East Midlands Research into Ageing Network (EMRAN)
Discussion Paper Series ISSN 2059-3341

EMRAN Discussion Paper Series ISSN 2059-3341


An online discussion paper series hosted by the East Midlands Research  into Ageing Network (EMRAN).

The EMRAN Discussion Paper series has an editorial board drawn from members of EMRAN. It publishes a wide range of papers such as research protocols, field work, conference or other events, literature reviews, further details about studies published elsewhere, and audits.

Find out more about us.

Latest EMRAN papers


Issue 54 November 2024 Communities of Practice (CoP) - a public health tool for facilitating implementation of research into practice for a falls prevention exercise intervention; an ethnographic study. Orton, E; Alderman, V; Carpenter, H; Coupland, C; Gladman, J; Iliffe, S; Kendrick, D; Lafond, N; Logan, P; Okereke, U; Skelton, D; Masud, T; Timmons, S.

Issue 53 October 2024 Mixed-methods evaluation of the Falls Management Exercise (FaME) Programme Implementation Toolkit. Singh, S; Kendrick, D; Vickers, R; Orton, E.

Issue 52 September 2024 Provisions, Experiential Opportunities And Perceived Value Of Undergraduate Physiotherapy Clinical Placements Within Care Home Settings. Cheng, K S; Booth, V; Cowley, A; Robinson, K; Logan, P A.


Issue 51 May 2023 The association between prescription drugs and vaccines commonly prescribed to older people and bullous pemphigoid: a UK population-based study. Swiderski, M, Vinogradova, Y, Knaggs, R, Harman, K, Harwood, R, Prasad, V, Persson, MS, Figueredo, G, Layfield, C, Gran, S.

Issue 50 March 2023 ‘We went from understanding, to disappointment, resentment and often grief all in the space of 6 months’ A qualitative study of the stories of family carers of care home residents during COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Hinsliff-Smith, K, Griffiths, S, Padley, W, DeVries, K, Brown, J.


Issue 49 December 2022 Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement for PhD Students. Gladman, JRF, Phillips, B, Frost, K, Webster, R, Stocks, J, Horobin, A, Wragg, A, Mundey, M, Humes, D, Woodcock, R, Braybrooke, R, Junor, A, Hendy, C, Morgan, K, Prior, M.

Issue 48 May 2022 The Centre for Rehabilitation and Ageing Research in Nottingham and Derby 2022. Excellence in care through world class research. Gladman JRF, Logan PA, Gordon AL, Harwood RH, Goldberg SE, Radford K, for the Nottingham and Derby Centre for Ageing and Rehabilitation and Ageing Research.

Issue 47 April 2022  NIHR Nottingham Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) Musculoskeletal theme: virtual conference proceedings 24th & 25th February 2022. Gladman, JRF, Piasecki, M, Frost, K; on behalf of the NIHR Nottingham Biomedical Research Centre Musculoskeletal Theme.

Issue 46 March 2022 Older adult forensic mental health patients’ views on barriers, facilitators and ‘what works’ to enable better quality of life, health and wellbeing and to reduce risk of reoffending and harm to self and others. Walker, K, Yates, J, Dening, T, Vollm, B, Tomlin, J, Griffiths, C.


Issue 45 November 2021  Development and validation of quality of life measurement tools used in older peoples’ care homes: a scoping review protocol. Usman A, Lewis S, Clarkson P, Gordon AL

Issue 44 October 2021  Feasibility RCT of neuromuscular electrical stimulation; an Intervention to Maintain and improve neuroMuscular function during periods of Immobility (IMMI):  Protocol. Gladman JRF, Aloraibi S, Greenhaff PL, Piasecki M, Phillips B, Atherton P, Masud T, Sahota O, Logan P, Booth V, Robinson K, Lunt E, Godfrey D, Caswell A, Kerr M, Ollivere B, Gordon AL

Issue 43 September 2021 Effects of neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) in acutely hospitalised adult patients - protocol for a systematic review of randomised controlled trials.  Alqurashi HB, Robinson K, Gladman JRF, Gordon AL, Masud T, Piasecki M

Issue 42 July 2021 Being a PPI representative: what is it like? Caswell, A, Pollock, K, Wilson, E

Issue 41 June 2021 A quality improvement collaborative focussed on safety in care homes in the East Midlands: lessons learned and possible models for scale-up; Gordon, AL, O'Hagan, B, Riley, N, Alder, E, Howard, G, Wade, S, Tanajewski, L, Allsopp, G

Issue 40 May 2021  Does frailty status predict outcome in major trauma in older people: a systematic review protocol, Alqarni AG, Ollivere B, Gladman JRF

Issue 39 April 2021  Outcomes of Oral Protein Supplementation in Hospitalised Older Adults: A Systematic Review protocol of randomised controlled trials, Obasi, AA, Gladman, JRF, Gordon, AL, Masud, T

Issue 38 February 2021 Hormone replacement therapy and dementia risk: nested case-control studies using CPRD and QResearch, Yana Vinogradova, Tom Dening, Julia Hippisley-Cox, Lauren Taylor, Michael Moore, Carol Coupland

Issue 37 February 2021 NIHR Nottingham Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) Musculoskeletal theme: virtual conference proceedings 27th January 2021, Barros FF and Gladman JRF on behalf of the NIHR Nottingham Biomedical Research Centre Musculoskeletal theme

Issue 36 January 2021 Improving the outcomes of elective surgery for older adults: a research impact case study, Phillips BE, Lund JN, Williams JP, Lobo DN, Greenhaff PL, Smith K, Gladman JRF and Atherton PJ.

Issue 35 January 2021  A scoping review of theories of learning that are used for experienced occupational therapy and physiotherapy professionals to develop skills in practice and clinical reasoning, Louise Howe, Pip Logan, Vicky Booth, Rowan H. Harwood


Issue 34 December 2020  Optimal care for the management of older people with frailty non-weight bearing after lower limb fracture: a consensus study protocol. East Midlands Research into Ageing Network (EMRAN) Discussion Paper Series Issue 34 Dec 2020. Aloraibi S, Booth V, Robinson K, Lunt E, Godfrey D, Caswell A, Kerr M, Ollivere B, Gordon AL, Gladman JRF.

Issue 33 Nov 2020 International and multidisciplinary reflections from Austria, Brazil and the UK on interventions using arts, music, and open spaces for enriching long term care facilities (LTCFs).  East Midlands Research into Ageing Network (EMRAN) Discussion Paper Series Issue 33 Nov 2020. Hoedl M, Araújo OSCC, King A, Bestetti MLT, Pompeu JE, da Silva NAME, Hinsliff-Smith K.


 Issue 32 Nov 2019 Research on Long-Term Care Homes for Older People in Brazil: Protocol for a Scoping Review. East Midlands Research into Ageing Network (EMRAN) Discussion Paper Series Issue 32 Nov 2019. ISSN 2059-3341. Wachholz PA, Ricci NA, Hinsliff-Smith K, Devi R, Shepherd V, Villas-Boas PJF, Jacinto AF, Watanabe HAW, Oliveira D, Gordon AL.

 Issue 31 Oct 2019. Sustaining health care innovation in care homes: the SUSTAIN-CH study protocol. East Midlands Research into Ageing Network (EMRAN) Discussion Paper Series Issue 31 Oct 2019. ISSN 2059-3341. Barat A, Gordon AL, Gladman J, Dening T, Martin G, Banerjee J, Devi R.

 Issue 30 Sept 2019. Optimal care for the management of older people with frailty non-weight bearing after lower limb fracture: a scoping review protocol. East Midlands Research into Ageing Network (EMRAN) Discussion Paper Series Issue 30 Sept 2019. ISSN 2059-3341. Aloraibi S, Booth V, Robinson K, Lunt L, Godfrey D, Caswell A, Kerr M, Ollivere B, Gordon AL, Gladman JRF.

 Issue 29 July 2019. Muscle mass, metabolic quality and physical function in frail, older people with non-weight bearing fractures: a cohort study protocol. East Midlands Research into Ageing Network (EMRAN) Discussion Paper Series Issue 29 July 2019. ISSN 2059-3341. Lunt E, Greenhaff P, Gordon AL, Gladman JRF.

 Issue 28 June 2019. Hip fractures and the head. East Midlands Research into Ageing Network (EMRAN) Discussion Paper Series Issue 28 June 2019.  ISSN 2059-3341. Dening T, Parker MG, Banerjee J.

 Issue 27 May 2019. Health and Social Care Research in Lincolnshire - 2019 update. East Midlands Research into Ageing Network (EMRAN) Discussion Paper Series Issue 27 May 2019. ISSN 2059-3341. Ray M, Siriwardena AN, Sisson K, George T, Scott E, Paranagamage P, Herron R,
Luis Vilalta-Perdomo E, Jackson J, Markham C, Astill M, Bray D, Cobbold N, Gaskill D, Holley K, Kent R, Kew R, McCarthy S, Tripp S, Wilkins L, Law G, Smith M, Phung V-H, Spaight A, Spurr K, Brewster A, Boateng I, Rodriguez-Pascual C, Grassby P, Asghar Z, Jenkins A, Jones A, Holden N, Henderson H, Middleton G, Mongan A, Clay C, Martin D, Robinson H, Walsh N, Rogers J, Bright L, Pike L.

Issue 26 Apr 2019.  Healthcare for Older People Research in Leicestershire. East Midlands Research into Ageing Network (EMRAN) Discussion Paper Series Issue 26 Apr 2019. ISSN 2059-3341. Conroy S, Brown J, Bell K, Haunton V, Robinson TG, Banerjee J, Martin G, Regen E, Phelps K, O’Kelly K, Kondova D, Williamson I, Wildbur D, Fallmann S,
Chen L, Oldridge L, Larkin M, Wilson A, Agarwal S, Bankart J, Subramaniam H, Raghavan R, Panerai R, Clague-Baker N, Chung E, Stahl BC, Chen F, Triboan D, Psychoula I, Northcott A.

 Issue 25 Feb 2019. Evaluation of the Guide to Action Care Home fall prevention programme in care homes for older people: protocol for a multi-centre, single blinded, cluster randomised controlled trial (FinCH).  East Midlands Research into Ageing Network (EMRAN) Discussion Paper Series Issue 25 Feb 2019.  ISSN 2059-3341. Logan PA, McCartney K, Armstrong S, Clarke A, Conroy S, Darby J, Gladman J, Godfrey M, Gordon AL, Irvine L, Leighton P, Mountain G, Robertson K, Robinson K, Sach T, Sims E, Horne JC.

 Issue 24 Jan 2019  Delivering Delirium Awareness Training in Derbyshire Care Homes. East Midlands Research into Ageing Network (EMRAN) Discussion Paper Series Issue 24 Jan 2019. ISSN 2059-3341. Dixon A, Chadwick D. Thacker S.


 Issue 23 Oct 2018 What can GPs do with the Electronic Frailty Index?  East Midlands Research into Ageing Network (EMRAN) Discussion Paper Series Issue 23 Oct 2018. ISSN 2059-3341. Giles M, Gladman JRF, Gordon A, Blundell A. Clegg A.

 Issue 22 Sep 2018 Statistical Analysis Plan for the Proactive Healthcare of Older People in Care Homes (PEACH) study. East Midlands Research into Ageing Network (EMRAN) Discussion Paper Series Issue 22 Sept 2018. ISSN 2059-3341. Usman A, Lewis S, Jordan J, Gage H, Devi R, Houseley G, Hinscliffe-Smith K, Long A, Chadborn N, Dening T, Gladman JRF, Gordon AL.

 Issue 21 Jul 2018  A logic model for the implementation of a falls management exercise programme.  East Midlands Research into Ageing Network (EMRAN) Discussion Paper Series Issue 21 July 2018. ISSN 2059-3341. Timblin C, Audsley S, Carpenter H, Coupland C, Gladman JRF, Kendrick D, Lafond N, Logan PA, Orton E, Skelton DA, Timmons S, Ward D.

 Issue 20 June 2018 Health care for older people research in Nottingham and Derby 2018. Excellence in care through world class research.  East Midlands Research into Ageing Network (EMRAN) Discussion Paper Series Issue 20 June 2018.  ISSN 2059-3341. Gladman JRF, Masud T, Harwood RH, Sahota OS, Logan PA, Drummond AE, Gordon AL, Goldberg SE, Blundell A, Robertson K, Robinson K, King A, Garden G, Godfrey M, Marshall F, Ong T, Anthony K, Goodwin R, Lunt E, van der Wardt V.

 Issue 19 May 2018 Research with and for Older People at Loughborough University.  East Midlands Research into Ageing Network (EMRAN) Discussion Paper Series Issue 19, May 2018. ISSN 2059-3341. Hignett S, Hogervorst E, Griffiths P, Brooke-Wavell K, Gibb A, Maguire M, Morgan M, Gyi D, Hill K, Haslam C, Haslam R, Bogin B, Morris A, Barnes J, Arnold J, Havenith G, Damodaran L, Bandelow S, Clemes S, Olphert W, Esliger D, McDermott H, Nicolle C, Cook S, Cook M, Glass J, Folland J, Gale A, Jun T, Machin C, Mansfield N, Price A, Marshall R, Gross H, Hirsch D, Richardson J, Travers C, Padley M, Taneva S, Summerskill S, Allen R, Allison S, Adamu Z, Bust P, Chen Y-L, Clifford A, Corrie H, David B, de Haas M, Gosling E, Hartley C, Jais C, Karali S, Kassam S, Kerslake R, Madden M, Ozoh C,
Poole K, Sutton L, Treece G, van der Ward V

 Issue 18 Mar 2018 Scoping review of tools for multidimensional needs assessment of community dwelling older people.  East Midlands Research into Ageing Network (EMRAN) Discussion Paper Series Issue 18, March 2018. ISSN 2059-3340. Chadborn N, Craig C, Sands G, Gladman JRF.

 Issue 17 Feb 2018  Delirium in the Emergency Department.  East Midlands Research into Ageing Network (EMRAN) Discussion Paper Series Issue 17, February 2018. ISSN 2059-3341. Miller CJ, Stanford C, Stoneley S

 Issue 16 Jan 2018 Care Home Research in the East Midlands. East Midlands Research into Ageing Network (EMRAN) Discussion Paper Series. Issue 16, January 2018.  ISSN 2059-3341.Craig C, Gordon AL.


 Issue 15 Aug 2017 Health and WellBeing amongst Older People Reserch in Northamptonshire. East Midlands Research into Ageing Network (EMRAN) Discussion Paper Series. Issue 15, August 2017. ISSN 2059-3341. Poole H, Sixsmith J, Parkes J, Ward A, Pyer M, Campbell J, Machado L, Rehling T, Youell J, Carter J, Oyebode J, O’Malley M, Anthony K, Rogers S, Jones J, Siddons L, Smith L-A, Kay T, Fraser M, Score J, El Khoury L, Hameed A, Albalbesi N, Durrant L, Al-Zubaidi R, Al-Rayahi I, da Silva K, Taylor J. 

 Issue 14 July 2017 Hydration in Care Homes: A series of focus groups in Nottinghamshire. East Midlands Research into Ageing Network (EMRAN) Discussion Paper Series.  Issue 14 July 2017. Butler D. & Craig C.

 Issue 13 April 2017 Benchmarking the prevalence of care problems in UK care homes using the LPZ-i: a feasibility study.  East Midlands Research into Ageing Network (EMRAN) Discussion Paper Series.  Issue 13 April 2017. Darby J, Horne J, Lewin J, Crocker C, Coates E, McEwan K, Schols J, Halfens R, Lohrmann C, Eglseer D, Gladman JRF & Gordon AL.

 Issue 12 March 2017 Study protocol for the Nottingham Spinal Health (NoSH) Study: A cohort study of vertebral fragility fractures addmitted to hospital. East Midlands Research into Ageing Network (EMRAN) Discussion Paper Series.  Issue 12 March 2017. Ong T, Sahota O, Gladman JRF & Quraishi N.


 Issue 11 October 2016 Health care for older people research in nottingham and Derby 2016. Excellence in care through world class research. Gladman JRF, Masud T, Harwood RH, Sahota OS, Logan PA, Drummond AE, Gordon AL, Goldberg SE, Blundell A, Robertson K, Robinson K, King A, Garden G, Godfrey M, Marshall F, Ong T, Anthony K, Goodwin R.

 Issue 10 September 2016 Health care for older people research in Lincolnshire. Siriwardena AN, Bridle C, Middlemass J, Allen-Collinson J, Duckett T, Hodgson T, et al.

 Issue 9 July 2016 Diagnosing urinary tract infection in adults: a mapping review. O’Kelly K, Kondova D and Conroy S.

 Issue 8 June 2016 Proposed Antihypertensive Medication Withdrawal Protocol. Harrison JK, Conroy SP, Welsh T, Van der Wardt V, Gladman JRF.

Issue 7 February 2016 Commissioning to promote resilience in older people via a third sector services. Sands G, Gladman J, Chadborn N. Craig C.


 Issue 6 October 2015 Protocol for a systematic review of the physical health benefits of chair based exercise for older people. Robinson K, Gladman JRF, Masud T, Logan P & Hood V.

 Issue 5 September 2015 Health care for older people research in Nottingham and Derby.  Excellence in care through world class research. Gladman J, Masud T, Harwood R, Sahota O, Logan P, Drummond A, Gordon A, Goldberg S, Blundell A & Robertson K. 

 Issue 4 August 2015 Older People in England & Wales: an overview of their health and well being. Tuomainen HM, Gladman JRF, Chadborn N, Craig C, & Sands G.

 Issue 3 July 2015 Preparatory review of studies of withdrawal of anti-hypertensive medication in older people. Harrison JK, Gladman JRF, Van Der Wardt V, Conroy SP.

 Issue 2 June 2015 Chair based exercise: a survey of care homes in Nottinghamshire. Robinson K, Gladman J, Masud T, Logan P. & Hood V.

 Issue 1 May 2015 General Practitioners' views of blood pressure control in people with and without dementia.  van der Wardt V, Conroy S, Tagger J. & Gladman J. 







East Midlands Research into Ageing Network

Division of Rehabilitation and Ageing
B Floor, Medical School
Nottingham, NG7 2UH

telephone: +44 (0) 115 823 0239
fax: +44 (0) 115 823 0231
email: john.gladman@nottingham.ac.uk