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Building the Student Portal at Nottingham

updated: Nov 2002

Why have a portal at Nottingham?

Introduction E-Learning Structured Data Services The University Website
School Intranets

The changing web

A virtuous circle Living in harmony with existing services

The changing web

The web has had a phenomenal explosion in the number of available pages, and without appropriate strategies for searching and classification much of the useful information is hidden amongst the general noise of sites clamouring for attention.

The web of the future will make much more use of structure, and to adhere more strictly to standards such as XHTML and XML. This allows automated agents to do much of the routine work of resource discovery in the background. Users will make fewer visits to websites themselves, but will expect to have the results of those agents activities presented to them within an integrated interface. Thus it will be enough for me to identify the dozen sites that I visit regularly, and expect to see news collated from those sites into my portal, together with my other institutional items. Compass will hope to intercept that change in web dynamics, and help the student stay up to date in their interests and subject areas.
