MAXEY, R., 2025. "Aging, illness and storytelling in Sigrid Nunez’s What Are You Going Through". In: L.W. MAZZENO and S. NORTON, eds., Literary Works that Help Us Age: Essays by English Professors Palgrave. (In Press.)
MAXEY, R., 2025. "Asian American rhetoric on stage: Performing 'yellow vernacular' in Frank Chin’s The Year of the Dragon". In: WAN, A. and YOUNG, M., eds., Asian American Rhetorical Activity across Time and Space Modern Language Association of America. (In Press.)
MAXEY, R., 2023. "Animals in the Writing of Bharati Mukherjee" ARIEL: A Review of International English Literature. 54(1), 55-71 MAXEY, R., ed., 2023. The Collected Short Stories of Bharati Mukherjee Temple University Press.
MAXEY, R., 2023. “‘Strays... who... never really become part of life’: Human and nonhuman vulnerability in Sigrid Nunez’s The Friend”. In: P. P. PICIUCCO, ed., Contemporary Vulnerabilities Nuova Trauben. 179-193
MAXEY, R., 2023. "Positioning Bharati Mukherjee's Short Stories". In: MAXEY, R., ed., The Collected Short Stories of Bharati Mukherjee Temple University Press. xiii-xxix
MAXEY, R., ed., 2020. 21st Century US Historical Fiction: Contemporary Responses to the Past Palgrave.
MAXEY, R., 2020. “US Historical Fiction since 2000”. In: MAXEY, R., ed., 21st Century US Historical Fiction: Contemporary Responses to the Past Palgrave. 1-14
MAXEY, R., 2020. "Creating a Usable Past: Writing the Korean War in Contemporary American Fiction". In: MAXEY, R., ed., 21st Century US Historical Fiction: Contemporary Responses to the Past Palgrave. 149-169
MAXEY, R., 2019. Understanding Bharati Mukherjee University of South Carolina Press; named a Choice Outstanding Academic Title 2021.
MAXEY, R., 2019. "Bharati Mukherjee and the Politics of the Anthology" The Cambridge Quarterly. 48(1), 33-49; named Editor’s Choice MAXEY, R. and P. MCGARR, eds., 2019. India at 70: Multidisciplinary Perspectives Routledge.
MAXEY, R. and P. MCGARR, 2019. "Framing India at 70". In: R. MAXEY and P. MCGARR, eds., India at 70: Multidisciplinary Perspectives Routledge. 1-11
MAXEY, R., 2016. "National Stories and Narrative Voice in the Fiction of Joshua Ferris" Critique: Studies in Contemporary Fiction. 57(2), 208-216 MAXEY, R., 2015. "Beyond National Literatures: Empire and Amitav Ghosh". In: SONG, M. and SRIKANTH, R., eds., The Cambridge History of Asian American Literature Cambridge University Press. 567-582
MAXEY, R., 2015. "The rise of the 'we' narrator in modern American fiction" European Journal of American Studies. 10(2), Online MAXEY, R., 2012. South Asian Atlantic literature, 1970-2010 Edinburgh University Press.
MAXEY, R., 2012. "Beige outlaws": Hanif Kureishi, miscegenation and diasporic experience. In: SELL, J.P.A., ed., Metaphor and diaspora in contemporary writing Palgrave Macmillan. 80-98
MAXEY, R., 2010. "New American Moralities: Ruth Maxey sits down with Tom Perrotta" Gulf Coast: A Journal of Literature and Fine Arts. 22(2), 272-280 MAXEY, R., 2010. "Tom Perrotta in Conversation about Literary Adaptation" Literature/Film Quarterly. 38(4), 269-276
MAXEY, R., 2008. "Representative" of British Asian fiction? the critical reception of Monica Ali’s Brick Lane. In: MURPHY, N. and SIM, W., eds., British Asian fiction: framing the contemporary Cambria Press. 217-236
MAXEY, R., 2006. "Interview: Meena Alexander" MELUS. 31(2), 21-39
MAXEY, R., 2006. "An Interview With Meena Alexander" Kenyon Review. 28(1), 187-194
MAXEY, R., 2005. "The Messiness of Rebirth as an Immigrant": Bharati Mukherjee’s Changing Language of Migration South Asian Review. 26(2), 181-201