
Introducing Registry and Academic Affairs and Student and Campus Life

Friday, 30 July 2021
A number of changes will be made to the structures of Student Services and Campus Life to streamline the divisions and better align resources.

Student Services will become one unit bringing together the existing Development and Delivery teams that support students across the academic cycle and engage with faculties.

And the Campus Life division has been reorganised into three pillars: Living, EDI and Student Wellbeing. This will better accommodate Disability Support and Support and Wellbeing Officers who are set to move into this function. Recruitment to new roles to support the transition is currently underway and will be confirmed as soon as possible.

Given the changes, the titles of the divisions have been revised to more accurately reflect the type of work undertaken.

Student Services will become Registry and Academic Affairs and Campus Life will become Student and Campus Life.

Registry and Academic Affairs reflects the activity around being the keeper of record, the breadth of front-line work with academics and students supporting education and its contribution to delivery of the Education and Student Experience Strategy. Student and Campus Life better recognises the important role in supporting the student experience, retention, and success.

This change will not alter the contribution made to wider areas, such as support for staff in services such as Chaplaincy, Counselling, and via the EDI Coordinators, but does recognise that the University is developing increasing numbers of distance learning, apprenticeships and part time provision who will make little or no use of the campus.

Student Services Centres are well known and branded on campus, and that title will remain as these provide key services to students. Over time will expand types of services on offer through the centre. The Services to Students webpages will keep their title as this is well understood by students. All changes will take effect from Sunday 1 August.

Student Communications Officer

Communications and Marketing
University Park Campus
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone:+44 (0)115 82 32353