School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies

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Image of Heike Bartel

Heike Bartel

Professor of German Studies and Health Humanities, Faculty of Arts


Teaching Summary

* I am a passionate teacher and enjoy teaching German language, literature and history across our student cohort that ranges from beginners and post-A level undergraduates to MA and PhD students.

* I also teach across the whole university in the field of Health Humanities (for students of Medicine and Health Sciences), and as part of Nottingham's Liberal Arts degree and the Nottingham Advantage Award.

I usually offer the modules:

- 'Introduction to German National Socialism (1933-1945)' (UG, first year)

- 'Media in Germany / Medien in Deutschland (1933-1991)' (UG, second year)

- 'Mythology in German Literature: The Medea myth' (UG, final year)

* I enjoy teaching that is led by my research, for example my final year UG module on myth and myth reception in German literature or my university-wide teaching on narratives of illness experiences. Working with students while I am in the middle of researching a closely related topic always gives me impetus and I often take the opportunity to discuss new findings with students, they are excellent critics.

* I am very interested in 'traditional' and new media and enjoy teaching the second year module 'Media in Germany. Students often come back from their year abroad with ideas for an independent dissertation on the topic having visited archives, libraries or newspaper museums in Germany or simply having been exposed to different forms of German media. It is great to support students' continuing interest in the topic and I am usually available to supervise UG dissertations or PG work, often embarking on exciting archival work in Nottingham's extensive archive and manuscripts and special collections .

* As part of my research and impact activities in the field of Health Humanities (narratives of illness and recovery), I also enjoy teach university-wide, including seminars and lectures for students in Medicine and Health Sciences, PhD and MA supervisions.

* I am happy to consider supervising internal and external PhDs on topics from my areas of expertise.

Research Summary

* Narratives of illness, health and recovery in German- and English-language literatures and cultures

* Eating and eating disorders in contemporary literatures, cultures and media. Particular focus: masculinity, food consumption and body image

* Tackling health inequalities with the help of the arts. Particular focus: autobiographical writing by authors from minority and marginalized groups; letters and epistolary novels written by women

* Contemporary German-speaking Women's Writing

* Ulrike Almut Sandig (contemporary German poet, writer and and performer)

Recent Publications

The following films document my research and impact work in the field of Health Humanities:

Consider Eating Disorders in Men (3.5 mins):

Excessive Exercise and Eating Disorders (3 mins):

Film of Research Project on Eating Disorders in Men 'Hungry for Words' (12 mins):

Past Research

* Disordered eating and eating disorders in (including co-research with clinical researchers)

* Food, food consumption in German Studies and post-colonial studies

* Autobiographical writing

* Myth and German myth reception from 18th to 21st century with particular focus on the Medea myth and the figure of the centaur

* 18thC German poetry and prose (Friedrich Hölderlin; Johann Wolfgang Goethe)

* Modern and contemporary German-language poetry (Paul Celan; Anne Duden; Ulrike Almut Sandig)

* German speaking women's writing

* The genre of 'Bildungsroman' / educational novel / coming-of age novel

Future Research

* Interdisciplinary research in the field of Health/Medical Humanities

* De-colonisation of contemporary literature, art, research and educational curricula

* German Studies and/in Health/Medical Humanities with focus on i) narratives of illness by Turkish-German writers; ii.) narratives of peri-natal loss and memory from 18thC - present

* Masculinity Studies

* Life Writing by Jewish and other refugees from Nazi Germany and Austria

* The fragment as form

* I am open to collaborations within and outside German Studies/Arts & Humanities where I can employ and expand my knowledge and research experience

  • 2020. Men Writing Eating Disorders: Autobiographical Writing and Illness Experience in English and German Narratives Emerald.
  • HEIKE BARTEL, 2020. Food and Food Memories in Turkish-German Fiction. In: DIRK GOETTSCHE, ed., Memory and Postcolonial Studies: Synergies and New Directions Peter Lang. 335–359
  • HEIKE BARTEL and NICOLA THOMAS, 2018. Ulrike Almut Sandig's Universe Oxford German Studies. 47(3), 256-260
  • BARTEL, HEIKE, 2016. Views Through the Car: Driving and Seeing in Modern and Contemporary German-language Literature. In: KUNZELMANN, HEIDE and SIMON, ANNE, eds., THE WINDOW: Motif and Topos in Austrian, German and Swiss Art and Literature XV. Iudicium. 153-180
  • BARTEL, HEIKE, 2014. Colonial Myths – Classical Texts in (Post-)Colonial Perspectives: The Example of the Medea Myth in German Literature. In: DUNKER, AXEL and GOETTSCHE, DIRK, eds., (Post-)Colonialism across Europe: Transcultural History and National Memory Aisthesis. 181-201
  • BARTEL, H., 2013. Porn or porNo? Appoaches to pornography in texts by Elfriede Jelinek and Charlotte Roche. In: CHEESMAN, T., ed., German text crimes: writers accused, from the 1950s to the 2000s Rodopi. 99-124
  • BARTEL, H., 2013. The Black Medeas of Paul Heyse and Hans Henny Jahnn in the context of German colonialism and Weimar racial policies. In: SIMON, A. and FLEMING, K., eds., The reception of classical antiquity in German literature Iudicium. 125-153
  • BARTEL, H., 2011. A Medea called Wally: race, madness and fashion in Paul Heyse’s novella 'Medea' German Life and Letters. 64(1), 56-70
  • BARTEL, H., 2011. Karen Duve, Taxi (2008): of alpha-males, apes, Altenberg and driving in the city. In: MARVEN, L. and TABERNER, S., eds., Emerging German-language novelists of the twenty-first century Camden House. 179-194
  • BARTEL, H. and SIMON, A., eds., 2010. Unbinding Medea: Interdisciplinary Approaches to a Classical Myth from Antiquity to the 21st Century Oxford: Legenda.
  • BARTEL, H., 2010. Dressing the 'other', dressing the 'self': clothing in the Medea dramas of Euripides and Franz Grillparzer. In: BARTEL, H. and SIMON, A., eds., Unbinding Medea: interdisciplinary approaches to a classical myth from antiquity to the 21st century Legenda. 161-175
  • BARTEL, H. and BIELEFELD, C.-U., 2008. Anne Duden. In: KUEHLMANN, W. and ET AL, eds., Walther Killy Literatur Lexikon: Autoren und Werke des deutschsparchigen Kulturraums, 12 vols 2nd ed. 3. Berlin: de Gruyter. 150-152
  • BARTEL, H., 2008. Vom verlorenen pars pro toto zum "Haarstern": Haar in ausgewählten Texten Paul Celans. In: HAAS, B., ed., Haare zwischen Fiktion und Realität: interdisziplinäre Untersuchungen zur Wahrnehmung der Haare Lit Verlag. 28-43
  • BARTEL, H., 2007. Der Blick auf Medea: Erzaehlperspektive und Mythenkritik in Anna Seghers' Erzaehlung 'Das Argonautenschiff' Argonautenschiff: Jahrbuch der Anna Seghers Gesellschaft. 16, 60-72
  • BARTEL, H., 2007. Bypaesse zu 'Herzgaenge', einem Prosagedicht von Anne Duden. In: LEEDER, K., ed., 'Schaltstelle': Neue deutsche Lyrik im Dialog Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi. 311-330
  • BARTEL, H. and BOA, E.J., eds., 2006. Pushing at boundaries: approaches to contemporary German women writers from Karen Duve to Jenny Erpenbeck Amsterdam: Rodopi.
  • BARTEL, H., 2006. Von Jonny Rotten bis Werther" Karen Duves 'Dies ist kein Liebeslied' zwischen Popliteratur und Bildungsroman. In: BARTEL, H. and BOA, E., eds., Pushing at Boundaries: Approaches to Contemporary German Women Writers from Karen Duve to Jenny Erpenbeck Amsterdam / NY: Rodopi. 89-1006
  • BARTEL, H., 2006. "Jenes andere Deutschland". Paul Celan in Wien und 'Auf Reisen'. In: GOETTSCHE, D., MEYER, F., GLUNZ, C. and SCHNEIDER. T.F., eds., Schreiben gegen Krieg und Gewalt: Ingeborg Bachmann und die deutschsprachige Literatur 1945-1980 Schriften des Erich. Goettingen: V&R unipress. 163-174 (In Press.)
  • BARTEL, H., 2006. Literature in Conflict, Language in Crisis: Paul Celan's Poetry after Auschwitz. In: WRIGHT, C. and DEMARIA, C., eds., Post-Conflict Cultures: Rituals of Representation London: Zoilus. 318-327
  • BARTEL, H., 2004. Mythos in der Literatur Münster: Aschendorff.
  • BARTEL, H. and BOA, E., eds., 2003. Anne Duden: a revolution of words: approaches to her fiction, poetry and essays Amsterdam: Rodopi.
  • BARTEL, H., 2003. "Steinatem": Zur Metaphorik des Atmens in Anne Dudens 'Steinschlag' In: Anne Duden: a revolution of words: approaches to her fiction, poetry and essays. 159-181
  • BARTEL, H., 2001. Grenzgänger: Friedrich Hölderlins Pindarfragmente Acta Germanica. 29, 51-64
  • BARTEL, H., 2000. Centaurengesaenge: Friedrich Hoelderlins 'Pindarfragmente' Würzburg : Königshausen & Neumann.
  • BARTEL, H. and KEITH-SMITH, B., eds., 2000. "Nachdenklicher Leichtsinn": Essays on Goethe and Goethe Reception Lewiston, NY. : Edwin Mellen.
  • BARTEL, H., 2000. Marianes Uniform und Philines Pantoeffelchen: (Ver)Kleidung in Goethes 'Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre' In: "Nachdenklicher Leichtsinn": Essays on Goethe and Goethe Reception. 135-154
  • BARTEL, H., 1999. Language of Translation, Language of Poetry: Friedrich Hoelderlin's 'Pindarfragmente' In: From Classical Shades to Vicker Victorious: Shifting Perspectives in British German Studies. 61-76
  • BARTEL, H., 1997. "Aber das eigene muss so gut gelernt seyn, wie das Fremde" - Zur dichterischen Verfahrensweise Friedrich Hoelderlins In: Der fremde Blick. 153-168
  • BARTEL, H., 1997. Dimensions of Parody in the Poems of Paul Celan In: Parody: Dimensions and Perspectives. 11-26
  • BARTEL, H. and SIMON, A., eds., Unbinding Medea: Interdisciplinary Approaches to a Classical Myth from Antiquity to the 21st Century Oxford: Legenda. (In Press.)
  • HEIKE BARTEL and CHARLEY BAKER, Poetry and Male Eating Disorders. In: PAUL CRAWFORD, BRIAN BROWN and ANDREA CHARISE, eds., The Routledge Companion to Health Humanities Routledge. 248-254
  • HEIKE BARTEL, Inscribed on the Body. Notes on A Story to Tell. In: MAFALDA RAKOS and RUBE DE THEIJE, eds., A Story to Tell, Or:: Regarding Male* Eating Disorders Fotohof Edition. 178-181
  • HEIKE BARTEL, Im Körper eingeschrieben. Anmerkungen zu A Story to Tell. In: MAFALDA RAKOS, ed., A Story to Tell. Or:: Regarding Male* Eating Disorders Fotohof Edition. 33-37
  • HEIKE BARTEL and ELIZABETH BOA, On Disappearance: Ulrike Almut Sandig’s Flamingos and Buch gegen das Verschwinden. In: LYN MARVEN, ANDREW PLOWMAN and KATE ROY, eds., The Short Story in German in German in the 21st Century Camden House. 191-210

School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies

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