
Our extenuating circumstances policy has been updated

Monday, 23 October 2023
Our extenuating circumstances (EC) policy is here to offer you some academic protection from unforeseen events that are out of your control and might affect your performance in assessments.

We’ve recently made some changes to our ECs policy to offer more clarity and provide you with more nuanced support. It’s important that you familiarise yourself with the policy but you can find out more about specifically what we’ve changed below.

  • For some assessments (and these will be indicated by your school or department of study) you will be able to apply for a short-term extension without having to provide evidence. These short-term extensions will be for a period of up to five working days and will be granted only where circumstances are considered acceptable. This offers you more flexibility for brief issues that do not cause a sustained impact. (Read more in clause 4.2.2 via the link above.)
  • We have made changes to the length of extensions, in that they are either up to 15 working days or, if more time is needed, can be substantially longer. This supports students with the most severe circumstances, granting them adequate time to deal with an issue, and helping to prevent extended assessments from impacting other upcoming assessments or teaching and learning. This has been introduced to reduce the likelihood of compounded issues. (Read more in the FAQs in the Student Enquiry Centre.)
  • Where an assessment has been impacted by severe circumstances, an extension of more than 15 working days may be granted. In some cases, it may be necessary to answer a new assessment. This would usually be where feedback on the original assessment has already been issued to the rest of the academic cohort. A dissertation topic on the other hand, would not usually be changed. 
  • If an EC for exam results is granted for an equivalent sit (usually a first sit – sometimes this will be an opportunity to retake the exam, sometimes taking it for the first time) then the original exam submission, if taken already, will not be marked. Where it has already been marked, it will not be included on your student record. This change has been introduced to offer greater equality to all students. (Read more in clause 4.4.3 via the link above.)
  • The guidance as to what constitutes an EC has been expanded and clarified to offer staff a more nuanced understanding of eligibility to ensure that consistent decisions are taken across the university. (Read more in clause 4.1.7.) This includes guidance on acceptable evidence to support claims, along with the requirement that all ECs meet each of the following criteria: exceptional; outside of the applicant’s control; causing a demonstrably negative impact; relevant timing to the impact. 

Remember that the Extenuating Circumstances Policy is in place to support you and help to safeguard your academic performance.

If you are considering submitting an EC claim, we strongly recommend speaking to a member of your faculty Support and Wellbeing team before doing so. They will be able to offer you advice and guide you through the process while signposting to any wellbeing services you may find useful.

Student Communications Officer

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