The University of Nottingham has teamed up with Sir Vince Cable to provide a free online course on ‘The Politics of Economics and The Economics of Politicians’.
The 3-week course is being run by experts in the School of Economics at the University, and is fronted by Vince Cable - an Honorary Professor of Economics at the University and former Coalition Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills.
It is designed to explore the link between politics and economics by looking at the work of some major political figures and the key economic ideas they adopted. You are not expected to have any prior experience or qualifications, just a keen interest in discovering the link between politics and economics.
This free course starts on Monday 20 March and can be accessed through Future Learn.
The course is the latest MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) to be offered by FutureLearn, the leading global social learning platform, owned by The Open University.
Posted on Friday 24th March 2017