Please use the Department links below to find a specific member of staff in Cultures, Languages and Area Studies.
Jo Brown
Lecturer, French and Spanish Language, Faculty of Arts
I specialise in teaching language, primarily French but also Spanish, from beginners to post A Level. I have been teaching within universities and FE/HE colleges for over 25 years, and have been at the Language Centre at Nottingham since 2000. I have taught at most levels within the Language Centre and am currently module convenor for Interfaculty French Stages 1 and 2 and Examinations Officer for the Centre. I have been involved in numerous projects including the introduction of digital language labs, the development of on-line language learning materials for use in VLEs and the current review of the Language Centre's assessment structure . I am also interested in language teaching and learning on our other campuses in Malaysia and Ningbo and have visited the overseas campuses several times over the last ten years.