School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies

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Image of Mark Sabine

Mark Sabine

Associate Professor in Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies, Faculty of Arts


Research Summary

I have recently completed a book the historical novels of José Saramago, and the first two of a series of articles on contemporary Portuguese and Lusophone African cinema. My new book project focuses… read more

Selected Publications

  • TATIANA PEQUENO and MARK SABINE, 2017. Revista Abril: Apresentação: O Corpo - Versões e Subversões de Muitas Escritas Revista Abril. 9(18), 9-10
  • MARK SABINE, 2016. José Saramago: History, Utopia, and the Necessity of Error 1. Legenda.
  • MARK SABINE, 2016. Lovers, not fighters: Left politics and _brandos costumes_ in _Capitães de Abril_. Journal of Romance Studies. 16(3), 12-35
  • MARK SABINE, 2014. Portuguese Men at War: White masculinities in cinema of the Colonial/Independence Wars. In: ANNA M. KLOBUCKA and HILARY OWEN, eds., Gender, Empire and Postcolony: Luso-Afro-Brazilian Intersections Palgrave Macmillan.

Current Research

I have recently completed a book the historical novels of José Saramago, and the first two of a series of articles on contemporary Portuguese and Lusophone African cinema. My new book project focuses on gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender identities and cultures in Portugal since 1974, through readings of fiction and poetry, cinema, and popular music culture, and through analyses of media, migration, urban geography, and LGBT-oriented business and tourism.

Past Research

My primary research interest for much of the last ten years has been the work of the Nobel Prize-winning novelist José Saramago. I have also researched and published on post-revolutionary Portuguese literature and cultural identity, and on representations of gender and desire in the work of various 19th- and 20th- century Portuguese and lusophone African writers including Fernando Pessoa, Eça de Queirós, Luís Bernardo Honwana, and António Lobo Antunes.

Future Research

My plans for future research include studies of visual culture in contemporary Portugal and lusophone Africa and particularly the cinema of Flora Gomes, and representations of gender, sexuality and identity in lusophone popular music.

  • MARK SABINE, 2022. Saramago and the “Nobel Effect”: On literature as cultural capital, and the activist-author as global celebrity. In: PAULO DE MEDEIROS and JOSÉ N. ORNELAS, eds., Saramago After the Nobel: Contemporary Readings of José Saramago's Late Works Peter Lang. 9-34
  • MARK SABINE, 2021. “Só o mar das outras terras é que é belo”: reinscrições pessoanas em dois textos de al berto. In: RUI GONÇALVES MIRANDA and FRANCESCA PASCIOLLA, eds., Fernando Pessoa: Abordagens Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies in the Humanities. 221-243
  • MARK SABINE, 2019. Where is Cabral? Culture and Post-national Liberation in Nha Fala. In: ANA MAFALDA LEITE, HILARY OWEN, ELLEN SAPEGA and CARMEN SECCO, eds., Post-colonial Nation and Narrative III: Literature and Cinema: Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau and São Tomé E Príncipe, Peter Lang. 161-175
  • MARK SABINE, 2019. "Poeta castrado, não!”: Queer Masculinities in the Poetry of Ary dos Santos. In: PAULO PEPE and ANA RAQUEL FERNANDES, eds., Beyond Binaries: Sex, Sexuality, and Gender in the Lusophone World Peter Lang. 91-121
  • MARK SABINE, 2018. Onde está Cabral? Cultura e libertação "pós-nacional" em _Nha Fala_. In: ANA MAFALDA LEITE, ELLEN W. SAPEGA, HILARY OWEN and CARMEN LÚCIA TINDÓ SECCO, eds., Narrativa e Nação Pós-Colonial 3 - Literatura e Cinema: Cabo Verde, Guiné-Bissau e São Tomé e Príncipe Colibri. 143-154
  • TATIANA PEQUENO and MARK SABINE, 2017. Revista Abril: Apresentação: O Corpo - Versões e Subversões de Muitas Escritas Revista Abril. 9(18), 9-10
  • VINÍCIUS CARVALHO PEREIRA and MARK SABINE, 2017. As des-reterritorializações de Cuiabá na obra de Silva Freire Línguas & Letras: Dossiê: Expressões Literárias, Artísticas e Culturais - Migrações e Diásporas. 18(40), (In Press.)
  • MARK SABINE, 2016. José Saramago: History, Utopia, and the Necessity of Error 1. Legenda.
  • MARK SABINE, 2016. Lovers, not fighters: Left politics and _brandos costumes_ in _Capitães de Abril_. Journal of Romance Studies. 16(3), 12-35
  • MARK SABINE, 2014. Portuguese Men at War: White masculinities in cinema of the Colonial/Independence Wars. In: ANNA M. KLOBUCKA and HILARY OWEN, eds., Gender, Empire and Postcolony: Luso-Afro-Brazilian Intersections Palgrave Macmillan.
  • MARK SABINE, 2013. ‘Inverted Aesthetics: Pessoa, Campos, and António Botto’s Canções’. In: MARIANA GREY DE CASTRO, ed., Fernando Pessoa's Modernity without Frontiers: Influences, Dialogues, Responses Suffolk: Tamesis. 129-141
  • SABINE, M., 2012. Saramago's 'other' Pessoas and 'Pessoan' others: heteronymic creation and the ethics of alterity. In: FRIER, D.G., ed., Pessoa in an intertextual web: influence and innovation Legenda.
  • MARK SABINE, 2012. Rebuilding the Angolan body politic: Global and local projections of identity and protest in O Herói Journal of African Cinemas. 3(2), 201-220
  • SABINE, M., 2011. Refitting the lexicon of resistance: Saramago, symbolism and dictatorship. In: RIBEIRO DE MENEZES, A. and O'LEARY, C., eds., Legacies of war and dictatorship in contemporary Spain and Portugal Peter Lang.
  • MARK SABINE, 2011. Nós Matámos o Cão-Tinhoso: A emasculação de África e a crise do patriarca negro Via Atlantica. 17, 187-200
  • SABINE, MARK, 2010. Putting Violence back in the Picture: Margarida Cardoso’s 'A Costa dos Murmúrios' and Post-Colonial War Anamnesis. In: GONÇALVES DA SILVA, H and ET AL., eds., Conflict, Memory Transfers and the Reshaping of Europe 1st ed. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars’ Press. 291-302
  • SABINE, MARK and CLAIRE WILLIAMS, 2010. Writing after the Dictatorship. In: PARKINSON, STEPHEN, ET AL., ed., A Companion to Portuguese Literature 1st ed.. Tamesis. 182-201
  • ANNA M KLOBUCKA and MARK SABINE, eds., 2010. O Corpo em Pessoa: Corporealidade, Género, Sexualidade Assirio & Alvim.
  • ANNA M. KLOBUCKA and MARK SABINE, 2010. ‘Introdução: Os Corpos de Pessoa’. In: ANNA M. KLOBUCKA and MARK SABINE, eds., O Corpo em Pessoa: Corporalidade, género, sexualidade Lisbon: Assirio & Alvim. 1-47
  • MARK SABINE, 2010. ‘“Contínuo mistério reposto e repetido”: Homossexualidade e heteronímia em Antinous’. In: ANNA M KLOBUCKA, ed., O Corpo em Pessoa: Corporalidade, género, sexualidade Lisbon: Assirio & Alvim. 189-226
  • SABINE, M., 2009. Killing (and) nostalgia: testimony and the image of empire in Margarida Cardoso's A costa dos murmúrios. In: DEMARIA, C. and DALY, M., eds., The genres of post-conflict testimonies Critical, Cultural and Communications Press.
  • SABINE, M.J.L., 2009. Uma Penélope pós-colonial: Des(a)fiando a odisseia lusa. In: ARNAUT, A.P., ed., Antonio Lobo Antunes 1st ed. Lisboa: Edicoes Setenta. 170-174
  • KLOBUCKA, A.M. and SABINE, MARK, eds., 2007. Embodying Pessoa: corporeality, gender, sexuality Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
  • SABINE, MARK, 2007. História, harmonia, verdade: Sobre o simbolismo da música em Memorial do Convento. In: DE MEDEIROS, PAULO and ORNELAS, JOSÉ N., eds., Da Possibilidade do Impossível: Leituras de Saramago Utrecht: Universiteit Utrecht. 283-292
  • KLOBUCKA, ANNA M. and MARK SABINE, 2007. Introduction: Pessoa's Bodies. In: KLOBUCKA, ANNA M and SABINE, MARK, eds., Embodying Pessoa: Corporeality, Gender, Sexuality 1st ed. Toronto : University of Toronto Press. 3-36
  • SABINE, MARK J.L., 2007. Sexual Difference and Gender Dysphoria in Eça de Queirós's O Primo Basílio and O Crime do Padre Amaro Portuguese Literary & Cultural Studies. 12, 117-137
  • KLOBUCKA, ANNA M. and MARK SABINE, eds., 2007. Embodying Pessoa: Corporeality, Gender, Sexuality 1st ed. Toronto : University of Toronto Press.
  • ALVES DE PAULA MARTINS, A. and SABINE, M.J., eds., 2006. In Dialogue with José Saramago: Essays in Comparative Literature 1st ed. Manchester : Manchester Spanish and Portuguese Studies.
  • SABINE, MARK, 2006. Shrinking the Leviathan Erection: The satiric body in Saramago's Memorial do Convento NUI Maynooth Papers in Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies. 14, 1-29
  • SABINE, M.J. and ALVES DE PAULA MARTINS, A., 2006. 'Saramago and the Politics of Literary Quotation'. In: , ed., In Dialogue with José Saramago: Essays in Comparative Literature 1st ed. Manchester : Manchester Spanish and Portuguese Studies. 1-23
  • SABINE, M.J., 2005. "Once but no longer the prow of Europe": national identity and Portuguese destiny in José Saramago's <i>The Stone Raft</i>. In: BLOOM, H., ed., José Saramago Philadelphia: Chelsea House. 75-93
  • SABINE, M.J., 2005. 'The Twilight World of the Lusosexual: Exploring sexuality in Portuguese-language literatures' Journal of Romance Studies. 5(2), 103-112
  • SABINE, M.J., 2004. Gender, race and violence in Luís Bernardo Honwana's <i>Nós matámos o Cão-tinhoso</i>: the emasculation of the African patriarch. In: OWEN, H. and ROTHWELL, P., eds., Sexual/textual empires: gender and marginality in Lusophone African literature Bristol: University of Bristol Press. 23-44
  • SABINE, M.J., 2004. 'Um Olhar Consumidor: O antropofagismo luso-queer nos "Truques de ilusionismo" de Al Berto'. In: ABOUD, S., LOPES, D., MELLO, B. and GARCIA, W., eds., Imagem e Diversidade Sexual São Paulo: Nojosa edições/ABEH. 316-28
  • SABINE, M.J., 2002. 'Re-incarnating the Poet: Pessoa, the body and society in José Saramago's O Ano da Morte de Ricardo Reis' Journal of Romance Studies. 2(2), 37-52
  • SABINE, M.J.L, 2001. 'Once but no longer the prow of Europe': National Identity and Portuguese Destiny in Jose Saramago's The Stone Raft Portuguese Literary and Cultural Studies. 6, 185-203
  • SABINE, M.J., 2001. 'Carlos Reis. Diálogos com José Saramago' Portuguese Literary and Cultural Studies. 6, 251-256
  • SABINE, M.J., 1997. 'Giovanni Pontiero's translation of Clarice Lispector's Family Ties (Laços de Família)'. In: ORERO, P. and SAGER, S.C., eds., The Translator's Dialogue: Giovanni Pontiero Amsterdam : John Benjamins. 145-153

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