CRVCCentre for Research in Visual Culture

1972, or thereabouts: Film Screening Series

The CRVC has programmed a series of film screenings, all of which were released in 1972. The year presents us with an embarrassment of cinematic riches, with a diverse array from the American New Wave, to international art cinema and exploitation films, as well as work from some of the most significant artists in the history of the medium.

What is noticeable in these films, however, is the continued relevance of the themes with which they deal: authoritarianism, capitalist corruption, social class, race and representation, and ecological crisis. Each screening will be preceded by a short introduction to the film in relation to these issues, and followed by questions, debate and discussion.



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The film screenings for research theme '1972, or thereabouts' have finished. Thank you everyone for joining us!

Centre for Research in Visual Culture

University of Nottingham
Lakeside Arts Centre
Nottingham, NG7 2RD
