School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies

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Please use the Department links below to find a specific member of staff in Cultures, Languages and Area Studies.  



Image of Jo Brown

Jo Brown

Lecturer, French and Spanish Language, Faculty of Arts



I specialise in teaching language, primarily French but also Spanish, from beginners to post A Level. I have been teaching within universities and FE/HE colleges for over 25 years, and have been at the Language Centre at Nottingham since 2000. I have taught at most levels within the Language Centre and am currently module convenor for Interfaculty French Stages 1 and 2 and Examinations Officer for the Centre. I have been involved in numerous projects including the introduction of digital language labs, the development of on-line language learning materials for use in VLEs and the current review of the Language Centre's assessment structure . I am also interested in language teaching and learning on our other campuses in Malaysia and Ningbo and have visited the overseas campuses several times over the last ten years.

School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies

University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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