Dietetic Practice Education

Dates for out of cohort students

There are many reasons why some students have to undertake practice education placements out of the usual time frames. There are a few students most years. We try to send these students out for their placements during the autumn when we do not routinely have other students out on placement. On most occasions these students will start their placements on the Monday after the B placements have finished. This allows the best chance of them being completed prior to Christmas which we have found works best for students and practice educators.

A placement (out of cohort) dates:

Some A-placement activities are timetabled around Practice Educator availability and to ensure all learning outcomes are met.  Therefore, students are required to attend timetabled sessions and there is limited opportunity for flexibility with these sessions.  If you have any concerns please discuss them with Fiona McCullough, or Kathy Lawson, the Placement Managers.

B placement (out of cohort) dates:

As students will not usually be rejoining their course until the September, there is some flexibility about the start date which can be discussed between the department, the student and the Placement Manager.

C placement (out of cohort) dates:

Students needing to complete their C placement outside of the usual time usually do this during the Autumn semester, starting in September.

Dietetic Practice Education

North Lab
Sutton Bonington Campus
Loughborough, LE12 5RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 6061