Department of
Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Image of Michael Somekh

Michael Somekh

Professor of Photonics, Faculty of Engineering



Prof Mike Somekh graduated in Materials Science from Oxford University and completed a PhD in Microwave Electronics from Lancaster University. He subsequently returned to Oxford, firstly as a research associate, then as an EPSRC Research Fellow. After three years as lecturer and head of the Wolfson Unit for Micro-NDE (non destructive testing) at University College, London, he came to the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Nottingham in 1989 and was promoted to Reader in 1992 and Professor of Optical Engineering in 1995. Mike founded the Applied Optics Group in Nottingham and initiated the research work in Optics in the University. He has been investigator on two platform grants (one as PI, the other CI). His research spans optical microscopy and ultrasonics and is actively involved in presenting keynote and plenary papers at major conferences in both areas. In 2007 he co-founded the Institute of Biophysics Imaging and Optical Science (IBIOS) in the University, a truly interdisciplinary centre with engineers, chemists and biologists operating in shared laboratory and office space. In 2012 Mike was elected to a Fellowship of the Royal Academy of Engineering, in recognition of his contribution to interdisciplinary research. In 2014 he joined was appointed head of department and Chair Professor in the Electronics and Information Engineering at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. He joint Shenzhen University Center for Nanophotonics, as Distinguished Professor, in 2018, where he is developing various imaging programs in optics and ultrasonics. He has recently been granted A Thousand Talent Award by the Chinese Government to support his research. Since 2018 he has taken up a part-time appointment back at Nottingham University where, he is developing strong international collaborations, in addition to pursuing his research interests in novel imaging.

Research Summary

Optical and computational imaging, laser ultrasonics, plasmonics

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 95 14081