CRVCCentre for Research in Visual Culture

Collaborate and research with us

We welcome collaborations and people keen to research and study with us.



If you have ideas for conferences or any other joint working please contact CRVC director Dr Mark Rawlinson.

Doctoral research

We welcome queries from people interested in carrying out doctoral research relating to our areas of specialisation. See our PhD prospectus pages for more information on the opportunities available.


Study with us

We have a range of courses at both undergraduate and masters levels suitable for people who wish to study the areas we cover.


Research Theme 2023-2024 

...and painting continues

The persistence of painting is an art-historical conundrum, one we are interested in exploring in this year-long research theme. Painting has survived many assaults, blows that – at the time – were deemed to be fatal. Ranging from the decline of religious art to the invention of photography, the manifold and various challenges to paintings’ authority have never been decisive. But painting has not just survived, it has also evolved – in tracking the continuity of painting in the face of these challenges we are as interested in exploring the possibilities posed by chemical and material innovations as we are the pressures of stylistic and transmedial shifts.

'…and painting continues' draws on current scholarship on the time and temporalities of art and art history. By emphasising duration, we are keen to capture the many ‘times’ contained and sustained within painting, taking on the temporalities involved in its production, display and reception, as well as those citational and allegorical references that pull individual paintings across time and space.

If this theme resonates with your current research, please email Chloe Julius to discuss possible avenues for collaboration.


Centre for Research in Visual Culture

University of Nottingham
Lakeside Arts Centre
Nottingham, NG7 2RD
