School of Economics

Frequently Asked Questions

We have compiled this list of frequently asked questions to help applicants. You might also find it useful to visit the university's frequently asked questions page.

Undergraduate FAQs

How much maths does the course involve?

Although economics necessarily contains mathematics, for most of our courses you choose your mathematics pathway. The pathways available to you will depend on whether you studied A level maths.

All new first year students will receive full details about the pathways and guidance on which one to choose at the beginning of the academic year. Further information can also be found on the course pages of our website.

I am not taking either maths or economics at A level. Will that affect my chances of an offer?

Other than for study of BSc Economics and Econometrics, we do not ask students to have either maths or economics at A level. However, maths is our preferred subject and as we are over-subscribed, this is one of many factors we take into account when distinguishing between applicants.

We welcome applications from students without A level mathematics. Offers to students without A level mathematics are delayed until the point we have received all applications to our programmes. In the past, all students without A level mathematics (who are predicted to make our entry tariff) have received an offer.

Apart from grade predictions at A level, what else do you look for in an applicant?

We take many other factors into consideration. We pay particular attention to (in no particular order): A level subject choice; grades in non-A level qualifications including GCSEs, extra-curricular activities, and school responsibilities.

What if I have a disability?

The school welcomes students with disabilities or special needs (such as dyslexia) and considers their applications on the same academic grounds as those of other students. The school has a Disability Liaison Officer and a range of support services designed to help you during your studies.

Once I have chosen my course, is there any chance of changing it if I find it's not the right one?

It is usually possible to change course within the School of Economics if you have good reason to do so, but it is never guaranteed (the university does not recommend that applicants register for a course with the expectation of being able to change, due to the number of possible restrictions).

For example, some students begin on BSc Economics and switch into specialist degrees such as the BSc Economics and Econometrics after the first year (you would need an A level in maths in order to do this though). Providing that you have taken the required modules, transfer is usually possible. Transfers between departments can be considered but cannot be guaranteed.

Is a year in industry part of the course?

Our courses do not involve an integrated year in industry. However, many of our students take up summer internships at the end of the second year and ‘spring weeks’ or insight days in their first year. This is a more standard way for economics students to gain industry experience without disrupting their three year degree with a whole year out, which is the reason why we do not offer the year in industry as standard.

Students who want to take a year in industry do have the option to take an Optional Placement Year, extending their degree by one year. Find out more about internships and placements.

Please be aware that study abroad, compulsory year abroad, optional placements/internships and integrated year in industry opportunities may change at any time for a number of reasons, including curriculum developments, changes to arrangements with partner universities or placement/industry hosts, travel restrictions or other circumstances outside of the university's control. Every effort will be made to update this information as quickly as possible should a change occur.

Will I have the chance to study abroad as part of my course?

There are several ways to spend a semester abroad at our own campuses in Malaysia and China or at one of our partner universities. These usually take place during the second year of study. Eligibility will depend on the course of study and selection will take into account your performance in year one.

All first year students will receive information about study abroad options in their first semester. Students on joint language courses spend a year abroad in year three. Find out more about studying abroad.

Please be aware that study abroad, compulsory year abroad, optional placements/internships and integrated year in industry opportunities may change at any time for a number of reasons, including curriculum developments, changes to arrangements with partner universities or placement/industry hosts, travel restrictions or other circumstances outside of the university's control. Every effort will be made to update this information as quickly as possible should a change occur.

What is econometrics?

Econometrics is a discipline within the field of economics that focuses on the application of statistical and mathematical techniques to economic data. At Nottingham we teach both theoretical econometrics, which focuses on the mathematical understanding of key tools that are used in econometric work, and applied econometrics, which focuses on using these techniques with real world data to evaluate economic theories, develop models, analyse economic history and forecast into the future.

Our BSc Economics and Econometrics degree enables students to specialise in econometrics modules and may be of particular interest to students who wish to move onto postgraduate study (Masters/PhD), research or academia, or pursue careers in areas such as data science or analytics.

Who will help me if I have any problems at university?

There is a lot of help available should you need it. Within the school, you will be allocated a personal tutor in the first few days. You will usually keep the same tutor for the whole of your course who will help you with any pastoral or academic concerns. There is also a team of friendly and helpful admin staff who will be happy to help with any problem.

Outside the school, there is a university Counselling Service, trained to help you with any problems you may have. The University of Nottingham Health Service, with which you will register when you arrive, provides full dental and medical services.

What can I do if I don't get the grades you have asked for?

Applicants who miss their offer are never automatically rejected and will be reconsidered as appropriate with their newly achieved grades. As a school we may enter clearing, but this is not guaranteed and it depends on how many applicants achieve their offer grades. Please refer to the admissions website for further information.

What careers do students with a degree in economics go into?

Nottingham graduates are highly sought-after in the job market. Our alumni opt for a wide variety of careers, including investment banking, accountancy, tax consultancy, working in government offices, auditing, derivatives trading, management consultancy, mergers and acquisitions, and many more.

What happens if I receive an offer, and then decide I want to defer?

If you have good reasons for deferring, for example, a relevant work placement or a valuable experience abroad, then we would usually allow deferral. Contact the Admissions Office if you wish to discuss deferral.



Postgraduate FAQs

What are the course fees?

Tuition fees can be found on the Student Fees and Finance website.

When are the course start dates?

There is one entry date per year in late September.

How long does the personal statement need to be?

The personal statement is usually less than an A4 side; it includes any additional information that you feel is pertinent to your application.

Once an application has been submitted, how long does it take to receive a decision?

In order for an application to be assessed, we need to see at least one academic reference, complete transcripts and, if applicable, your English Language qualification. Once all of these documents have been received, it usually takes approximately one week to make a recommendation.

Once an offer is made this is sent to our Admissions Office as they confirm all offers and then send out the offer documentation (this can take up to a further two weeks).

Is there any funding available for masters study?

View information about funding for masters degrees.

What careers do students with a masters in economics go into?

Our graduates have a very successful career history and a wide range of careers are available to them, including PhD opportunities.

Is an integrated placement part of the course?

Our courses do not involve an integrated placement option. However, students have the opportunity to apply for internships and placements through initiatives such as the Faculty of Social Sciences placements scheme.

Please be aware that study abroad, compulsory year abroad, optional placements/internships and integrated year in industry opportunities may change at any time for a number of reasons, including curriculum developments, changes to arrangements with partner universities or placement/industry hosts, travel restrictions or other circumstances outside of the university's control. Every effort will be made to update this information as quickly as possible should a change occur.





School of Economics

Sir Clive Granger Building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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