2023. ‘Laclau and Mouffe, Bourdieu, neo-liberalism and the mass media’. In: PIOTR CAP, ed., Handbook of Political Discourse Edward Elgar. 93-107
2020. Republican Citizens, Precarious Subjects: representations of work in post-Fordist France Liverpool University Press.
JEREMY F. LANE, 2019. Neither 'Sociologist' nor 'Republican':the 'singularity' of Rancière's intervention in French education debates. In: STEPHEN CROWDEN AND DAVID RIDLEY, ed., The Practice of Equality: Jacques Rancière and Critical Pedagogy Peter Lang. 67-88
JEREMY F. LANE and SARAH WATERS, eds., 2018. Work in Crisis: Special no. of Modern & Contemporary France, vol.26, no.3, August
JEREMY F. LANE and SARAH WATERS, 2018. Introduction: Work in Crisis: film, fiction and theory Modern and Contemporary France. 26(3), 225-232 LANE, J.F., 2013. Jazz and machine-age imperialism: music, "race", and intellectuals in France, 1918-1945 University of Michigan Press.
LANE, J.F., 2013. Rancière's anti-Platonism: equality, the 'Orphan Letter' and the problematic of the social sciences. In: DAVIS, O., ed., Rancière now: current perspectives on Jacques Rancière Polity. 28-46
LANE, J.F., 2013. A 'Disagreement' over Republican Citizenship? The Aesthetics and Politics of Moslem Opposition to the French Headscarf Law: ICEMiC Working Paper 13.10 http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/icemic/w-papers.aspx.
JEREMY F. LANE, 2012. From 'Amor fati' to 'disgust': Affect, habitus and class identity in Didier Eribon's Retour à Reims French Cultural Studies. 23(2), 127-140
JEREMY F. LANE, 2012. Leaving the South: Frantz Fanon, modern jazz, and the rejection of négritude. In: CELIA BRITTON & MARTIN MUNRO, ed., American Creoles: the Francophone Caribbean & the American South Liverpool University Press. 129-146
JEREMY F. LANE, 2012. Bourdieu's Politics: Problems and Possibilities, reprinted in new paperback edition Routledge.
LANE, J.F., 2012. Between repression and anamnesis: Pierre Bourdieu and the vicissitudes of literary form. In: JEREMY AHEARNE & JOHN SPELLER, AHEARNE, J. and SPELLER, J., eds., Bourdieu and the literary field Edinburgh University Press. 66-82
LANE, J.F., 2007. Ferhat Abbas, Vichy's National Revolution and the Memory of the Royaume arabe L’Esprit Créateur [Special issue: France's Colonies during World War Two]. 47(1), 19-31
LANE, J.F., 2007. Universal Ideals in a Multicultural Age: Pierre Bourdieu's Recent Theory and Politics. In: ERMARTH, E, ed., Re-writing democracy: : cultural politics in postmodernity Aldershot: Ashagte Publishing. 100-115
LANE, J.F., 2007. Deleuze In and Out of this World Paragraph. 30(2), 109-116 LANE, J.F., 2006. Bourdieu's politics: problems and possibilities London: Routledge.
LANE, J.F., 2005. When Does Art Become Art? Assessing Pierre Bourdieu’s Theory of Artistic Fields. In: INGLIS, D. and HUGHSON, J., eds., Sociology of Art: ways of seeing Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 30-42
LANE, J.F., 2005. Jazz as Habitus: Discourses of Class and Ethnicity in Hugues Panassie's Le Jazz Hot (1934) Nottingham French Studies. VOL 44(NUMB 3), 40-53
LANE, J.F., 2004. 'Un étrange retournement'? Pierre Bourdieu and the French Republican Tradition. In: ROBBINS, D, ed., Pierre Bourdieu volume 2. London: Sage. 53-71
LANE, J.F., 2003. Neo-liberalism as "imposition" and "invasion": problems in Bourdieu's politics French Cultural Studies. vol.14(part 3, no. 42), 323-335
LANE, J.F., 2002. "La Femme adultère" d'Albert Camus Vives Lettres. 13, 187-203
LANE, J.F., 2001. The politics and economics of Pierre Bourdieu Modern and Contemporary France. VOL 9(PART 1), 92-94
LANE, J.F., 2000. Pierre Bourdieu : a critical introduction London : Pluto Press.
LANE, J.F., 2000. Review of Habermas,J, L'Int?gration r?publicaine: essais de th?orie politique (1998) Modern and Contemporary France. 8(1), 131-132
LANE, J.F., 2000. Pierre Bourdieu and Hans Haacke: art, autonomy and the market in the era of late capitalism Strathclyde Modern Language Studies. 5, 110-131
LANE, J.F., 2000. The French Contribution to Contemporary Cultural Analysis. In: KIDD, W. and REYNOLDS, S., eds., Contemporary French Cultural Studies London : Edward Arnold. 287-299
LANE, J.F., 1999. La Bourdieumania fait des ravages dans les medias Modern and Contemporary France. VOL 7(NUMBER 1), 105-108
LANE, J.F., 1999. Review of Pinto,L, Pierre Bourdieu et la théorie du monde social (1999) Modern and Contemporary France. 7(4), 545
LANE, J.F., 1999. Review of Bourdieu,P, Les Règles de l'art: genèse et structure du champ littéraire (1999, 2e édition revue et corrigée) Modern and Contemporary France. 7(4), 543
LANE, J.F., 1999. Pierre Bourdieu and the Chronotopes of "Post-Theory". In: MACQUILLAN, M., MACDONALD, G., PURVES, R. and THOMPSON,S., eds., Post-Theory: new directions in Criticism Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press. 89-102
LANE, J.F., 1999. 'Un etrange retournement'? Pierre Bourdieu and the French republican tradition Modern and Contemporary France. VOL 7(NUMBER 4), 457-470
LANE, J.F., 1997. Sociology as Dialogics: M M Bakhtin, Pierre Bourdieu and the Critique of Formalist Aesthetics. In: Face to Face Bakhtin in Russia and the West Sheffield Academic Press Ltd, Sheffield, UK. 120-147
LANE, J., 1997. `Domestiquer l'exotique... exotiser le domestique': the symbiosis of ethnology and sociology in the work of Pierre Bourdieu Modern and Contemporary France. VOL 5(NUMBER 4), 445-456