslim British citizens in Guantanamo and other secret prisons. Q & A Session after the screening of 'Outside the Law: Stories from Guantanamo'. 2010. (Part One) British Film Institute (BFI). London; Page, K, Mutibwa, D. H., Adams, L and Saunders, M. Available here
POPPLE, SIMON, MUTIBWA, DANIEL H., and PRESCOTT, ANDREW, 2020. Community Archives and the Creation of Living Knowledge. In: S. POPPLE, A. PRESCOTT and D. H. MUTIBWA, eds., Communities, Archives and New Collaborative Practices. Bristol: Policy Press. 1—18 MUTIBWA, DANIEL H., HESS, ALISON and JACKSON, TOM, 2018. Strokes of Serendipity: Community Co-curation and Engagement with Digital Heritage. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies. 1—21 MUTIBWA, DANIEL H., 2016. Memory, Storytelling and the Digital Archive: Revitalising Community and Regional Identities in the Virtual Age. Special Issue: 'Studies in Cultural Memory'. International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics. 12(1), 7—26 MUTIBWA, DANIEL H., 2015. Troubled but Alive and Kicking: New Insights into Political Theatre outside the Establishment. Critical Arts: South-North Cultural and Media Studies. 29(4), 496—517 MUTIBWA, DANIEL H., and PHILIP. FIONA, 2014. Pararchive:: Open Access Community Storytelling and the Digital Archive. Viewfinder: The Journal of the British Universities Film & Video Council. 97, 10—11