Abstract submission

Abstract submission extended to 23rd April 2019.  This is the final abstract deadline

Thank you for your interest in submitting an Abstract for the TCES-UKSB joint conference at the University of Nottingham.

Please note that your society affiliation will determine which abstract template you should use. 

  • TCES members – please use the TCES template and follow the instructions below
  • UKSB members – please use the UKSB template and follow the instructions below.

Non-members can choose either abstract template and follow the instructions below or join our societies:

To become a TCES member

To become a UKSB member

To submit your abstract to TCES-UKSB 2019

please follow the link below:

  • You will need to register and follow the instructions on the Ex Ordo system. 
  • The abstract submission deadline is 23 April.
  • Once you have registered on Ex Ordo you will be able to log back in  anytime before the deadline of 23:59 on 5 April in order to edit your abstract submission.
  • If you have any questions during this process, please contact

TCES members:

Please download the abstract template as follows:

Abstract_template TCES 2019

Please also download the following abstract submission guidelines:

TCES Members_abstract submission guidelines 2019

UKSB members:

Please download the abstract template as follows:

Abstract_template UKSB 2019

Please also download the following abstract submission guidelines:

USKB Members_abstract submission guidelines 2019






The University of Nottingham
University Park

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 5151